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Mercury Misbehaving In September: How Will It Affect Your Life?
Mercury in September 2011 There are two times this month when planet Mercury is really threatening to act up. The first point is between September 9th and 11th when Mercury opposes Neptune, Chiron, and Uranus, and then trines Pluto.

The second time is from September 26-30th when Mercury opposes Chiron. Uranus and Jupiter squares Pluto and then textiles Mars.

During the first period from the 9th to the 11th, Mercury in Virgo is opposing Neptune, which means that communication will be very emotional in those three days and it could be too that news could be revealed that distresses a lot of people. Strangely, the tenth anniversary of 911 occurs during that period of time as well.

This period will also be somehow personally painful for Virgos, Pisces, Cancers, and Scorpios, who may be reminded of some way that they have failed others in life.

Mercury also squares Pluto in Capricorn and, with the Jupiter in retrograde, it means that the earth signs may have legal problems. There will be a lot of talk of suing people and taking them to court. Huge losses can occur for earth signs on these days if they are too stubborn and greedy. As Mercury is inconjunct Jupiter, it is likely that any financial battles will not be settled in an earth sign’s favor. This is particularly true if you happen to be a Taurus.

The sign that will be benefiting from the misfortunes of other people during this four day period is Leo. Mars, the warrior sign, is in this fiery sign and luck will just simply seem to be with all of the fire signs in general. Many fire signs will also be falling passionately in love at this time.

From the 26th to the 30th of September, Mercury in Libra is at odds with Chiron in Pisces. There are going to be issues to do with mouthy adolescents and adults that cannot seem to grow up. Addiction matters may come to a head in some families.

Mercury in Virgo is also in opposition to Uranus in Aries during this period. This means outright head butting. An old-fashioned type might be arrogant or refusing to learn from someone who is trying to introduce new technology or new ways of working. This is an influence that will mostly affect earth and air signs with the air signs like Gemini and Aquarius faring a little better than the rest of the zodiac. They will simply be able to have the quick, nimble minds necessary to navigate the technology and use it for their personal advantage. Having an open mind is highly recommended for all signs at this time, as any refusal to learn or any taking of the system for granted could end up in disaster.

Mercury in Virgo also squares Pluto in Capricorn, which means that greed is likely to get the better of most earth signs. If there is a struggle over property, it is likely to end up in a dead-lock. This configuration is a bit of a repeat of the issues that came about from the 9th to the 11th. Unfortunately, these problems are not likely to get resolved overnight and as Mercury in Jupiter is opposing that retrograde in Taurus long court cases, feuds, or difficult battles are likely.

Once again, if there is a sign that is going to win or benefit from all of this misery, it is going to Leo. The fire signs in general will be benefiting from this type of disruption with the possible exception of Aries which is in opposition to Mercury in Virgo.

There are ways for each sign to get over these two rough patches in September. In a nutshell:

If you are an Aries, you can expect to lock horns with a difficult type who just won’t learn or accept new ideas.

If you are a Taurus, you are likely to suffer financially as the result of a lawsuit or divorce.

If you are a Gemini, you will be able to navigate emotional storms well if you stay platonic and objective and keep an open mind to technology.

If you are a Cancer, stay out of office politics and avoid expressing sarcasm or self-pity if you want to stay employed.

If you are a Virgo, you should avoid locking horns with other earth signs and make sure that you have your facts right or the rug will be pulled out from beneath you.

If you are a Libra, you are to avoid taking things too personally, stay the course, and show that you can be an excellent leader who can be decisive and keep emotions out of decisions.

If you are a Scorpio, you need to avoid someone who is struggling in life to the extent that they are pulling you down with them.

If you are a Sagittarius, avoid the temptation to cheat or take shortcuts that could put you in the spotlight to be criticized by higher-ups.

If you are a Capricorn, you need to reign in your urge to dominate every single situation.  Your impulse to control someone else is backfiring on your reputation.

If you are an Aquarius, you are best to work quietly by yourself and learn the rules of the game. Make sure you are up on the latest technology and do not be discouraged by anyone who belittles you or makes fun of your ideas.

If you are a Pisces, try to avoid making decisions based on emotional reactions and watch you say. Others are as sensitive as you today.

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