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How Will Today's Full Moon in Cancer Affect Your Sign?
Zodiac Cancer A full moon in Cancer is generally a time of sensuality, fulfillment and gratitude for most people.  Most signs will be feeling quite level emotionally.  The day before this full moon the Sun enters the sign of Pisces which is also a water sign. People will be acting more from their heart then their head which is interesting because other planetary influences will be “rocking the boat” when it comes to relationships over the next few days.

On the twentieth there is an incredible line up of planets in Aquarius. Mars, Mercury and Neptune put a great deal of emphasis on the need for change in a relationship. Some people will need to have a heart to heart with their loved ones as they may feel that a mutual situation is not serving them anymore.  On the 21st Mercury enters Pisces followed by Mars entering Pisces which adds even more drama and emotion to already loaded situations.

Starting with this new moon people will be following their feelings as opposed to reason as many planets shift into Pisces. Some will experience heavy dreams as the subconscious propels them to express their discontent or to finally go after what they want romantically.

Here is an idea of how this very heavy full moon in the sensitive and intuitive sign of Cancer may affect your sign.


This full moon will have a great deal of influence on your career and you may find yourself torn between romantic obligations and work deadlines. Do not let a lover or spouse create scenes that sabotage your hard work. It is possible to that this individual may need to find a job of their own to take their focus off of you.


The full moon in Cancer gives you a certainty about who you want to be with in life. You will find the personal strength to start making those changes that to be made so you can achieve your aims. This may make a current partner or someone from the past very unhappy.  Some disagreements or airing out of feelings may be necessary in the next few days in order for the truth to come out so you can move forward.


The full moon in Cancer is very romantic and emotional for you.  A loved one may commit to you with his or her whole heart. However as sincere as this is, you may still be facing all kinds of obstacles and objections from others who may not feel that this relationship is in your best interests.  Remember to use your head as well as your heart when it comes to contemplating your future with this person.


The moon in your sign is going to bring you a very gratifying, sensual experience as well as a commitment from someone to see a project that is near and dear to your heart through. You can also expect a cash windfall. Your money picture is definitely going to improve by leaps and bounds in the next few weeks.


You may feel an almost agonizing need to pursue someone romantically yet at the same time you may have the need to follow through on your obligations elsewhere. When it comes to romance your motto over the next few days is going to have to be “where there is a will there is a way” as many obstacles to your love will present themselves.


Although the evening of this full moon might have you head over heels in love with someone the week after might have you wondering what you were thinking. Your challenge over the next few weeks is going to be deciding if fulfilling your lust is worth the impracticality and expense of a relationship.


Although you may be the winner in a romantic triangle or make a love conquest of some sort you are also going to incur the wrath of someone else over the next few weeks. It is very important that you not indulge in revenge or gossip or take the bait if someone challenges you emotionally.  Be satisfied with the love in your life that is truly yours and be humble about it.


This full moon is likely to bring you a luxury of some kind that will increase your daily convenience or comfort. This is an excellent day to buy a new bed or pamper yourself at a spa. Beware of a jealous neighbor who may be spreading rumors about you. You might also be tempted to undermine a rival by spreading gossip but it is absolutely the worst approach for you to take.


This full moon is going to bring you a lot of satisfaction romantically but you need to be careful that you do not neglect your responsibilities at work. You may just feel like escaping your work situation altogether but as dreamy and lazy as you feel this is not a good idea at this time. Try to find that equal balance between work and romance.


The full moon is likely to bring you some quality time with your family. The evening is an excellent time to show off your cooking skills to family and friends. However the next few days after the moon may prove challenging as someone fails to keep a promise to you. You may also be informed that vacation plans may be put off or cancelled.


This full moon you will feel quite satisfied with life in general. Whether you are with a partner or not you will feel quite empowered by decisions that you have made regarding your emotional life. The planets do point to you being alone in the next few weeks but with so many planets in your sign it is hard to go wrong; you have plenty of cosmic support to tell you that, alone or not, you are walking the right path.


This full moon will find you happily celebrating some kind of victory with your family. It could be that you have recently received a raise or a promotion. The Sun in your sign pretty much guarantees that the world is your oyster over the next few weeks. Your only challenge might be avoiding individuals that may be trying to bait you or argue with you because they have psychological or addiction problems. You may find that an intervention may be the only way to deal with a particularly problematic person that is standing in the way of your success.

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By Happy, Sunday, February 20, 2011 02:57:22 AM
Is it possible for there to be two full moons in Cancer in one year. I was always thought that the full moon was in the opposite sign as the sun. As this is the tail end of Aquarius, I believed that the moon would be in Leo. Since last month when the sun was in Capricorn we had a Cancer full moon too. Thanks for clearing this up for me.
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