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How Will the New Moon in Libra Affect Your Sign?
New Moon in Libra Like all new moons, the new moon in Libra on October 18th is about potential. Libra is a sign that is all about harmony, especially in love relationships. It is a masculine sign that initiates change through words, idea, and wit. The primary concerns of the Zodiac sign of Libra are fairness, balance, and beauty.

Although Libra is sometimes seen as a pacifist type sign, there is nothing scarier than an out of balance Libran influence which supports life time feuds and the burning of bridges in relationships forever.  Whenever there is a New Moon in Libra, we are given a chance to correct this type of situation. We are given the chance to show respect in relationships where they may have been none before or recognize the emotional needs of other people. 

The Libra New Moon also gives us a unique chance to call out to spirit for a soul mate. It helps us get clear of old baggage and pursue a truly rewarding partner.

Around that time, there may be some relationships that really do require the Libran style of democracy or peacekeeping to go into effect. On the day before the New Moon, Mars in Leo faces off with Pluto in Capricorn, which can mean old issues from childhood could interfere in relationships or there could simply be problems within a family or a marriage. The vibration will not be very pleasant, as Mars in Leo is quite pushy and insistent and can mean temper tantrums, fighting, and even violence. The New Moon the next day may provide people with the opportunity to step back and examine what is happening in relationships that might seem to be in a state of rupture.

A few days after this New Moon, both the Sun and Mercury enter the sign of Scorpio which can be quite a ruthless and vengeful sign so be sure to try and heal any non harmonious relationships before then.  The healing energy that emanates from a New Moon in Libra can give you the strength to resolve most of the conflicts in your life.

Here is an idea of how October’s New Moon in Libra of 2009 will affect your sign:


If you have a relationship issue to resolve, do it during this New Moon. It is not likely that the trouble will be put to an absolute end, but if you approach this person on the 18th or 19th, you are likely to get a better reception than on any other day of the year.


This New Moon may give you the opportunity to get away from a relationship where there is a stifling matriarchal influence affecting your finances or day-to-day peace of mind. It is possible there is a person in your life making you feel unnecessarily guilty about something. The New Moon is an ideal day to put this emotional blackmail to an end.


This New Moon gives you a chance to play it straight with some people you may have been humoring for some time. You don’t have to give them an ultimatum, but letting a certain individual know that you have been humoring them and not the other way around might give you the upper hand. In fact, you might even find the courage to finally leave a relationship that has not been serving your needs emotionally.


This New Moon is probably going to bring you some kind of emotional confrontation. This is because Mars, the warrior planet, has been causing all kinds of drama in your personal life. The best thing for you to do is take advantage of the healing energy of the New Moon in Libra and try to rebuild damaged relationships by being more humble or making apologies.


This New Moon in Libra is going to bring you a chance to start fresh with a relationship that you might have thought was over. You might also find that a relationship with an older woman that has been going sour for some time suddenly goes a little sweeter. Yet another blessing of this new moon is that you might find yourself having a fresh start with regards to paying back a loan or settling a debt.


With so many planets clashing in your sign over the past year you might feel a little bruised or battered up. Thankfully this new moon in Libra is going to give you the confidence and optimism that you need to start fresh. Many Virgins will be meeting someone new in the near future – the key is to drop resentments and toxic old attachments from the past.


This new moon in your sign joins both Venus and Mars in your sign. Both Venus and Mars are planets of love that will bring you an opportunity to have a great new relationship. If you are already attached you can expect that you and your loved one might be renewing your vows.  Either way your love life is going to definitely heat up for the two weeks following the moon’s arrival into Libra.


Along with this New Moon, the asteroid Ceres is in your sign supporting your overall wealth. When this new moon enters Libra you are going to see a lot of things that seemed “wrong” in your life suddenly “made right." A foggy issue to do with an important relationship will suddenly become more black and white and you will be able to make a clear choice when it comes to deciding the direction of your love life.


This new moon in Libra is going to allow you to resolve a long standing feud with a relative or a good friend. You will be cheered by the fact the relationship is not over. You might also find that a relationship with a domineering older woman might become easier to deal with. You can also expect a financial windfall during this new moon which indicates that money owed to you will be paid back or that you will be given a break with regards to a debt that you owe.


This new moon in Libra is going to give you the confidence and optimism that you need to make apologies and build new bridges with friends and family that you might have been scrapping with over the past few months. Attached Goats can repair any cracks in their relationships and things will go much more smoothly than usual on the domestic front.  There is also a strong chance that a debt that is owed to you will finally be paid back.


This New Moon gives you a chance to confront some people who may have been taking advantage of your good nature for some time. You don’t have to give them an ultimatum, but it is time for you to let these individuals know that you are aware of their abuse and unfairness and that you will not tolerate it much longer. In fact, you might even find the courage to leave a situation that is clearly exploiting you and find a better alternative.


This New Moon is probably going to bring you some kind of emotional drama. This is because Mars, the warrior planet, has been causing all kinds of old issues to rear their ugly heads. The best thing for you to do is take advantage of the healing energy of the moon in Libra and try to realize that the people that you think are hurting you may not even be aware that their actions are having such a strong impact on you. The 18th is a great day to have a little talk with that certain someone who has been upsetting you.

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