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How Will TheJune 1 Partial Solar Eclipse Affect You?
June 1 Solar Eclipse - How Will It Affect You On June 1st, there is a partial solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse, both in the sign of Gemini. The Solar eclipse takes place at 11:03 in the sign of Gemini and the New Moon is at 11:03. For the sign of Gemini, this is incredible news, as degrees between 11 and 12 in Gemini are symbolic of new opportunities, doors opening, and vistas to explore.

However, lack of decision could really lead some signs astray that day; this is an exciting vibe but one that is overwhelming for some. Opportunities can knock but some may feel that they are on information overload due to the pressure that this eclipse exerts on people to act as soon as possible.

In general, a new moon in Gemini is an excellent day for any sign to start a new endeavor to do with writing, music, performance, and self-expression. There will be a real emphasis on exploring the more personal side of matters in culture, including our shadow sides and what makes us tick sexually.

A solar eclipse in Gemini can mean that there can be a temporary refusal to understand an instance of beautiful self-expression. That day we could hear news of cuts to the arts or news that we have lost a great writer or entertainer. There may be less tolerance of creativity in general and more of an attitude that artists are freeloaders on society for some weeks after.

At this time as well, Jupiter will be moving out of Aries and Into Taurus. This is excellent for the sign of the Bull who will be enjoying more prosperity than usual. Some Bulls will be buying property over the next few months as well.

We will also all be feeling the effects of Neptune about to go retrograde in its home sign of Pisces. This denotes psychological imbalances and problems with addiction. Communication with loved ones in some families might be very difficult.

The night before the Solar Eclipse, Venus conjuncts Mars in the sign of Taurus making this an intense time for love for couples who are already in committed relationships. Many of the earth signs may conceive around now.

Here is a look at how this eclipse might affect the different signs.


You can expect a period of time where you might not be as popular as usual. You may find yourself having to defend yourself when it comes to justifying staying on a path that you have chosen. The pressure may be on to prove that something you have been working on is ultimately going to pay off.


You may have been escaping the reality of your situation by indulging too much in your favorite foods or other temptations and by June 1st you might find yourself paying the price for what was a very good time in April and May (while the Sun was in your sign). On the upside, your romantic picture looks good!


This eclipse is going to bring you a needed break from the past and a wonderful opportunity to reinvent yourself. Your competition artistically and romantically will be eating your dust as your personal star speeds to the top.


You may feel in the mood for a yard sale; indeed this is the ideal day to do it. The eclipse in your second house means it is time to unload some possessions.  Take used books and CDs to the bookstore; a windfall is likely in store for you.


There is a chance of being misunderstood on this day, as the eclipse will be in your house of communication. Someone may be too stubborn or actually too stupid to “get” what you are saying. This could mean a big change of plans for you in the near future.


This eclipse could make it apparent that a current partnership is no longer working, especially if it comes down to owning joint property. To save you stress, stop expecting that a debt that is owed will repaid; if it has not been by this date, it will likely never happen.


This eclipse brings concerns about your future freedom and your ability to be spontaneous. You may feel forced into a more domestic scenario for the next six months. Elderly relatives, children, and finances may become more important than your own interests, especially if they are creative.


This may be a time when it may be more difficult for you to procure the cooperation of health professionals. Persistence is the key to finding the right doctor. Scorpions who are artists may have a harder time and may need to procure a part time job to make ends meet.


You could be temporarily separated from a loved one for reasons of health or having to travel for the next six months. You may be asked to justify expenses or taken to task for a project you have managed. Fight those who oppose your most treasured relationship.


You may be facing the realization that when it comes to be relating to others or presenting and image to others that you have been too stuck in the past. The next six months encourage you to try and live your best life by seeking counseling, advice, or the medical help you need to curb bad habits and help you rethink your approach to your goals.


The months following this eclipse could find you internalizing information more. You may feel like isolating and like focusing on an important project that could take months to complete. This is the right idea as your private and personal focused efforts are likely to really pay off big by next year.


You are about to enter a phase of your career where you may be told that “the personal touch” is no longer needed and that you need to follow the rules more. The eclipse could bring news that you need retraining or that it is time for you.

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