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How Will the New Moon in Gemini Affect You?
New Moon in Gemini The New Moon in Gemini on June 12 takes place at 7:15 am. This is a “moon in motion.” Gemini energy is about gathering data and information, learning and studying, sharing advice and opinions and brainstorming. It is about creativity, growth, and excitement.

Any ideas that you plant around a new Gemini moon are bound to come to fruition. It is also a good time to brainstorm or bounce ideas off of other people.
The Gemini energy is also about talking and improving your communications skill. If a talk is due with someone with whom you have had a difference, this is also a good time to mend bridges.

Gemini energy is clever, curious, quick, imaginative, versatile, and inventive. It is one of the most intellectual of the signs, but also one of the most charming and seductive.

On the shadow side, Gemini new moon energy is can create emotional states that are high strung, scattered, and very cold and critical. Arguments can happen purely because Geminis love a big debate.

In general, everything to do with communication is usually enhanced during a Gemini new moon. People will be chatting online and using their iPhones. There will be a lot of activity on social networking sites, such as Facebook or Twitter. In fact, you could say that the Gemini new moon is the perfect time to invest in a new piece of technology.

The Gemini new moon also favors doing something impetuous and “last minute.”  If you have ever wanted to do anything spontaneous in your life, then June 12th is the day to do it.

Here are some suggestions as to how your sign is affected by the energies of this new moon and how you can make the best use of it!


Your best use of this energy is to put together a proposal for a new project or make a date to pitch your idea to a higher up. It is also a good evening to put together a new resume or spruce up your website. If you are in marketing, expect business to magically increase.


This is a good evening for you to sit down and figure out who your friends really are and then make it your mission to invite them all to have a good time with you. Consider meeting up for Chinese food or a special barbecue where you do all of the cooking.


This is YOUR moon and whatever you wish on this day is likely to come true. Figure out what is most important to you, prioritize your future, and then determine how you are going to make it happen. Luck is now with you! You could meet a new romance on this evening or reunite with an old flame who still thinks of you.


This is a great moon to get out there and meet new people. Single Crabs could meet “the one” on this evening. The energy also favors shopping for new cell phones, computers, or other technology. This is also a wonderful evening for entertaining and having people over for dinner.


The energy of this new moon favors the writing of letter and communications with loved ones far away. You may be very pleased by a piece of art or writing done by a child. If you adopt a pet on this evening, it is sure to be very playful and live a very long time.


If there is a school you would like to attend in the fall, this is a good time to do some research into what courses you would like to take or how you can budget so you can afford to go. Applying for a grant to go to school in the near future is sure to meet with a “yes!”  It is also a good evening to revamp your profile on any dating or social networking sites.


The new moon in Gemini will bring you one of your best evenings ever for romance. Furthermore, this new romance could also be beneficial for you business-wise as well. If you are thinking of pursuing a new job, this is the night to write that letter to convince others that you are the perfect candidate.


The new moon brings you an opportunity to disengage from a struggle you should have never been involved with in the first place. You can use your natural charm to detach from and disarm an existing or potential enemy. This moon is also all about building new connections and rebuilding old bridges with former enemies.


Cooperation is your key word during this Gemini full moon. You will find yourself making exciting new business connections. Don’t be surprised if an exciting new piece of technology just seems to fall into your lap. Any new equipment acquired today is likely to last you a long time and be well worth the investment.


The new moon in Gemini will brings you a great opportunity to meet someone new. Furthermore, this special someone might also be able to help you with your career. This is a wonderful evening to show off your entertaining skills to a few close friends. Shopping for clothes and make up is also favored for your sign.


This is the perfect day for you to go to a museum or art gallery or buy new books. Any intellectual activity that you pursue is likely to be revealing and productive. Today’s energy also favors romance for your airy sign, especially if you are a creative type looking for a “partner in crime.”


This light hearted energy is great for flirtations and romantic dinners. This is an excellent night to ask someone out on a first date or for couples to renew their passions. Also favored are reading, writing letters, and chatting on instant messenger to people in far off land. If you have to do research today, you are likely to find what you are looking for right away.

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