Horoscopes Articles
By Chan, Tuesday, July 31, 2012 03:27:15 PM
Hey, I'm Aries, I don't take credit for something I didn't do. I never cut I line for anything. I always let other people pass me at grocery store. I am at time little impatient. I don't judge people by the shoes, but I admit I do judged by what kind Of car they drive and how clean their car. Aries, is fun, exciting and yes we like men. Was told that I'm the best Partner in bed.:-))
By Algia Lynn, Sunday, September 26, 2010 08:01:06 AM
This is totally wrong - I am a gemini - wrong description - i have no reason to make up anything concerning my past or anything else. Also know sever Capricorns & that is WAY off. Married to a Scorpio and BOY is that TOTALLY wrong - he is a liar, abuser (physical, mental, emotioal & verbal). Sister is a Pices - she is a pathological liar. She ruined my name, put her hand on the bible & lied causing me to lose what family I had left. She didn't help with my mother when she needed it (I was her caregiver for 7 years). She was dishonest in business dealings, retrieved bank information she wasn't suppose to have privy (mine & mine & mothers)- she caused the lose of everything I had. The Capricorn isn't exactly right - the one's I know are posessive, demanding, untrusting, critical, very selfish, judgemental, unforgiving, always right, never wrong, self centered. As a Gemini - I don't think it is necessary to exagerate about anything as it will bite you in the backside. Nor do I judge people by their status or appearance. The person is what is important to me. So where does your description come from. I know me & I knew my mother (june 4 & june 5) and several others - none of the description of Gemini's described any of them. We were & are very nice people with nothing to hide or to make up. I am an empath, clairesent (sp) and extremely sensitive to people, my surroundings, am a giver to the extreme. Thank you for letting me express my opinion. aln
By Bernette, Saturday, August 08, 2009 11:01:31 PM
That is funny Sharon, as I think about it my Sister-in-law as a pisces, she does her little digs during the holidays I may say, she also tries to look so innocent after doing it. I got a christmas card from her with a reindeer taking a crap with nothing said on the front of it and when I open it up in front of her as I got it the card when we came over, it says "same old crap every year happy holiday's". She made a Big stink about it and said I hope you don't get offended but I just thought it was nice. But I can tell she wanted to get a rise out of me..but I just thought in my mind " Karma coming". I thought I share that...lol
By Mildred, Saturday, August 08, 2009 04:50:04 PM
I am an Arian,as you say, impatient and I have never felt as if I were royalty,important and vain , yes, due to my upbringing. I have never butted anyone in lines, I would have felt inconsiderate and rude, again to my upbringing. I have never taken credit for anyone's s work, or things, as you put it, on the contrary, I have always given credit to all those that deserved it.Yes, as old as I am now, I still feel that I am number one, leader of the zodiac system.I have never looked at anyone's shoes, for I never look down, i always look up, , I do not judge, that I leave to the Big Boss. When I meet someone, I look directly into their eyes and yes, I might see what they might be, for it has always been said, that "the eyes are the windows of the soul". Arians love men, even at 70. They are not as close to women, except for family. What I read today's horoscope was for a very negative Arian. Thank you
By Sharon, Saturday, August 08, 2009 04:17:04 PM
I have to comment to Sheryl too. You may be an anomoly. I am married to a Pisces, and he is an identical twin. The twin is also married to a Pisces, plus my sister is a Pisces, and I'll tell you what, this nails all 4 of them to a tee. (My sister in law will cause chaos and sit back with an innocent face and act all innocent). All 4 of them, will never ever ever admit when they have done something wrong, and it causes a lot of conflict within the families. You have obviously learned that this is not o.k. and that's great. My best friend and daughter are both Libras, and it nails them. As for the Aries, Gads, they have nailed my mother, that is so her. I am a Sag, and am trying to step outside myself and agree that's really me. ha.
By Bernette, Saturday, August 08, 2009 03:52:23 PM
Hello Sherly pisces, perhaps your right on yourself, remember we all have three parts to our zodiac, your sun, rising,and moon. It may round you out better in the area of being wrong about something and admitting it. My grandmother is a pisces and she will not admit when she is wrong. It drives the family crazy. I have a sister-in-law that is a pisces and she has that proud sign to her which she talks about herself a lot. Not saying that is bad, but others may take it like differently. All and all we all have quirks in our zodiac. Try to understand everybody and perhaps we all get along somehow! That is what I'm trying anyways! I'm Scorpio....Leo rising and Gemini moon.
By Sheryl, Saturday, August 08, 2009 11:36:47 AM
I completely disagree! I am a Pisces and whenever I am wrong about something I will be the first to admit it. There's no point in causing problems because of being too proud. Everyone is proud to some degree. As far as being spaced out all of the time, if that were the case, there'd be alot of Pisces walking around like airheads. In today's world who has time to be spaced out and constantly daydreaming? Not me! I'd rather be on my toes all the time. I am empathic with people and animals, though. Sometimes I'd rather be around animals more than people.
By Tiffany, Saturday, August 08, 2009 11:14:10 AM
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Wooww. Someone really knows the zodiac. This is right on piont with every sign. |