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How Will the New Moon in Pisces Affect You?
New Moon The new moon in Pisces on March 4th is a special one because it lines up with the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Uranus which will also all be in the sign of Pisces that day as well. This tends to bring a lot of spiritual and emotional energy to the house in which it falls.

The moon in Pisces generally brings strong dreams and sometimes strong impulses that don’t make sense. Mercury in Pisces will mean that we express ourselves more emotionally and Mars in Pisces can mean that we might be more passionate or aggressively emotional.  Uranus in Pisces can mean lies and trickery as can Mercury in Pisces. Watch out for someone who may be reflecting what you want back and being another person once your back is turned. Another danger is denial.  You may be more than willing to just believe what someone is telling you rather than look for what might be an obvious lie to others.

This new moon in Pisces is at 13 degrees is symbolized by a sword in a museum in Sabian astrology. This symbolizes a great victory or conquest of some kind and one that will be remembered for a long time.

Here is how the New Moon in Pisces, along with the stellium of the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Uranus can affect you.


This new moon may have you facing some kind of battle in your love life. Be aware that someone may be lying to you to protect you. Being with the one you love might require some kind of practical sacrifice on your part.


You are about to do something that others disapprove of and it is most likely of a romantic nature. The situation that you are about to sacrifice no longer has the mobility to move you forward.  Expect a necessary confrontation to take place on this new moon.


This new moon may find you at odds with a living situation; most likely you could be in a dispute with a neighbor or the person you live with. Be aware that the more you push for things to be your way the more you might be getting further away from your goal.  If you want to remain where you are then concessions might be necessary.


This powerful new moon may have you yearning to test the waters with someone new. However it might entail that you tell an existing partner or friend who does not see you change, that you are looking for something different in life in the near future.


This new moon may have you reconsidering how much control a parent, sibling or spouse is actually exerting over your life.  A desire to be free of family obligations could bring some unsettling emotional scenes your way, however clearing the air may be the only way for you to feel less oppressed.


This new moon may have you feeling the need to isolate yourself from others for a while and especially a sarcastic or critical person who has too much control over you in some way. Take a break with the idea in mind of recovering your self-esteem and other types losses caused by this person. It is time to rediscover your inner genius.


This new moon could bring some kind of showdown to do with money. You may find the need to lash out at a lender or creditor who seems too oppressive or you could end up in a dispute about money with close relatives. Clearing the air may go a long way towards having the terms of this financial situation renegotiated.


This new moon may bring you the desire to break free of all of your personal relationships and go on some kind of spiritual retreat. You may feel like you have been devoting too much of your time and energy to the cultivation of others and not yourself.  If you are an artist or have writing to do, it is especially important you get away for a while.


This new moon may have you reconsidering what you do for a living. Many of you will not just be looking for a change of job, you may be also desiring a complete change of occupation or location. Breaking free may not be easy but this is the time to make that difficult announcement that it is time to say goodbye so you can make a living doing what you love.

The new moon in Pisces is going to affect your relationships, especially with close friends and family who you might be seeing as being too critical of you. The key is to slow down, think about what they are telling you and why they may be trying to tell you something. There is a lot of emotional growth possible for you if you are less stubborn and will listen.


You may feel very psychic during this new moon and this is a good time for you to visit a psychic or trust your own intuition. However this is a danger that some Aquarians could take the New Age thing a bit too far. It is important for you not to disconnect from others too extremely or appear too spacey else you could lose some credibility, or even be faced with a confrontation with loved ones.


This new moon is very lucky for you and the line up of planets in your sign truly does support almost all of the aspects of your life including your relationships, your career and your creative self. It is very likely that the answer to a long standing health or financial problem is likely to find a solution after all.  Many fishes can expect a big life change at this time, probably for the positive. A financial windfall is likely for your signat some time during the two weeks following this new moon as well.

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