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Nifty Gadgets For Your Zodiac Sign
Nifty Gadgets for your Zodiac Sign Everyone could use a nifty little gadget or two to make their life easier and just more interesting. Here is a look at some of the gadgets that are around that suit the character and lifestyle of each sign.


You are the ambitious go get ‘em type so you really need that supersonic personal organizer. The best gadget for you is probably the iPhone, which helps you do many tasks all at once.  Printers that are all-in-one faxes, copiers, and scanners machine also make your life easier.


You love to cook so kitchen gadgets really suit you.  Things like automatic juicers, blenders, and state of the art weigh scales make your life a lot easier.  You love children too, so consider getting an automatic ice cream maker to keep their taste buds entertained in the summer.


You are a mover and a shaker and definitely need a state of the art phone with an address book in it. Your artistic side needs gratifying so consider getting a computer tablet to draw on. Any gadget that makes music, such as one of the new sophisticated synthesizer style pianos also suits this talented sign.


You love hiding your nest and you need to keep it clean. A little electronic robot for vacuuming the floor keeps you happy. You also love to watch television and love gadgets that help you mount the television on the wall, so you can pretend that you are in your own home movie theater.


You are a big show off, especially when it comes to entertaining, so having the latest wine chilling gadget on hand is good for your soul. You might also enjoy the newest type of can-opener, which opens the can from the rim as opposed to on top and thus spares you from accidentally cutting your hand.


You are a practical sign and you also like to speed read.  The cheapest books are on the internet, especially the how-to books that you love to read. The best gadget for you is a PDF reader, also sometimes called a candlebook, which is a portable information reader that you can take to bed with you.


You love anything to do with art, so you might be interested in the new picture frames that allow you to hang a moving image on the wall. These are flash animations that can be programmed in or downloaded to give you a piece of art that is a living picture.


You have a bit of the spy in you so the latest surveillance gadgets are your passion. Tiny point and shoot cameras and miniature tape recorders that fit inside a pocket satisfy your desire to discreetly survey the activities of your loved ones.


You love to travel so one of the best gadgets for you to have is a GPS. These electronic gadgets fit in your car and can give you directions to any destination in the world that you want. For exercising, you might want to take advantage of the latest pedometers on the market.


You are a homebody so you love gadgets that help you clean more efficiently. Consider getting one of the new steam mops that cleanse your floors with steaming hot water. To make your home smell nice, you can also buy the latest aromatherapy unit.


You love futuristic things so you will enjoy the new pen-top computers that allow you to write, draw, or scrawl anything on a tablet and then have those images transcribed directly to your mainframe. You also love amusing gadgets such as the earwax camera and cleaner, which is a q-tip that allows you to see inside your ear so you can clean it better.


You are a great outdoorsman, so there is no better gift for you than an electric portable grill. These grills are so advanced nowadays that allow you to barbecue indoors. You also enjoy novelty fountains, especially those with built in fog machines.

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