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How Will the New Moon in Aries Affect You April 3rd
New Moon
The New Moon in Aries occurs at 9:32 am in the morning on April 3rd this year. This is promising a great deal of sexual heat to be created, especially for the fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. All signs will find themselves succumbing to a mild case of Spring Fever thanks to the intense, heady vibes of this moon.  There will also be quite a few planets lining up in a row in the sign of Aries on that day which should mean fireworks, for better or worse, are going to explode in some relationships that way.

The moon is great for sex and newer relationships that are just about to enter the bloom of new love. It is not as great for older relationships that might find themselves having a spat or two thanks to the intense and passionate vibes in the air.

If relationships don’t fascinate you at this time in your life then you might be interested in knowing that this moon really does feed your creativity. It is an excellent day for any sign to take that creative project that was just an idea and turn it into a real project.

One influence that may not be helpful around this time is the fact that communication planet Mercury is also retrograde at this time. It starts moving backwards on March 30 and continues moving backwards in the sign of Aries causing confusion, arguments and all kinds of relationship drama.

Also, right on that day, the Sun in Aries opposes Saturn in Libra which means that there can be split decisions made in the heat of the moment because of passion. Jealousy, revenge and domestic violence might also be a little more common than usual.

Here is a look at how the New Moon in Aries might possibly affect your signs.


Hold on to your hat as you are going to be the most heavily affected by the lineup of several planets in your sign. When the new moon enters it as well you may feel a very strong urge to run away from your current situation and start an entirely new life with someone else. Just make sure that you won’t regret this action as whatever you start now will be hard to undo later.


This new moon may have you feeling quite excited sexually, so much so that you may not feel much like doing anything but pursuing your heart’s desire.  The new moon greatly favors having a bit of a make-over and buying new clothes. This is also a good day for you to take speech, singing or acting lessons.  Watch out for a seductive air sign who may talk you into something you have been reluctant to try.


This new moon is full of edgy, dramatic scenes that might have you choosing between one romantic option and another. You might be surprised by a marriage proposal. It also greatly favors the advancement of your career, particularly if you are an artist, songwriter or filmmaker. This day and the ten days following are perfect for putting the perfect team together to accomplish any of your goals. 


This new moon compliments love planet Venus and blesses your sign with an especially romantic evening. Expect to be courted or taken out for a night on the town. You will definitely be thinking about how you are going to plan out your future with a special someone. Buying a house or renting an apartment together might be very much on your mind. A cash windfall could come your way as well.


This is a wonderful new moon for single Lions to meet someone new. Socializing in general will be on your mind. Some Lions may feel a little restless or suffocated by their relationships and long to pursue that “indefinable” something. Any relationship started around now is likely to frivolous and sexual in nature only. You will get good news about money around this new moon as well.


Expect life to get a little sloppy as Spring Fever seems to put everyone you know into a swoon. Today you can forget being so responsible and let down your hair for a change. This is a fabulous time for you to pamper yourself with a trip to the hair dresser and explore the latest New Age health practices. A romance could heat up but be careful with arguing with the wrong person as it is easy for you to make an enemy at this time.


The key to having a good time for you is going to be getting out and socializing with people who do nothing for you romantically. This new moon could bring an uncomfortable romantic situation into focus. It could be you discover a secret or that you are exposed. Your love life could be a little hot to handle in all the wrong ways! At any rate the place for you to be for the next few days after this new moon is with supportive friends.


You will have your choice of admirers or sex partners this moon however your focus might be more on initiating a wonderful new project that could make you rich. Working independently to achieve a goal is greatly favored. You might encounter loved ones who are jealous and possessive. If someone is too insecure and controlling to stick with much longer then this might be a good time to drop them.


Your sense of adventure will be much more heightened then usual. A jaunt to an exotic place is in store for you around this full moon and it is likely that you will be able to combine business with pleasure. If you are a filmmaker or photographer a project is likely to go especially well. You can also expect to meet a wonderful new friend at this time, most likely a foreigner.


You are usually the steady and sure-footed goat but events that happen around this new moon in Aries are likely to shake up your world a bit. Most likely it will be that the person you thought was the one is not the one at all. You could also experience “love at first sight” and be amazed at the ardor of your feelings. Your money picture also looks good around this full moon as well; expect good things.


This new moon is perfect for your sign to go out dancing and meeting new people. If dancing is not your thing then take yourself to the place where you are most likely to meet kindred spirits. Being proactive about your own creativity, independence and healing the planet will be foremost on your mind and this new moon will infuse you with the energy to get more done than usual.


Venus in your sign makes you feel languid and at peace with a loved one however pushy vibes from the new Moon in Aries are going to conspire to have you expand your social circle. This new moon you might have unexpected house guests at your door or find yourself coping with an absolutely incredible piece of news that is life-altering, yet at the same time hard to believe. This is also a good new moon for Fishes in love to get hitched.

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