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Neptune Goes Direct - How Does This Affect You?
Neptune Going Forward Neptune, the planet of emotions and intuition, has been traveling backwards through the sky since May 31, 2010 and it will finally get back on course in the sign of Aquarius on November 7th. This is especially good news for water signs who will feel an immediate flush of good will into their lives. Many water signs will receive great news about money.

For the most part, life will seem more easy-going for all of the signs. People who seemed cold will suddenly warm up to you and even the harder, less forgiving types in our life will suddenly develop more compassion.

For some, however, Neptune moving forward may trigger a flood of feelings that may have been suppressed these last several months in order for a person to deal with difficult survival or money issues. Overworked people may finally feel like it is okay to collapse. Many people will also be getting things off of their chest on this day, as the sudden movement forward of this planet causes people to finally get up the nerve to air their resentments and grievances out loud.

Yet another thing that may be revealed around this time and for the next few weeks are secret addictions and secret affairs. Neptune moving backwards indicates sicknesss and obsession and when it goes forward, there may be an effort to bring things out in the open. If you are engaged in an infidelity, there is a strong chance that it will be discovered the week of the 7th.

However, for the most part, the atmosphere will be balanced and more pleasant as love planet Venus also enters the democratic and friendly sign of Libra that day. If there are confrontations and conflicts, it will be easier for them to be resolved gently.

Mercury, the communication planet, also enters Sagittarius the next day, which means that we will be less inward looking and less likely to be stalled by emotional problems or depression. Instead, we will be concerned with building a more loving, inclusive, and merry relationships in our personal and professional life. 
Yet another influence on that day is a New Moon in Taurus, which favors the initiation of any projects. Anything that is started on this day is likely to come to fruition as long as you do not let emotional dramas get in the way!

In general, Neptune moving forward in conjunction with Mercury and Venus’s shifts in the sky are going to result in a more optimistic, honest, and loving mood for everyone.  Suddenly, it will feel as if people have gotten their sense of humor back.


You may feel a bit less ambitious than usual when Neptune starts moving forward. This could have the effect of making you feel dreamy and less focused. It is important to stay grounded as energy from the moon favors making swift progress with pet projects.


No matter what you do, it may be difficult for you to avoid an emotional blowout today thanks to the influence of Neptune. An upsetting secret could be revealed or someone who is close to you could react to you in an unexpected way. The best use of your energy is working on a career promotion.


You will feel positive, upbeat, and optimistic as Venus, Mercury, and the Moon affects both your creative and personal endeavors. It is very likely that Neptune moving forward will bring a cash windfall. You may also see an important relationship move forward in a way that promises permanence and profit.


You may feel shocked by something that is revealed to you when Neptune, your ruling planet, moves forward in Aquarius. It may be difficult for you to stay focused, but it is imperative that you put your professional life before your personal life right now. You are guaranteed a promotion or a move upwards if you can keep your eye on the ball.


Neptune moving forward could put you in a compromising position where you may be forced to discuss a subject that you find unpleasant. Other planets make it easier for you to distance yourself from destructive relationships, so you can get some work done. You will be rewarded for your creativity and diligence.


Neptune moving forward in Aquarius could bring you a situation or discovery that you find emotionally overwhelming. Your best course of action is to try and get away from your problems for a while by taking a trip. Beware of a tendency to go into denial when faced with a loved one’s addiction problem.


Neptune moving forward will bring you a cash windfall or news of a promotion. Use any excess money to decorate your house for the holidays or even better, treat yourself to a makeover that includes new clothes. Revamping your image right now brings success both personally and professionally.


Neptune moving forward may reveal a secret you have been keeping. There is a real danger that problems in your personal life could throw your career off track, so try to keep focused. Avoid a needy friend or colleague with a serious drinking problem.


Neptune moving forward invigorates you, yet it also makes you feel emotional and passionate. Be sure not to overwhelm others with your opinions and feelings as some signs will be feeling delicate. Your intuition is dead on in the near future and you are practically guaranteed success no matter what type of endeavor you try.


Neptune moving forward may bring up some disturbing issues and a clearing of the air may be needed with a loved one before you feel that you can focus or concentrate on the task at hand. If a child or younger person is annoying you, it is much better that you take a time out or leave him or her to make their own mistakes rather than interfere. You will be seen as too controlling.


Neptune moving forward in your sign is apt to bring some interesting developments in your career. You are almost guaranteed a promotion or influx of cash into your life. However, you are also guaranteed a conflict or drama that could affect your reputation and focus. Try not to get bogged down in things that don’t matter and focus on developing your talents right now.


Neptune, your ruling sign, moves forward which brings you more money, a great deal of love, and a relaxing of some restrictions that have been on you for some time. The weeks ahead favor your creativity, so get into making crafts for Christmas. This is an excellent time for you to make a proposal or take a trip with someone you love.

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By Happy, Sunday, November 07, 2010 10:53:13 AM
Please, do you call yourself an astrologer? Neptune is NOT the ruling planet of Cancer. Everyone with even the slightest knowledge knows that the MOON rules Cancer.. I am a Crab and I take offense to this. It is not the first time you have stated the wrong ruling planet for Cancer. Maybe I should pay closer attention to the other signs, maybe you got some of them wrong too.
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