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How Will The Sun and Chrion in Taurus Affect You?
Sun and Chiron in Taurus On April 19th, both the Sun and Chiron enter the domestically inclined, family loving, and very stubborn sign of Taurus. The Sun is the planet of birth, new beginnings and renewal. It also signifies fame, glory and the ennoblement of the identity and life. The Sun also has to do with prosperity and material holdings and when it is in the sign of Taurus, everything domestic thrives. It is a good time for decorating, renovating, cooking, gardening, and spending time with spouses, children, and pets. It is also an influence that very much favors a healthy and ardent sex life.

On the other hand, Chiron is a celestial body that symbolizes the subconscious and the wounded child. It also symbolizes mysteries, the unknown, and esoteric teachings.

When it is the sign of Taurus, it alludes to the sexuality, the graces of Mother Nature, and that formidable yet invisible bond that exists between two people known as love. Yet the kicker is that this love exists despite what might be a state of affliction.

This means there are going to be a lot of relationship ironies, as these two entities enter the sign of Taurus hand in hand. You can expect spouses and loved ones to be more stubborn and child like than usual. There may be a refusal to address reality or a tendency to isolate at home rather than go out into the world and seek new adventures. 

Here is a look at how these influences might affect your sign for the days leading up to and after April 19th.


When the Sun leaves your sign, you are going to feel a definite drop in support and personal confidence. It will be of utmost importance for you not to take things too seriously if things don’t always go your way around this time. It is simply a time when Earth signs, such as Virgo and Taurus, are more likely to shine and you may have to spend some time out of the spotlight yet still working very hard to achieve your goals.


When the Sun and Chiron enter your sign, you might be in for a few shocks and surprises. For one thing, if you have been keeping secrets from a partner you are going to be discovered. Chiron could have the effect of forcing you to face your demons, so be careful not to be too arrogant and be honest with yourself about any faults or shortcomings. On the plus side of things, the sun shining in your sign is definitely going to improve your cash flow.


When the Sun enters Taurus, you are going to be more grounded in life. You will feel more secure when it comes to your finances and all obstacles to being with the one you love will seem to drop away. However, Chiron can be a tricky planet and when it enters Taurus, you could find yourself facing a strange but beautiful occurrence. For instance, you could hear about a much older person getting pregnant or you could suddenly win the lottery. Be prepared for anything and to take the good with the bad.


When the Sun enters Taurus you are going to feel more inspired to decorate and renovate your place (or even buy a new place) but be careful as Mercury is still retrograde and this means your judgment is off. As strong as your urge is to make your nest nicer and cozier it is probably best for you to wait until after the 11th of May before you make any big purchases. Mercury retrograde is also very likely to make communication complicated as well with loved ones as well so be careful how you express yourself.


When the Sun enters Taurus, you are going to feel a lot calmer about life in general. You should also see a bit more money when this happens. Money won’t slip as easily through your fingers like it did for the past month, when Mercury was in Aries. Chiron in Taurus can bring out your stubborn side and it might be hard not to butt heads with a loved one for the next month. It does not help that Mercury is retrograde, which makes relationships even more difficult. Be aware that you do not have to win every single argument.


The Sun entering Taurus is your cue to start planting a garden or do a little bit of Spring cleaning. However, you may find it hard to get started or be organized just simply because Mercury, the planet of communication, is retrograde in your sign. You also might be a bit jaded about what you can accomplish because Chiron in Taurus makes you feel less enthusiastic about where you live. Perhaps you should use this time to consider a change of residence.


The Sun in Taurus inspires you to beautify your surroundings by buying a piece of art or furniture. You might even feel like buying a house, but this is not a good time to invest in real estate because Mercury, the planet of doing deals, is retrograde. Chiron in Taurus has you examining some of the relationships in your life, particularly those that require a lot of your focus or that seem immature in some way. By mid-May, you might be leaving a love who is not suiting your needs anymore.


The Sun in Taurus makes your feel strong and sexy. Get out and flaunt your charms because a new potential romance is lurking in your life. However, you do need to watch out for one individual who may be taking advantage of you. Chiron in Taurus encourages immoral behavior. You are also more vulnerable to being robbed or having someone take credit for your hard work.


The Sun in Taurus puts you in the mood for love, but because Mercury is backwards in Taurus as well, life develops a slow, frustrating plodding pace that you might find very frustrating. Chiron in Taurus also has the effect of creating a crisis with pets or children at home. Although you may not have enough time to spend with a special someone, you can certainly relish the few hours that you will have together in the next few weeks as "high quality time."


The Sun in Taurus makes you want to renovate your home or even buy a new one but you should wait until after May 11th before you decide to invest in property or fixing up your abode. Mercury going backwards in Taurus can make communication with a loved one very difficult. Try not to be as stubborn as the opposition. A cash shortage could also be a problem.


The Sun in Taurus makes you want to shine when it comes to cooking, cleaning, and gardening but you might find cash shortages make it hard to accomplish everything you want to do at once. After May 11th, you will have more cash on end to help you make the most of your dreams. Chiron in Taurus could have you longing for an old love; be sure to separate wishful thinking from what is practically possible before you make a move.


The Sun in Taurus brings welcome news about a pregnancy or promotion in your family. However, Chiron in Taurus can mean that a relative or beloved friend could be suffering from a health problem. You could also suffer from cash shortages because of Mercury moving backwards in the sky but this problem is temporary. After May 11th, any cash flow that is delayed will start coming your way again.

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