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How Will the Uranus Retrograde Affect Your Sign?
Uranus Retrograde - July 5, 2010 This year, the planet Uranus goes backwards on July 5th and then it stays in it’s retrograde up until December 5th, 2010. Uranus is a planet that symbolizes intuition and invention, but when it goes backwards, we tend to be less clear in our thought processes. We go off into tangents, dawdle around, and don’t get things done. We are all a bit more careless and more prone to spend time analyzing a problem rather than doing something about. Another effect of this influence is procrastination.

When it goes forward, Uranus is a planet that symbolizes a burst of inspiration and the ability to surge forward with confidence. When it is retrograde, people make mountains out of molehills. This time it is in the sign of Aries, which is an impulsive sign famous for making split decisions. When this Aries type energy is restrained, we are going to see a lot of emotional confusion and people who are too obsessed with the past to move forward.

Some signs will also feel rebellious because they will feel like their life has not been working so far. They may be desperate to make a change, but feel that they can’t because of obligations to a mate and financial problems. You can expect to see more emotional outbursts, more family arguments, and more depression mixed with manic behavior in general.

Here is a look at how this particular Uranus Retrograde might affect your sign.


The 2010 Uranus Retrograde is in your sign, so you are going to feel it most of all. You are used to being able to surge forward with your plans, but there are going to be quite a few situations in your life that are going to restrict your freedom and independence. It may be hard for many Rams not to obsess about someone from the past. Depression might be an issue – helping others who are not as well off as you in your community may help you.


The lunar eclipse in Capricorn on June 26th probably did a number on your head at work. You might have thought that things were settled only to find out that you had to “press rewind” and do a conversation all over again. When Uranus goes backwards, you may feel dismayed that a matter that you thought was resolves is reopened for investigation. Your best course of action is to tell the truth and not be emotional about any accusations or unfair statements that are flung your way.


When Uranus goes backwards, you feel more indecisive than usual. To get through the next six months, you may have to set yourself a schedule and set clear goals. Your discipline may also go out the window because you will be feeling more impulsive. Goofing off is not a good idea, as higher ups will be watching. However, using this six month period to exploit your creativity is a great idea!


Your sign is headed for a total solar eclipse in a new moon in Cancer on the 11th, so you will be feeling quite emotional. When Uranus goes backwards, you will be feeling quite impulsive and obsessive. You may feel like you cannot control the urge to speak your mind. This is not necessarily a bad thing because you do need to express yourself, but be aware that not everybody is going to appreciate your candor over then six months.


When Uranus goes backwards, you are going to feel like you need to discard what is not working in your life and replace it with new people, things, and situations that serve you better. This could be a long term project of yours for the next six months, but once you are done getting rid of the negative influences in your life, you are going to feel much, much better.


Saturn in your sign has been causing all kinds of trouble, but it is going to move out of your sign and into Libra the day before Uranus moves backwards. This means that everything that you thought was familiar and that could support you might not be as reliable as you thought. Fighting a tendency to be muddled emotionally and not as rational as usual might be your challenge for the next six months.


Saturn, a planet of restriction, enters your sign at the same time that Uranus moves backwards. You may have to deal with a shortage of some kind – most likely this will be of a financial nature. You may also be wrestling with issues to do with your self-esteem, thanks to an inability to get work or receive proper credit for work you have done. Be nice to yourself during what could be a disquieting retrograde.


When Uranus goes backwards, your sex drive may not be as high as usual. You may also find your thoughts turning more to the past than the present. The key to getting through the next six months is going to be discipline and sticking to a schedule. Do not let bad moods and strange impulses distract you from goals and take relationship woes with a grain of salt. They will resolve on their own if you just let matters run their course.


When Uranus goes retrograde, your sign tends to lose opportunities to travel and have a lot of problems with technology. This is also not going to be a good period for you to seek new employment or educational opportunities. Your best course of action for the next six months is to focus on completing projects that you may have already started. It is also advisable to avoid getting involved in other people’s relationship conflicts.


Uranus going backwards in the sky is just another thorn in your side, as there are several planets afflicting your sign for the next few months. Emotionally, you may feel angry and out of control. It is a good idea for you to be aware that you are suffering from distorted thinking at this time. Campaigning to others about how hateful someone is to you will badly backfire at this time.


When Uranus goes retrograde, you will find it harder to pitch your creative ideas to higher ups. People will also tend to be more skeptical of your motives. It is crucial that you do not try to come off as a guru or an expert when you are not one. The next six months also do not favor buying appliances or new technology. This is also not the ideal time for your sign to have a child.


You are feeling emotional because of a big solar eclipse in Cancer that is happening on July 11th anyway. However, when Uranus goes backwards, you are going to have to start dealing with these feelings when it becomes obvious that you can’t spend all of your time feeling so irritable and out of control. Staying disciplined, focused, and object improves your chances for success in all areas of your life over the next six months.

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