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Mother's Day Astrology Forecast for 2010
Mother's Day Forecast for Your Zodiac Sign This year Mother’s Day is on Sunday, May 9th, 2010. There are several large long-term celestial events that are affecting how this day will go. Perhaps one of the most important is Mercury Retrograde in the domestic sign of Taurus. This means that if something can go awry at home it will. It can mean broken appliances, delays in traffic, broken computers, and break down in communications in general. Be aware that misunderstandings could happen that day despite your best efforts to avoid them.

The theme of misunderstandings is also emphasized as the Ceres asteroid, which symbolize goddess, fertility, and agricultural is also backwards. This means that it is more likely than usual that you could give Mom a gift that she does not like or that a Mother’s Day meal could turn out to be as expected. If you are planning to take mom out for dinner that day, be sure to pick a good restaurant and it will more difficult than usual to get a good table or waiter.

Yet another thing to be aware of is that gifts of flowers may not last as long as usual – this is also due to the effect of Ceres retrograde. Gifts of food or pets are also not recommended during this type of transit.

All signs should be very careful in the hours between 4:00pm and 5:00pm ET on Sunday because the Moon in Aries is void of course at that point.

Here is a look at how the planets might be affecting each sign on Mother’s Day.


The moon is void, of course, in your sign around dinnertime so during that hour anything could happen. Your restaurant reservations could be lost, you could lose your cell phone, or you could simply have a relative get lost or disappear for no reason. Prepare for Murphy’s Law to swing into action that day as anything can happen!


You have several afflicted planets with the worst being Mercury Retrograde. Your plans could just screw up with very little provocation. Tempers could flare with very little provocation as well, so watch out for your natural tendency to butt heads with family members. If any argument amongst family members does erupt, it could last for some hours so keep that in mind BEFORE you start something.


Your ruling planet Mercury is retrograde in Taurus, which means it might be more difficult than usual for you to acquire a gift for Mom. This is likely due to a cash shortage or bad coincidence of some sort. The best way to show mom you care this holiday is to skip the expensive restaurants and invite her friends over for a home-cooked meal.


Ceres going retrograde in Capricorn can make mom a bit cranky so make sure that you do not bring up any contentious subjects. Sibling rivalry can also be a big problem. The best thing to do is have a sense of humor at all times. Try to take any criticism from Mom with a grain of salt, as the planets are making all moms feel like they are a bit hard done by.


Ceres moving backwards in the domestic sign of Capricorn can make it a bit difficult to make the house presentable. It can also make your mother a bit emotionally distracted or at least make you feel like she is – be content to realize that you are not being rejected and instead conclude that she has a lot on her mind.


Saturn in your sign is making it hard for you to get the attention and approval that you need from authority figures and this may include nurturing from your parents. Several planetary influences make your mother seem more emotionally distant than usual. The best thing for you to do is humor her or give her space. Pampering her with a home cooked meal is a good idea.


Mercury, the communication planet, is retrograde so avoid giving your mom any gifts that involve travel. Gifts to do with computers might also backfire on this day. The planets favor a smaller more intimate lunch or dinner with just a few friends. Be sure to plan to get to any get together early as problems with traffic or trains are very likely.


Saturn in the fussy sign of Virgo is causing problems for your sign. You may find that no matter what you do on Mother’s Day, it may not be good enough. If that does happen, you are to keep your chin up and not take things personally. There are several celestial influences today that make the world seem a bit unfair to Scorpios. Stay calm even though you might feel your temper reaching the boiling point.


Saturn in Virgo means that you might have to do Mother’s Day on a budget. If mom lives far away and you want to visit her, then consider travelling by ground rather than air as the planets do not favor travelling by plane. In your case, it is better to take Mom out on the town for a Mother’s Day meal simply because the asteroid Ceres is afflicted and could cause challenges with regards to cleaning and cooking.


Ceres is retrograde in your sign and that can actually mean “problems with the mother” or “problems to do with the homeland.” This does not mean that you are guaranteed to have a disagreement with your mother on Mother’s Day, but be aware that she could be quite tense for any number of reasons. If organizing a party or lunch, be sure to be very explicit about directions and times, as Mercury retrograde causes problems with scheduling.


You are an air sign that is likely to be quite affected by the Mercury retrograde, so if you are sending anything to your mother by mail or through the email you need to make sure it actually gets there somehow. Mercury causes delays with communication in general so you might actually want to watch how you phrase things to her or other family members on that day. Misunderstandings are more likely than usual.


The Mercury retrograde is likely to cause your sign the biggest headaches today. It may be hard to contact your mom or get everyone in one room for a celebration, as this planet can cause disruptions in travel as well as problems with phones. It is better to give you mom jeweler this year as Ceres retrograde does not favor gifts to do with food or flowers.

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