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How Will the Full Moon in Virgo Affect You March 19th, 2011
The Full Moon in Virgo on March 19th  is at 29 degrees Virgo at 1:10 pm. The Sabian symbol for this degree is a “man reading a piece of paper to gain secret knowledge.” This promises to be a full moon that has some revelations, probably have a highly charged, emotional nature. That is because full moons tend to be dynamic, dramatic and are the culmination of things just merely thought about in the past.  

The sign of Virgo is about “power behind the scenes.” It is about secretive, manipulative actions accomplished with a polite smile on the face.  Virgos are about politics and policing situations that they feel are beyond their control. 

Power struggles are likely, especially if you know an earth sign such as a Virgo, Taurus or Capricorn on the 19th between 2:10 pm and 4:03 pm. This is when the moon is going to go off course. By the end of the day the full moon will be waning in the sign of Libra, which is a much gentler, more diplomatic influence.

Here is how the Full moon in Virgo might affect your sign –


This is a day when you could be blindsided by the fine print in a contract or a membership agreement that you did not read thoroughly when you signed it. Trying to wriggle out of this agreement might only may things worse, especially if you resist the rules in the afternoon.  Later in the evening relax with friends to help get rid of stress.


This is a day when you may feel that the universe is sending you a secret message through a beautiful occurrence or a coincidence. Later in the evening you will feel like spending quality time with the person you love.  You may feel like you have received affirmation that you are on the right path in life. Your sex life sizzles.


This day may reveal a path to improving your money situation or career path that has been kept from you from jealous rivals. Finding out that you were deliberately kept behind might be hurtful but it is best to move forward and leave well enough alone. Others will be marveling at your success by the end of the year. Tonight the Libra moon lights up your love life and gives it a special electric spark.


Watch out for gossip on this day which could be very hurtful to you. Something could be repeated to you that comes from an unexpected source. Keep your feelings about this secret for now for if you reveal what you know you could sabotage an important project.  Keep your eye on the ball and keep moving forward no matter how mean or backstabbing others seem.


This is a day in which you might become more of a believer in psychic occurrences or intuition. Today you are likely to get some kind of message from the beyond in the form of a coincidence that absolutely astounds you. Later in the evening you can look forward to an evening of unwinding with a very special someone.


You may have been spying on someone in your life to get the information you need to conclude a matter. Your vigilance may finally pay off.  By this date you should have the answers you want. Some Virgos may not be pleased with their findings and it is important to reign in your emotions, especially in the afternoon on the 19th when your judgment may be off.  You might be upset by events.  As the moon slips from your sign into Libra tonight take the time to pamper yourself with a bath, meditation, reading or whatever it is you like to do.


People are going to deliver information that is deliberately framed in a way to try and separate you from a friend. The motivation behind this is jealousy so do not take the bait. The moon in your sign later in the date will bring romance and contentment. This is an excellent night to show off your cooking skills, especially that secret recipe for the dish you make best.


You might be dealing with a secret to do with an inheritance or a family matter. You may be torn about spilling the beans. In your case some things are better left unsaid as betrayal is likely to be punished with extreme prejudice if you expose someone. Tonight is excellent for sharing good times with one special friend.


If you are having an affair or your lover is then it could get exposed today. A partner who is acting weird may finally confess to having a health problem that you had no idea about.  Some Archers could receive news about an inheritance. There is also a possibility you could acquire a new piece of art later in the day.


Someone may be lying to you about their fidelity or loyalty to you today. In fact this betrayal may become apparent to you through the written word somehow. Your challenge will to keep calm while getting to the bottom of the situation without becoming too stressed out about it, especially in the afternoon.


Early on in the day you might find out something about a child that is near or dear to you that is upsetting. There could be a negative report or mark involved. Later in the evening you are in a sensuous mood as the moon slips into the sensual sign of Libra. This is a good night to discuss your future with a partner.


You may feel very attracted to exploring your psychic side and the secrets of the ancient world today.  What you read or discover could make you feel empowered. You could discover a side of yourself that you were not aware of through writing or expressing yourself through art. Later in the evening is good for laid back activities like watching television or seeing a movie with a friend.

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