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How Will The Venus Retrograde Affect You?
Venus Retrograde - October 8th When Venus goes retrograde in any sign, things tend to get a little meaner and leaner. Relationships definitely suffer. This October 8th at exactly 1:13pm ET, the love planet goes retrograde in the sign of Scorpio. This is an influence that is a bit rough on relationships.

A few days before this happens, Venus conjunct Mars while both planets are in the sign of Scorpio. This is also not a pleasant influence, although it can be good for sex. However, it is not good for nurturing affectionate, caring long-term relationships that have a sense of commitment to them.

With Venus retrograde, issues of committeemen are going to be a big deal. The planet and the sign are at odds with each other with Venus symbolizing devotion and dedication and Scorpio symbolizing sexual pursuit and individual freedoms.

Just afar, the retrograde Mercury (the communication planet) and Saturn (the marriage planet) are both in Libra, which means that passions will simmer down and people will be looking at more practical aspects of their relationships. Some couples may even separate for a while to assess a relationship from a distance. 

This Venus going backwards influence is going to last until November 18th. People will just seem a bit frostier than usual and cash may be a little tight as well. You may not have money for little luxuries.

Here is a look at how love planet going backwards in your sign for a month and a half this fall might affect your sign.


Venus retrograde causes jealousy, greed, and puts a competitive edge on all of your relationships. You may feel this most acutely at work, so watch out for a backstabber who may be trying to steal your ideas or undermine you by pointing out your flaws. Another side-effect of this influence is you just might not feel as sexy as usual, but this too shall pass!


Venus is your ruling sign and when it goes backwards in a sign like Scorpio, it can cause you to be quite skeptical in general. You may find yourself examining a long-term relationship where there are financial ties and wondering if there is any benefit to staying in it as all. This is a good time for you to assess your relationships and figure out what or who is gratifying your heart’s desires.


This is a good time for you to put down roots and develop your personal identity. Watch out for backstabbing types that may be jealous of your creativity and trying to steal your ideas. Do not be afraid to stand up for yourself and express your needs in what may be a cold, uncaring partnership.


It is time for you to put an end to any relationships that are not working or that do not seem to be in your best interests. Mid-October to mid-November is a good time to get rid of any dead weight you may have in your life, especially if it is in the form of someone who has been hurting your feelings or taking advantage of you for a long time.


Venus retrograde puts a cynical spin on life and you may find your friends and loved ones are lacking their usual sense of humor. This is part of the dour mood caused by planets also clashing with Venus for the next month. A cash shortage is also likely for your sign. This is not a good time to fall in love or propose. It is best to cultivate platonic relationships until late November.


Along with the sour influence of Venus moving backwards in Scorpio, you are also dealing with planets in your sign clashing with Venus. It may become obvious to you that it is time to end a relationship that has been somehow expensive or disloyal to you. Your time is best spent working hard to get ahead in your career and selling things that you don’t need any more to boost your cash flow.


A number of planets supporting your sign somewhat mitigate the negative effects of Venus in Scorpio on your sign. Still you are going to have be quite careful about how you express yourself. You should expressly avoid being sarcastic and cynical about a romantic matter if you don’t want to lose the relationship for good. Understand that not everybody is cultivating their sense of humor right now.


With Venus, the love planet, going backwards in your sign, you are likely to experience a set-back in your romantic life. It is quite likely a relationship will end or at the very least, the two of you will decide to take a break. Mars in your sign is also clashing with Venus which can mean violent actions or unpleasant words. Make sure you take the time out that you need to deal with any emotional stress that may come up.


Venus moving backwards in Scorpio could temporarily separate you from a loved one or family, possibly because you need to travel for business. Some Archers may simply find themselves much too busy to pay attention to a loved one. It is a good idea to send any ignored parties flowers or buy presents to show that you still care.


Venus moving backwards in Scorpio is likely to cause some turmoil in your personal life. It is very likely that any disputes that occur are going to be about money or property. Be aware that the effect of Venus moving backwards makes you make mountains out of molehills. Over the next month, it will be very important for you to always keep perspective and not make snap decisions based purely on resentments.


Venus moving backwards in Scorpio creates a possessive, serious environment that could have you feeling a bit wierded out in general. Close friends may not seem as reliable or available as usual. However, this influence does favor impersonal matters such as doing your taxes or creating a budget. Don’t be surprised if you feel less romantic than usual as well.


Venus is moving backwards in your fellow water sign of Scorpio and this could have you doing some investigation into your dreams and your subconscious motives. If a relationship is not working, the next month is a good time to step back from it and maybe even seek therapy or counseling if needed. Your libido may lag a bit until the holiday season arrives!

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By Darlene, Friday, October 29, 2010 03:35:53 PM
"issues of 'committeemen' are a big deal"?? Does this mean we should keep an eye on Congress? It really spoils these articles when they aren't proofread.
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