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How Will Saturn Turning Direct Affect You?
Saturn Retrograde Ends Saturn, the celestial task master, has been moving backwards through the sky since New Year’s Eve. Finally, it goes back into direct motion (out of retrograde) on May 16th. This splendid celestial event is going to bring all kinds of blessings and life will be a little less hard for most signs.

The sign that was hardest hit by the retrograde in the first place was the sign of Virgo, as Saturn was in the sign of the Virgin when it started travelling backwards last New Year’s in the first place. Many Virgos lost long term partners or property during this retrograde, which was almost five months long. The sign of Capricorn also suffered some personal losses during this retrograde and so did the sign of Taurus. However, as unfair as some of these developments may have seemed, you may have to just accept your losses and move on. Saturn in very much a planet of destiny and once her actions put events into motion it is very hard to stop them.

If you were born under any of the earth signs, then you will be happy to know that you are well on your way to both financial and emotional recovery. Although certain things may be gone from your life forever, you need to be satisfied that these changes were all for the best. Saturn is a planet of permanence, so once it goes forward, it may be time to say goodbye to those things that have been holding you back in life.

Air, fire, and water signs were not hit as hard by the Saturn retrograde, but they may have felt a bit held up when it came to dealing with the government, the educational system, or banks. In general too, it may have seemed like authorities were a little more incompetent or unsympathetic towards the public than usual.

When Saturn goes backwards in the sky, we are forced to straighten up and examine our lives. We can get away with a lot less than usual as life usually seems stricter or unfair. Overwork is often a characteristic of Saturn retrograde and so is a restricted cash flow. This is true for all signs. Most of us just went through five months of tightening our belts, as the recession made resources scarce.

Saturn also rules legal, employment, government; bank and career matters and many of us may have been dealing with many personal and professional trials. Saturn. in particular, affects things like immigration, insurance, taxes or loan repayments. It is also the planet of house and home so paying the mortgage might have seemed much harder. If you were going through divorce proceedings or any other type of legal fight of some kind during this time, negotiations may have seemed stalled or held up for irrational reasons.

Once Saturn goes forward it is like a green light for things to go more sanely. Anyone who has been acting irrationally in your life is likely to give up their position and give you a little more leeway. If you have been waiting for good news regarding a loan, employment, or immigration, you are likely to get it within the next month as the direct Saturn unsnarls any red tape that may have been holding you up.

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By Darlene, Tuesday, May 19, 2009 12:29:55 AM
Hooray! Saturn's going to unsnarl my red tape! I feel relieved and hopeful! Wish me luck!
By Janice, Saturday, May 16, 2009 02:06:49 AM
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