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How Will Venus in Scorpio Affect The Rest of Your Month
How Venus in Scorpio Affects You Back on the 7th of November, love planet Venus entered the sexy and daring sign of Scorpio. This usually means that relationships are more exciting. However, it also means that emotionally bit more on edge. There is usually a great emphasis on erotica and sex rather than on true commitment. The rest of November is a period of time when infidelities and secret relationships thrive.

The only problem with this is that there are a lot of planets in Sagittarius, which many force candid confrontations regarding infidelities. To top it off, Pluto in dour minded Capricorn can mean needling, nagging, and suspicion.  Those who are in relationships will find themselves being asked for commitment or to outlay plans for the future. This is not all bad. Couples in relationships may find that their sex life has more of a spark to it.

During reign of Venus in Scorpio, we may also see the rise of kinkier sex, fetishes, and porn.  Scandals with celebrities and public figures are likely as well. Unfortunately, Venus in Scorpio can also signify a rise in child abuse, emotional cruelty, and indifference to the emotional needs of those weaker and more vulnerable in the world.  Venus is not exalted in this sign. Relationships in general tend to be more twisted and showdowns are also more likely.

On November 19th, Venus in Scorpio squares Mars in Leo, making life super difficult for romance. If you are in a relationship, stay away from hot topics that could provoke an argument. Couples are likely to break up on the day. This is the type of day when passion can consume the soul and it may be difficult to get jealousy or obsession under control. Complete strangers could also get involved and get in an argument. Both Mars in Leo and Venus in Scorpio are very headstrong energies that usually mean that neither party in a dispute is going to back down during a fight. The result is usually some kind of violence or fight to the death both in real and metaphorical terms.

Here is how Venus in Scorpio’s energies might affect you from now to December 1st.


Venus in Scorpio could bring challenges to do with relationships. You need to be careful that a long term relationship does not sour.  It is very important not to take a long term partnership for granted. Avoid manipulative or jealous individuals who may be after the same thing or person that you want.  Doing direct battle with these hostile individuals is not recommended.


Venus in Scorpio heightens your sex drive. This energy gives you the inspiration to finally make the moves needed to be with the one that you want. Love with a tantalizing air sign might drive you absolutely wild. Some of you may find the strength from the Scorpio energies to leave a bad situation for a new one or even propose to the person that you really love.


Venus in Scorpio makes you sexier than ever and you might find yourself dealing with multiple suitors. Look your best as you are in the limelight. Mid-month you will hear great news about about someone who really matters to you. Expect to be courted, wooed, and if you are single there is a chance you will be proposed to by an ardent suitor. You may have to deal with someone’s jealousy at the end of the month.


Venus in Scorpio makes you extra sensitive. It may hard for you not to display jealousy or possessiveness at this time. You may have the choice of dumping someone who has not been treating you that well recently. Take opportunities to distance yourself from damaging relationships.


Mars in your sign in the last week of November is not good news for your love life. Although you may be extra virile or fertile at that time there is also a possibility that your emotions may run out of control. Be very careful not to be too sarcastic as others are very sensitive. One wrong word could cause and emotional explosion.


You could be extra sensitive and possessive while Mars is in Scorpio. Attempts to try and control a relationship could drive the person further away than ever. The planetary energies encourage you to go out and meet new people rather than long for someone from the past. It is best to let go of that supposed “trophy” relationship as it does not serve you that well.


Venus is your ruling planet and when it enters sexy Scorpio, your love life is going to thrive. You may find yourself attracting several interested suitors at once. One danger, especially during the last week of the month, is that you might attract someone who is a little too interested in you. Make sure you know the difference between love and borderline stalking.


Venus in your sign makes you super sexy. Prepare to be pursued by several different admirers. You have to watch out for obsession, both on your own part and maybe one another’s during this planetary configuration and especially during the last week of November. If you have been having an affair your secret could be exposed and break hearts during that time as well.


The sun and many other planets are in your sign giving you an attractive glow for almost all of November. When Venus enters Scorpio mid month, you might find that a rival for your romantic attentions appears on the scene. This may be an old adversary. Giving this matter too much attention gives it too much weight. If you ignore it, the situation will likely go away on its own by the end of the month.


Pluto in your sign is causing relationship problems in your life. But when Venus enters Scorpio, you might find some people in your life being downright mean. Stand your ground if you feel you are taken advantage of or not being appreciated. You deserve the best, but you might have to fight for your right to be treated nicely, especially during the last week of November. Don’t back down!


Venus in Scorpio has you feeling very jealous, possessive, and like you have been taken for granted. It is very important that you think twice before reacting emotionally to anything. It is a good idea to stay away from shady characters as lovers, no matter how alluring or sexy. There is a high risk associated with many of your involvements at present. You should especially lie low during the last week of November when betrayal is in the air.


Someone may question your loyalty or motives for being in a relationship thanks to the suspicious vibes created by Venus in Scorpio. This configuration creates jealousy and insecurity and some of you might even find yourself pursued by interested individuals that are practically stalkers. Try to set boundaries in relationships before the last week of November when passions are fiery and the shadow side of most people is more volatile.

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By Lori, Sunday, April 03, 2011 11:28:55 AM
I was just reading the above article, um I'm a bit confused because it's April 3 2011 and I read alot of astrology reports espeically where the planets are positioned every day, Venus was in Scorpio in November, it is in Pisces right now so what the hell does this article have to do with Venus in Scorpio???????????????????????????????
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