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Michael Phelps' Golden Horoscope
Olympic Gold Medalist Michael Phelps' Horoscope and Astrology Chart Have you ever seen a crab scuttle along the beach? It can move quite fast when it wants to.

Olympic champion Michael Phelps now holds the Olympic record for being the athlete to win the most gold medals in one Olympic games. This champion was born under the sign of the crab - Cancer. He was born in Baltimore on June 30, 1985.

Some astrologers would say that it is surprising that Michael Phelps is a champion athlete, as most Cancer natives are not known for their great physical prowess. However, like the side winding beach crab, Phelps surprises the world every time with his bursts of speed. Cancer is a water sign and that is definitely this Olympic champion's element.

So what is it that makes Michael Phelps so powerful physically? For one thing, he has Mars conjunct his natal sun. This is the mark of a powerful athlete in any horoscope. It is also a configuration that traditionally means that the person has a great deal of will power.

The planet Saturn also trines Phelps' Mars. Trines are angles that mean blessings and in this case the 120 degree angle indicates someone who is incredibly self-disciplined. Great leaders and conquerors often have this configuration. They also tend to be very hard on themselves when they fail, but with such kind astrological aspects backing him, Michael Phelps rarely fails. 

Saturn in this case is also in a water sign - Scorpio. Scorpios are known for being fiercely competitive, cold, and ruthless in their tactics to win. Not only does Michael have the art of winning down physically, he would also be quite disciplined mentally and psychologically.

His moon is also placed in the sign of the competitor - Sagittarius. The sign of the Archer thrives on dreaming up a goal and then meeting it. People with the moon in Sagittarius are also naturally optimistic. They know how to use the power of positive thinking to get their way and meet all of their goals.

Like many famous people, Michael Phelps also has more than three planets in one house. This configuration, called a stallion, is a mark of financial success and fame. He has the Sun, Mercury, and Mars in Cancer. His Venus is in the stubborn sign of Venus, which gives him the stamina and strength to train for many hours. His moon and Uranus are also in the sign of Sagittarius, which makes this world champion very speedy as well.

The fact that is Uranus is also in the sign of the Archer means that he is a somewhat unconventional individual who is likely to travel a lot in his lifetime. This makes a great deal of sense as Phelps is a worldly athlete whose accomplishments have made him a universal hero with people from all walks of life on the planet.  

Jupiter, the wealth bringing planet, is also in his eleventh house, which is the sign of advertising. You will be sure to see Michael Phelps in all kinds of commercials and endorsements but not just in his home country!

Donna West is a professional writer and researcher on psychics and astrology.

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