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How Will the New Moon in Aquarius on February 2nd Affect You?
New Moon
On February 2 at 9:31pm, there is a new moon in Aquarius which is usually a brilliant influence when it comes to beginning new enterprises, especially ones to do with technology and ingenuity.  If you have a vision to do with an invention or new creative project this is a great day to brainstorm it, begin it or pitch it to higher ups.

Often during a New Moon in Aquarius many of us are the recipients of a new piece of technology that we find useful like a smart phone or a new computer. We might also be very impressed with a new kitchen or cleaning gadget that comes our way. It is also a great day to buy anything mechanical or technical in nature.

There are other influences that day that will also have an impact with how our visions can be realized in the future. The biggest influence is Saturn retrograde in Libra. This planet packs a punch when it goes backwards so even though this moon is great for coming up with ideas, they may be stalled because of red tape or a lack of approval or money.

Yet another thing that is happening in the sky around the same time is Venus squaring Uranus. At the same time this planet of love is also at a good angle to Neptune and Chiron. This means that projects that have to do with technology are less likely to get funding or approval. In short, this Libra moon is going to be better for brainstorming rather than practically bringing ideas into your sign.

Here is an idea of how this brand new moon in Aquarius will affect your sign.


The new moon in Aquarius always makes your sign feel a bit flaky. It may seem as if you cannot get the words fast enough out of your mouth to express what you feel. Try to slow down and be more precise with your speech over the next two weeks so that people can understand you better.


This is a wonderful influence if you are in the market to shop for a new appliance, a television or a computer. You are likely to find a real bargain that you will be very pleased with.  You could also win the lottery or receive a money bonus of some sort.


The new moon in Aquarius gives your creativity a big boost. If you pitch a project on this day you are bound to get the green light to go ahead with it. Expect to be wooed and courted by an especially attentive lover who is eager to introduce you to an exciting new experience.


This new moon is bound to bring you great news about a health matter that has been nagging you. This is an excellent time to buy glasses or contact lenses. You can also expect to hear good news about a child that is dear to you in the next two weeks.  Some Crabs may hear that they are about to have an addition to the family.


This new moon is going to inspire you to be obsessive, determined and persistent about a creative or entrepreneurial project that you have been vowing to get done for some time. The next two weeks will give you the stamina and focus you need to accomplish your goals.


The new moon in Aquarius is going to inspire you to brainstorm with coworkers to come up with solutions to a nagging problem to do with the company budget. However it may be six months or so before any of your good ideas get off the ground. You might also be attending a big wedding in the next two weeks.


This new moon is going to make you feel scattered and restless. You will feel like there is more to life that you need to investigate, especially spiritually. A trip to a workplace or a seminar in technology will be helpful in assisting you with manifesting your dreams.  You may be attracted to mind-expanding meditations or drugs.


This new moon in Aquarius is going to be very good for your career. If you are an artist or an inventor you could receive an accolade or a bonus of some kind for all of your hard work.  The more eccentric or unique your ideas are the more likely they are to be approved for the next two weeks. Be sure to schedule a lot of alone time with yourself so you can nurture your creativity.


The moon in Aquarius promises to bring a crowd of interesting new eccentrics into your life.  Keep your eyes open for a promising investment at this time. One of your new acquaintances has a very good idea for a product or service that will make a lot of money. This influence also favors buying a new car.


Life never seems that sane to you when the moon an d sun are in Aquarius because it makes it seems like you are losing control.  The fact is that you are, temporarily, and rather than try to force your agenda, let go and have fun with wild people and circumstances that are going to come your way over the next two weeks.  Above all do not stifle your own or anyone else’s creativity with criticism.


With the sun and the new moon both glowing in your sign you are likely to get the go ahead for anything you suggest, especially if it has to do with a work project. Your cash flow will be easier the next couple of weeks and a shiny new piece of technology is likely to come your way!


This moon may inspire you to get a bit of a makeover. You may find yourself wanting to adopt a more contemporary look. This influence definitely favors shopping as well as plastic surgery, hair removal and visits to the hair salon.

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