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How Will The Mercury Retrograde Affect You?
Mercury Retrogade Affects Your Zodiac Sign On April 17th, Mercury, the planet of communication, goes retrograde in Taurus. This lasts until May 11th. This is a slow, plodding, and infuriating influence. People will seem uncommunicative and stubborn. It will be an influence that is especially hard on all of the earth signs. They may find that it is much harder than usual to persuade others to see their way.

The fact that it is in Taurus also makes this more of a passive aggressive influence. There may be lots of head butting with authority figures and tons of red tape to wade through with just the simplest of applications.

As Taurus is a domestic sign, this Mercury retrograde could slow down things to do with the household. There could be problems with digital clocks and fire alarms. Stoves, furnaces, and other electrical appliances could break down.

There will also more than likely be delays and frustrations to do with travel. Yet another issue will be road rage. It is very likely under this influence that even compliments will be misunderstood as being sarcastic, even if they are genuinely meant.

Here is a look at how this particular retrograde might affect your sign.


The passive aggressive nature of this retrograde could drive you a bit crazy. It may feel like nobody wants to cooperate with you. You may not be able to get a “yes or no” answer out of an authority figure. This is also not a good time for your sign to sign a lease on a rental unit or buy a house. It will be likely that place needs very expensive repairs that reveal themselves after the retrograde is over.


This retrograde is going to hit you in the pocket book. You may find yourself dealing with problems with bosses at work or have your hours cut back somehow. It may also be quite hard to get others to see your point of view. You should be careful around the home as you will also be more accident prone than usual. Saying as little as possible might also be a good idea as others are likely to misunderstand your intentions.


This retrograde might give you more of a chance to relax, as it will put things that were previously thought as frantic matters on hold for a while. Still you might be dealing with a stubborn attitude from an important person in your life. This is no time to bring up big issues from the past, even though someone really needs to address their behavior. Hold on until June when the Sun is in your sign before you make any big moves.


The Taurus retrograde will make you feel at the mercy of circumstances and indeed people will be more aggressive. If you are bossed around at work, then it is best that you address it through the proper channels. Do not take on a bully on your own as you will not likely win the fight. This is also not a good time this year for you to adopt a pet or sign a lease.


You should avoid buying furniture or getting a makeover while Taurus is retrograde, as you are likely to regret your choices later. You should also avoid adopting that pet no matter how cute it looks. You will definitely feel a big slow down at work and some of you may even be sent home because of a cut down in hours. Teenagers might also be especially insolent.


Retrograde Mercury in Taurus is bound to cause misunderstandings in your personal life. The key is to not “take the bait” of an individual, who is consistently trying to provoke you. You are also especially accident prone at this time and so are your pets. You need to avoid taking unnecessary risks for the entire period of this retrograde.


Retrograde Mercury in Taurus is going to make you feel “pushed around” by stubborn or irrational individuals. If you do get into a fight with a special someone, you may have to let the situation run its course before it can heal. The problem with this retrograde is that it encourages people to hold grudges once they are offended and it also encourages more immature behaviors such as a refusal to communicate and “cold wars.”


When Mercury goes backward in Taurus, you can expect some strange behavior from lovers. They will be especially irrational, jealous, or possessive. This is not the time for you to meet someone new, as there is a bigger likelihood that he or she could be a stalker. When Mercury is retrograde, sex is not as interesting and Scorpionic lovers may find that they have less desire and stamina.


When Mercury goes backwards in Taurus, you are likely to find yourself grounded for a while. Mercury rules travel and Taurus is the sign of “staying home” so that is likely where you will find yourself for a while. Furthermore, you may find that your home needs some paying attention to in the renovations department. If stuff breaks or malfunctions, don’t panic, but try to wait until after May 11th (when the retrograde is over) before you buy anything new.


You are an earth sign like Taurus, so when the planet of communication goes backwards, you experience all kinds of confusion when it comes to getting the message across to your loved ones. You may feel like every directive that you issue is ignored. It could be because this influence makes you come off as very bossy and pushy when you don’t mean to be so be careful how you phrase things.


When Mercury in Taurus goes retrograde, you will feel a little less social than usual. It could be that one or two of your friends act in a way that seems quite stubborn or unreasonable. It is good to lie low during this influence, as you are more accident prone than usual. You should also be cautious about buying cookware, appliances, or anything decorative for your home as you are more likely to buy something that you will regret.


When Mercury, the planet of communication, goes backwards in Taurus, you are likely to feel like you are being put through way too much red tape just to get the simplest things done. Expect to be annoyed by uncooperative salespeople and put on hold for way too long on the phone. It is important for you not to lose your temper during this influence, as others are likely to want to engage in a battle with you. Unfortunately, this is not a good idea because you are not likely to win any arguments during this celestial influence.

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