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How Will the Jupiter Retrograde Affect You?
Jupiter Retrograde Jupiter is retrograde from October 4 to December 25th in the communication and performance sign of Gemini. The giant wealth planet swings through the degree of 16:23 in Gemini and then reverts backward to  0:22 degrees in Taurus by Christmas Day.

This is a very interesting passage that begins with news that somehow life will be a bit harder; many signs in the Zodiac may be doing without some kind of essential service or something they take for granted for a few weeks. 

There will also be huge drives for charity. Gemini natives and those who have Jupiter in Gemini in their chart may have to beware of being taken advantage.

As Gemini is such a theatrical sign, it is possible for people to take ideas too far. Beware of investing in something that is too good to be true. Do not confuse mania with good ideas. Beware of very persuasive writers and lies in both the media and the internet. You can expect the advertising for holiday gifts and toys to be quite creative and even wacky.

There is going to be news of great corruption to do with a famous person or company. If you have been getting away with murder, it is likely you will be caught out that day, especially if you are an air sign like Libra, Aquarius, or Gemini.

The entire period until Christmas is all about not being conned, not falling on your sword for the wrong thing, and being very careful with money. Jupiter is the planet of wealth and some may find this period of time challenging financially. There is definitely going to be market frenzy and a lot of misinformation about the world economy.


When the wealth planet Jupiter goes backwards, money can become very tight but your innovative sign won’t care. The stars predict that you will find all kinds of ways to get together with your friends without spending a lot of money. In fact, the lack of money is something that may help you bond even more tightly with a few special fun people.


Jupiter in Gemini is encouraging you to let go of outworn ideas about everything you hold dear in life and transform for the better. Knowledge and riches may come for you these upcoming months, but it may be at the expense of your emotional well-being.  Be careful not to succumb to temptations or impulse spending.


This is a very unique time for you as you are able to manipulate others as you please. Riches are possible because people are more vulnerable to your charms than usual. Your instincts are dead-on about others. What you want seems to come to as if by magic at the moment; you are what you think.


You may find it a little harder than usual to hold on to some of your material possessions. You may decide to make some money by selling what you own or it just may simply be time to pass down an heirloom object.  Be careful to keep up with paying your bills as repossession will be frequent this fall.


This fall is a time when you may find yourself spending a great deal of time with a brother, sister, or cousin. You may take a short journey to a place that you spent a lot of time as a child. When it comes to money you may be asked to attend a seminar to explain how to handle debt or how to save money.


You need to be quite careful of not spending too much money on a home renovation project. Your desire to be creative could be a bit hard on your pocket book. There could also be a litigation taking place in your life this fall; be careful not to let the stress of this conflict over money or property affect your health.


The influence of Jupiter in Gemini is going to find you squirreling away with a special someone. The two of you may not have much money to go out, but you will not mind. You will quite enjoy spending romantic times together cooking dinners and doing simple things like taking walks in the park.


If you ever wanted to embark on a weight loss plan, then October 4th is the day for you to start. Jupiter is a planet that symbolizes expansion, but when it goes backwards in the sky, people tend to lose weight. However, do not enroll in an expensive, glamorous gym as Jupiter retrograde does not bring much cash to you.


There may be a lot of discussion between you and a partner about shared resources. Jupiter in retrograde allows you to find the time to examine your expenses and find out how to make more money so all can benefit. Be sure not to overextend yourself and be sure that you can absolutely afford to contribute to a favorite charity.


Jupiter in Gemini encourages you to speak passionately for what you believe in. However, it is possible to say too much. Beware of overcommitting to a charity. It is also important that you be realistic about a mission or a pet cause. Can you realistically afford to get involved as much as you would like to without going broke?


You are slowly but surely climbing upwards in the world. You have fame, status, and a good reputation, but still you may not feel fulfilled. Jupiter in Gemini may challenge you to restructure and find new creative ways to earn respect and recognition in the world.


Jupiter in Gemini is going to have you thinking about your true calling in life. It might be painful to do so, but this is time to assess how others have taken advantage of you and what you can do about it. This fall is all about you taking power and getting back things that others may have stolen from you, like credit for a job well done.

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