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Jennifer Aniston's Astrology Chart
Jennifer Aniston's Astrology Chart When one looks at the chart of Jennifer Aniston, she initially seems very blessed. She was born February 11, 1969 which makes an Aquarian. Her moon is in Sagittarius, which coupled with her Sun means she was raised in an educated and culturally savvy family. She also has Saturn sextile the Sun, which means being born with a silver spoon. This type of person usually gets lots of help from family and of course friends.

Astrologically, Jennifer Aniston is also a catch. She has Mercury sextile Venus which makes her beautiful and witty. However, despite all of her good fortune, it does seem like Aniston is destined to be an old maid.

While it lasted, Jennifer Aniston's marriage to Brad Pitt can defined as great, until she got involved in a love triangle of mystic proportions with Angelina Jolie. The aspect that could bring on this type of misery is the Sun squaring Mars in her sign. Mars is in Scorpio as well, which means that she has all of the negative alpha characteristics in her personality. Jennifer can be possessive, jealous, territorial and unreasonable. However, she would also be a great lover. Sun squaring Mars in Scorpio can also mean a person that never forgives and never forgets. She is capable of mental cruelty when crossed by a lover.

Yet another challenge in Jennifer Aniston's chart is her Mercury squaring Saturn. This is an astrological aspect that can indicate great personal insecurity.  She also has moon trine Saturn, which means that she cares what others think of her. She may take a poll with her friends to see if they like a man before she will go out with him.

Her sun also squares the planet Neptune, which means that Jennifer Aniston often follows her head rather than her heart when it comes to relationships. Money and appearances may be very important thing to her. She will also tend to choose scripts that pay well over those that are more artistic and hope she will win that Oscar anyway.

The fact that Mercury sextiles Mars in her chart is also not that hot. Once again, this indicates a person who cannot make a decision or who is always looking for others to take care for her. This is probably one of her main forms of self-sabotage - a lack of willingness to do the work required to really succeed in relationships

Jennifer Aniston has also had a lot of challenges with her mom, who wrote a tell all book about her. This conflict with her mother is indicated by the Moon square Pluto in her chart. This indicates "damage" that is carried with the person through his or her entire life.  Hatred of the mother may interfere with her ability to have wholesome and trusting relationships with men. A person like this may also expect nurturing from the males in her life and then be crushed when she does not get all of the attention she wants.

Donna West is a professional writer and researcher on psychics and astrology.

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By cherry, Wednesday, May 17, 2017 01:54:01 PM
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