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Jupiter, Neptune, And Chiron In Aquarius. What Does It Mean For You?
Mercury opposes Neptune, Chiron, Jupiter in Aquarius

Jupiter, Neptune, and Chiron have been in the progressive sign of Aquarius all year, but on July 30th, Mercury opposes this triad of planets causing some big changes in our lives. This means that many of us will be facing issues having to do with trust, forgiveness, and faith. We may have to face the choice of telling someone how we really feel or having to let them go for good. 

First of all, let’s discuss the meaning of having Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius. It means that “hot spots” in relationships are easily triggered. Many of us have already seen huge shifts in our personal connections over the past year. The signs that are most deeply affected are Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio.
For the most part, this influence has been about unconditional love. This is because Neptune and Chiron are planets that have to do with mental illness.  When Mercury, the planet of communication, opposes this at the end of the month, many of us will feel like we are right at the end of our rope when it comes to our relationships. Many of us will be let down or disappointed, especially if we have been putting someone on a pedestal.

We might be faced with the realization that our loved ones are merely mortal. Aquarius is a very idealistic sign, but not that practical in many ways. Neptune in Aquarius makes us feel like we are beyond the laws of nature and can live forever. This fosters vices and addictions. Chiron in Aquarius means that a sense of shame is either exaggerated or not there at all.  We may feel justified in indulging in bad behaviors because we had a bad childhood or because we need to indulge ourselves after a crisis of some kind. 

Jupiter in Aquarius is usually good, as it can mean progressiveness in terms of wealth and also in the area of discovering new medicines and therapies. However, on the 30th of July, many could also receive bad news about a health matter that might be exactly the result of being so permissive with our health in the first place.

This year, many of us have been falling short of our ideals when it comes to love, forgiveness, and compassion. When Mercury opposes these three planets on the 30th, it is time to realize our own shortcomings when it comes to relationships as well. Many of us have been gambling with our relationships and playing house with less than reliable partners. Many of us have been trying to save someone who cannot be saved from an addiction, like drinking, or be looking for a relationship that will take for us.

Mostly, the challenge of this conjunction will be to learn how to take care of ourselves. The first of the month could bring a wakeup call where we realize that we cannot really rely on anyone else to take care of us and that it is foolish to focus on people who may not necessarily be able to help us with our own problems. 

Yet another effect of this would be more unorthodox relationships. We may feel compelled to give a lover more freedom or forgive a lover for infidelity. We will definitely be seeing more open relationships or relationships that are more like “friendships” with sexual benefits built in. The reason so many people will be thinking this is because Aquarius is the sign of “brotherly love.” People will be insisting on making even the most dysfunctional relationships work.  If you need to get out of a relationship that is not working, then July 30th is the day to do it.

Here is the forecast for how these three planets in Aquarius are affecting your sign.

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On the 30th, you may be faced with a moral choice about a relationship that has been troubling you for some time. Most likely, this person has been a bit of a vampire when it comes to money. As worthy of a cause as they seem to be, you may now have to tell them that the well of available funds is running dry. If you have borrowed money, you could run into some problems at this point, especially if you have borrowed from a relative. There is also a risk that a toxic family secret could be exposed and brought out into the light around the first of the month.


It is time for you to stop dallying when it comes to making a decision of whether or not to choose to keep someone from the past, or build a new future with someone you have met during the last year. If you choose the past, you will definitely squander a hard won victory. Now is the time to go boldly forward and make a commitment to the person that you truly love. If you have been wrestling with your conscience, you may feel a little more tortured around the first of the month. Ignore an individual who has been trying to make you feel guilty and stick to your guns when it comes to looking out for number one first.


You are not to fear the future as events are unfolding exactly as they should. A separation from a loved one is going to prove to be temporary. You will find yourself benefiting from a loved one’s choice. Recent mistakes made regarding a relationship will also be forgiven. One challenge might be to see a partner who you have perceived as rescuing you, now as being only human. Some of you have been putting someone else first for months. This has not helped your finances or career. The end of the month will find you standing on your own two feet and making new friends.


Try not to be haunted by a recent failure. Your pessimism lately has been contagious and loved ones could call you on it. You may need to meditate or even go on a spiritual retreat soon to get back on track and decide what your highest goals in life should be. If you fall into complete disillusionment around the 1stt of the month, realize that this is only a temporary state and that “this too shall pass.”  If someone leaves you at this time, rest assured that he or she will be replaced by an equal relationship or a relationship that is even better. This could be a time when finding the silver lining in the cloud is your best option for finding serenity and happiness in life.

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You may be dealing with a health problem and so far you may think you have found a solution that is working. This could apply to you or a loved one. However, you may find that these solutions may not be as effective around the first of the month.  You might be thinking there is no point in attempting any self improvement at all. The key is to not let dejection set in and take over your psyche. These planets might indicate a setback or relapse of some kind, but in the end, the problems caused will not be insurmountable, especially if you have faith in yourself. Don’t be depressed if things don’t turn out exactly as you wanted.


Around the first of the month, you are going to be in for a big letdown. This is most likely because you have decided to be loyal to someone who is not necessarily loyal to you. The planets indicate that you can still be friends with this individual, as long as you are more reasonable about your expectations of them. If you learn how to see this person for he or she really is, he or she will no longer have the power to hurt you like they have in the past. This is a revelation that will help prevent you from making negative relationship choices in the future.


Around the 1st, you are going to feel that you have woken up and landed on a planet where everyone has been replaced by an exact doppelganger that is behaving like an alien. Be prepared to feel victimized and misunderstood, but as this is going on, be very careful to consider the source of your pain and grief. When Mercury opposes a group of planets, there is likely to be distorted judgments and aggressive thinking present, especially if the person you are dealing with is mentally ill or dealing with an addiction problem in the first place. If you are the one with the addiction, you might be in danger of relapse or may even find loved ones interfering with your behavior.


The planetary alignments around the 30th are going to be a thorn in your side no matter what you do. You may be accused of being less than perfect and the only thing you can do really is to freely admit your flaws and tell your accuser that they can take you as you are, or leave. You could also find yourself in the middle of a treacherous love triangle or the object of obsession.  You might simply have to wait this out for a few days. The good news is that the insanity of the situation will pass as long as you are patient and don’t have your own knee jerk reaction to it. You should also be wary of a tendency in yourself to be jealous and insecure as well.

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You need to be very careful around water around the 30th of July and the 1st of August. The planets also do not favor taking any risks having to do with medication or recreational drugs. These days might be challenging for you and it might be difficult not to feel overwhelmed by the negativity of others. You may feel the need to escape responsibilities or regress into more childlike behavior. You are better off to take long walks, meditate, and find the courage to tackle whatever is confronting you, rather than avoid it. Being evasive about any of your challenges at this time will only open you up to even more criticism.


You need to be quite wary around the first, as a relative or close friend may be “out for blood” or overly arrogant. You could be criticized or unfairly accused of something that you did not do around that time as well. Your challenge will be to stay steady and avoid diving into self pity when a relationship does not go in the direction that you like. It will be hard for you to see how others see your well meaning gestures as attempts to control or manipulate them. Around the 1st, you could get a wake up call when it comes to dealing with a friend or close relative’s vices. More than likely, some kind of health or financial crisis is going to alert you to a big problem, which in the long wrong you will be able to solve and survive.


Mercury opposes three planets in YOUR sign, so you are the hardest hit when it comes to being blindsided by negative actions and people. You can expect to be criticized and misunderstood or even shunned by a person or social circle of some kind. As Mercury is the planet of communication, you may find it next to impossible to get your ideas across. Many of you have been dealing with individuals who are toxic to you emotionally in some way. The energy around the 1st of August may allow you to finally get rid of someone who is a real vampire when it comes to stealing all of your focus and all of your precious time. This person may also be bleeding you dry financially and some of you will finally have the nerve to put an end to this situation by the end of the month.


Mercury, the planet of communication, opposes three planets in Aquarius around the first, which means you are going to just want to hide under the covers and, to be quite frank, avoiding people at that time is not such a bad idea. You may find that your behaviors in the recent past don’t really please others, so you may feel bound and determined to please yourself. Others may see your retreat from them as being very selfish, so be prepared to receive some criticism. Unfortunately, you have been on “overload” for most of the year and you truly do need to tell people to stop relying on you and take care of themselves for a while.

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