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How Will The Fall Equinox Affect Your Zodiac Sign?
Fall Equinox Affect Your Zodiac Sign The Sun enters Libra, the sign of relationships, on September 22, marking the Autumnal Equinox in the northern hemisphere and the Spring Equinox below the equator.

It's fitting that Libra also represents balance, since day and night are nearly the same length this time of the year. Even the word ‘equinox’ is derived from the Latin word for ‘equal.’

No matter what your sign, this is an excellent time to make sure that your life reflects fairness and equality. Strive to meet people halfway in all your encounters, and you will be richly rewarded. Indeed, compromise is key now, and those who conduct themselves with poise and level-headedness will stay miles ahead of the game. Seek common ground rather than engaging in conflict, and you'll easily accomplish your goals!

However, if only life was just that simple. There are other celestial events going on in the sky that day, besides the Sun entering Libra that are going to affect each sign individually.

Here is a look at how your Zodiac sign can expect life to unfold during this Fall Equinox.


During the Fall Equinox, you will feel the energies shift so that everything becomes a little “lighter” and easier to deal with in general. The Sun in Libra will bring people’s sense of humor back and there will be a little less emphasis on issues such as health, debt, and catching up with your work load. By mid-month, you should receive good news about a job promotion and many of you will probably hear about a wedding or child being born about that time as well.


Venus is Virgo, which will ease your financial burdens, and give you more freedom. However, restrictive influences from Saturn and Mercury in Virgo are making you restless. You may be longing for a change of scene. By October 12th, you might be following your heart rather than your rational judgment when it comes to making an important judgment about a romance. Many of you will be returning to a former partner or even proposing to that person.


Mercury, your ruler, is still retrograde so communications and technology might still be challenged. However, the Equinox is going to bring what seemed to be a very emotionally unjust or even brutal situation to an end. Many of you will find redemption for what was a very rough summer. You could see the return of a lover or an ex into your life or you may return to a job or career scenario that you thought was over. In both love and career, your future this fall and winter looks very bright.


The Autumn Equinox brings great news regarding money and also by mid-October, you could receive good news about an investment or a property. The financial pressure you have been under will be considerably less as well. When Ceres and Jupiter goes direct two weeks from now, it will seem like the hard times are over and that you are entering a new bright phase in your life. Many Crabs might also find themselves with a new job or going back to school for a while.


Life definitely lightens up a little as the Sun enters Virgo and you will notice that your friends will suddenly feel more like socializing. A lucky break might also be in store for you financially. The evening of the 22nd could bring Lions a new love. However, you may still find that your work load is very heavy thanks to Mercury and Saturn both being retrograde in the fussy sign of Virgo. It will seem sometimes like there is no pleasing a loved one especially when it comes to keeping the house clean.


Venus is in your sign for the next two weeks, which makes your life a little easier, especially financially. However, Saturn and Mercury in your sign means that communication will still continue to be difficult with a partner or a loved one. Furthermore Ceres, the corn goddess, is also backwards in your sign which could signify that many of you will be going through a divorce or separation of some kind.


Mercury, the ruler of air signs, is still retrograde so communications and technology might still be challenged. However, the Equinox is going to bring you a lot of satisfying experiences in the near future. You could see the return of a lover or an ex into your life or you could find a job that is very satisfying. You may feel like justice is finally going to be done as things begin to go your way again. You may feel that aloof the things that were wrong in your life will suddenly be made right.


The Fall Equinox brings good news regarding money and also by mid-October, you could receive good news about an investment or a property. It is likely that someone will pay a debt back or that a debt could be called “square” even if you did not pay it back. When Ceres, the corn goddess, goes direct in your sign two weeks from now, you will barely remember the dark days of this past summer when could not get people to understand you and your cash flow was reduced to a trickle. Things will be much better!


Life definitely will seem much easier as the Sun enters Libra and you will notice that your friends will suddenly seem more supportive. You might also find it easier to travel or to convince your boss that you are the one to take on a promotion or project a work.  A lucky break might also be in store for you romantically. The evening of the 22nd could bring Archers a new love. However, you may still find that your work load is very heavy thanks to Mercury and Saturn both moves backwards in the fussy sign of Virgo.


Life lightens up for you as the Sun enters the fair minded sign of Libra and you will notice that your friends will suddenly seem more supportive. You might see that more artists or eccentric types are going to be entering your life soon. The evening of the 22nd could bring Goats a new romance. However, you may still find that your work load is very heavy thanks to Mercury and Saturn moving backwards in the sign of Virgo. If you haven’t done taxes in a few years, or not kept up with other important paperwork, it could catch up with you at this time.


Mercury, the ruler of air signs, is still retrograde, so communications and technology might still be an issue in your life. However, the Fall Equinox promises a much brighter immediate future for you. You could find a new love or a new job. However, there are still several planets opposing Jupiter and Neptune in your sign so you might find yourself facing all kinds of relationship issues. This is especially true if you are going through a divorce or dealing with a person with addiction issues.


The Fall Equinox holds splendid revelations for your immediate future, including lots of good news regarding money and the health of a loved one. It is likely that someone will pay a debt back, that you will receive an inheritance or that you will win the lottery. However, Uranus is going to be facing off with Uranus in your sign and that can mean challenges in some important relationships. Communication with female relatives could be especially feisty at this time so you should avoid being critical or sarcastic, as others will not share your eccentric sense of humor.

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By Michel, Tuesday, September 22, 2009 10:23:59 AM
Good! I could use good news during what feels like a wretched year.
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