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How Will Venus in Cancer Affect You This Weekend?
Venus in Cancer in July 2011 Love planet Venus has been in Cancer lately, which is an influence that makes us more vulnerable and sensitive when it comes to love. Everybody might be just a tad more touchy, but the real benefit to the influence is that you can become almost psychically in tune with your partner. You will also be more in tune as to where you might find love if you are single.

After the 7th of July, this already intense and often profoundly emotional influence may start to cause a little chaos in our lives. Venus lines up and faces off with several planets causing a bit of upheaval in our lives.

First off, Venus squares Uranus in Aries. This influence signifies divorce, bisexuality, or celibacy. It also tends to give people offbeat ideas about sex. Fire signs such as Aries, Leo, and Scorpio are the most affected by this and my want to explore their options when it comes to sexual relationships.

On the same day, Venus trines Chiron in Pisces. This gives the water signs of Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio to resolve long-standing emotional issues. However, Capricorn and Virgo have a harder time of it as Venus opposes Pluto in Capricorn. Although things may be more peaceful in their lives, it may allude to a divorce; the blessing is that the divorce may be amiable in nature.

On July 13th, Venus in Cancer squares Saturn in Libra. This could cause lovers to be separated temporarily or it could cause a gap in communications that ultimately causes a great deal of confusion. The air signs of Libra, Gemini, and Aquarius are more likely to be hit by this influence. Fortunately, these signs will not be wondering about their romance for long; the answers they long to hear will be forthcoming and also very positive in nature.


Venus clashes with the planet Uranus and causes you to feel very discontented with your love life. You may feel a compulsion to have an affair, experiment sexually, or just be more expressive in general when it comes to the way you dress.


This line up of planets is very pleasant for you. Your ruling planet Venus makes a pleasant angle to Jupiter in your sign, which is very favorable for both love and marriage. Many of you will be planning a proposal or change of residence that heralds the beginning of a new life.


Venus brings you passion, excitement, and rivalry and also a possible marriage proposal this month. However, watch out for the 14th when gossip or a problem with technology could cause unnecessary strife in a relationship.


If you have been feuding with someone for a while, particularly if it is a sibling or child, you have a wonderful ten day period during which you can attempt to make things better. This positive influence allows others to see you in a more sympathetic light.


Difficult romantic issues have been interfering with your prosperity and peace of mind for some time now. During this ten day period, a split is indicated but there is redemption indicated; there will be a fair division of property or assets and the separation has more of a chance of being amiable and quite positive for both parties.


Venus clashes with the planet Uranus and causes a bit of a relationship crisis for you. You may decide you are bored with a current relationship and to explore new terrain with a new partner. Singles stand a strong chance of meeting someone exciting and new so be sure to go out to any parties that hold the promise of an introduction.


For the first half of the month, you can expect a lot of amorous attention as well as a commitment from someone dear and near to you. Your business life will also thrive. However, on the 13th, beware of the influence of the planet Saturn in your sign, which is notorious for causing misunderstandings. If you do experience a gap in communications, be very careful about jumping to any conclusions.


If you have a case to make to someone or if you need to heal a longstanding rift, then the first half of July are your best days to do it. Harsher attitudes are softened towards you right now; it will be a lot more difficult for anyone to keep holding a grudge against you, especially if it is a matter to do with money.


Venus faces off with Uranus, compelling you to seek out new sexual experiences. You may feel less loyal or committed to a current relationship. Whether you are single or not, your erotic imagination will be running wild with the possibilities of what can happen in your romantic life.  This is a good time for female Archers to go shopping for new lingerie.


You may be in a dispute with someone over money or property. While Venus opposes your sign, you do not have much of a chance of resolving this peacefully. You may have to resign yourself to the fact that you need to go to court before you will see justice done. Try not to take things personally, as this is a war about money; not feelings.


Venus brings you popularity, glamour, and a whirling social life in first half of July. However, right on the 13th, the planet Saturn could discipline you if you decide to take part in malicious gossip. You should also pause and take a breath if anyone seems to be deliberately trying to upset you by telling you stories about someone you love.


A bridge that you thought was burnt a long time ago may be rebuilt for you today. Venus in your sign creates situations that make you feel loved, forgiven, and redeemed. The first half of the month could also bring you a cash windfall.

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