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Pop Astrology: Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson's Astrology Chart

Michael Jackson passed away on Thursday, June 25, 2009. He collapsed and died in his home where the paramedics were unable to revive him. Strangely, there was also a doctor in the house and, at this time, the apparent cause of death might have been a drug overdose. Jackson has been in a wheelchair for two years and it is not surprising that he might have been taking painkillers for his skeletal problems.

The seventh child in the Jackson family, Michael debuted on the professional music scene as a member of The Jackson 5. His solo career began in 1971. For decades, he was known as the "King of Pop.” Four of his solo studio albums are among the world's best-selling records: Off the Wall (1979), Bad (1987), Dangerous (1991) and HIStory (1995). His 1982 Thriller album is the world's best-selling record of all time.

There is no time of birth for Michael Jackson, so it is estimated at noon as is the tradition when this important astrological information is not known. His actual birthdate was August 29th, 1958 and he was born into the famous performing Jackson family in Gary, Indiana. Looking at his chart, one sees a life filled with unusual astrological stressors including very difficult conjunctions with the Sun and Pluto.

Michael’s life has always been a little unusual, which is explained by the fact that he has a conjunction of the Sun in Virgo to Pluto. This is a difficult planetary combination to say the least. Pluto is the God of personal transformation and the Sun symbolizes the Self.  Virgo is the sign of the perfectionist and, in his own eyes, he was never perfect. He was always trying to create a new persona to replace the last one.

The Sun is also symbolic of the father and it is well known that Joseph Jackson was quite ruthless and critical when it came to molding the young Micheal Jackson into a star. Conversely, Michael was very criticized as a father figure himself, for doing things like dangling his own child at the window. Allegations of child abuse at his home In Neverland also haunted the star’s life, adding to his notoriety and reputation as an eccentric.

This charismatic star had Venus in Leo who means great fame and also riches. No matter what his fans seemed to always love him, despite charges of child abuse. His Venus is also conjunct Uranus which denotes androgyny.  His appearance at times certainly was both male and female; he was thin and his face had an almost Barbie like feminine appearance by the end of his life.

Chiron the wounded healer planet was is in opposition to both these planets in his natal chart which usually means a difficult childhood.  Chiron is currently in Aquarius and Jackson’s natal Chiron was also there at the same time.

Chiron in opposition to Venus can mean a person who is never satisfied with his or her appearance. It might also explain why he seemed so addicted to plastic surgery.  He was also the eternal wounded child in some ways and that explains Neverland – the bizarre eternal nursery and amusement park that he called home for many years.  It can also indicate a person who was constantly criticized and scrutinized in general. That could certainly be said to be true of Jackson’s relationship with the media who were always looking to exploit his eccentricities.

These planets also form a square to Mars in his chart, which describes a person who is constantly at war with himself. He was a very defensive individual who had a great deal of difficulty expressing himself to the public and setting appropriate boundaries.

He was also a very delicate and sensitive person, as indicated by a Moon in Pisces. This is a very sensitive placement that indicates tremendous creativity. This moon is squared by Saturn, which means that no matter how rich he got or successful, Jackson always had to work very hard. It also indicates a very lonely individual who felt misunderstood.

Chiron would be a force to contend with in Michael’s chart and, at age 50, it returned. Usually this produces some kind of emotional or physical crisis that forces people to seek healing. However, in Jackson’s case, the healing crisis seems to be his actual death and the liberation of his soul from his body.

It is no secret that Jackson had many emotional and physical problems. Among them was a back problem. This is classic with individuals with an ill placed Saturn. When he died, Saturn was transiting his birth chart. Also, Mars was transiting his natal Mars and this could have caused a physical reaction.

Even stranger, both transiting Neptune and Jupiter were within a two degree orb of his natal Mercury, which sometimes also means sudden death in astrology. Drugs for back pain are believed to be involved in his death, which is not surprising when Neptune is an influence. Neptune often symbolizes great stress.

When Jupiter transits the natal Jupiter, it sometimes means the liberation of the soul from the body. The upside is that this meant being freed from a life that was very painful physically, emotionally and legally over the past few years.


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By Tina, Monday, November 02, 2009 01:19:43 PM
By Michelle, Sunday, November 01, 2009 02:54:48 PM
I grew up with Michael Jackson. He was on the walls of my bedroom. I loved him as a performer and a person. Growing up at the same time as Michael was cool, yet I would hear these aweful stories about charges that were brought to him. I never ever believed it as he definately didn't fit the profile of a child molester. I always felt that his worst crime was that he was badly misunderstood and narcissistic, having never had a childhood of his own. Developing Neverland was an example of Michael providing an opportunity for enjoying the childhood that he never had and of having the escape with other children. The children never persecuted him or made him feel less, rather they accepted him and were excited to have this 'dreamland' of experience with the 'King of Pop'. Unfortunately some opportunistic people looked at Michael as a 'dollar bill' and took advantage of the situation. It destroyed him and Neverland with it. Since that time Michael's life had been very difficult and he'd dealt with chronic pain and with that came the medication. For years he'd been hiding out just doing his best to raise his kids and escape the nasty press....and in the same time frame we were robbed of hearing Michael's music on the he'd been blacklisted across the boards. Can you imagine going from being on top of everything after 'Thriller' to having to hide from everyone for fear of getting bad press yet again? What a horrible life he had, yet what an incredible gift he was to the world with everything he gave....always speaking of love and understanding to the high point in his career I believe he gave to 145 charities that touched his heart.......and what amazes me the most about this incredible human being was that through all of his torment he still had his gentle nature and his huge loving heart...........I'm not sure that I could have the same purity within, but if we can perhaps aspire to someday emanate even a tiny part of Michaels virtue we may be able to say with a certain clarity 'we are the world' and truely believe it. Peace be with you Michael to a place that holds no hate and welcomes you as one of theirs............
By Denise, Sunday, November 01, 2009 10:19:18 AM
By Denise, Sunday, November 01, 2009 10:16:10 AM
Say goodbye to a legend is hard...Free the World for all the bad he was accused of there was more good he brought to this world amd smiles to peoples faces....he was a victim of his father and became who he was because of and missed his childhood...he can be all the child he wants to be now .... God Bless Micheal he is where should be the tour would have done him in anyway Denise
By Christia, Friday, July 10, 2009 01:36:11 PM
I notice a lot of harshness against Sylvia she is on her cruz and she also says that most of the psychics in here are a joke and if you want acurate info. to go to she also has a life to contend to! my respects for Michael J and Family but the world doesn't stop because he has gone home!
By Barbara, Thursday, July 09, 2009 12:14:01 PM
We truly lost a kindred spirit who was not only very talented, but a great humanitarian. I grew up with Michael Jackson and I will miss him dearly. He had a way of understanding other people's pain. He was NOT a child molestor and if you just do a little research you will see someone that God sent to the world to teach all of us king, and loving and respect the earth. Respect and love one another. Just do one random act of kindness each day and the world will be a better place. That's what he stood for. Rest in peace Michael Jackson. BD
By Shirl, Wednesday, July 08, 2009 07:23:18 PM
Michael was and is such a bright star. There was something o spiritual about him yet he seemed so misunderstood, as is the case with many people who seem to transcend this dimension and others simultaneously. He touched sooo many lives and that level of stardom never comes without an opposite force. The yin of his life was always met with the yang, as is the case with us all. I never had the opportunity to tell Michael how much he influenced me as a young child. I remember when I was in the 7th grade, I entered a school book fair poster contest. At the time, Thriller was the most popular song and, as a young artist, I knew exactly what I was going to draw! I drew a huge poster with Michael in the center surrounded by monsters. They were each holding books and the words read, "Come to the book fair. It's gonna be a real THRILLER!" I envisioned myself standing on the stage of our school auditorium, holding my poster as the principal announced the first place winner.....ME! AND JUST AS IF I WAS FOLLOWING A SCRIPT, THE DAY WENT EXACTLY AS I HAD ENVISIONED! There I stood, holding my poster when my name was announced as the first prize winner! All the kids screamed and cheered! I felt as if I were floating when the unimaginable happened. The school librarian walked over and presented me with a gift basket. Through the clear cellophane wrapping I could see the Michael Jackson Thriller cassette tape. It was my first cassette ever! But that wasn't all...along with several free coupons for some local restaurants and merchants, there was something red and sort of shiny folded inside! I couldn't wait to rip it open! When I did, there was the most beautiful thing I had ever possessed up to that point in my life, a knock-off, fake leather red zipper jacket, just like the one Michael wore in the Thriller video! I was speechless! From that day to this, Michael has always been a secret source of inspiration to me. I felt as if my envisioning the winnings of that day had magical powers that somehow seemed to bring my fantasy to fruition. I was a wizard of sorts. What a magical day...I have goosebumps remembering it! I can't wait to hear what Sylvia has to say about seeing him on the other side. Even there, he is an energy that other spirits will admire and aspire to understand. I am at peace knowing that he is at peace finally. Much love and light to you M.J. Love, Shirl
By Crystal, Wednesday, July 08, 2009 06:53:17 PM
Take a step back and relax, Sylvia is probably having to do other things, do you really think she is going to be on here 24/7? Relax. Big hugs and well wishes
By ida, Wednesday, July 08, 2009 06:17:54 PM
I think Sylvia Brown is doing her cruses I remember her talking about them in her last class. I miss MJ, I hate the way this world treating him, can't wait to see him in heaven. love and light rainingmoon7
By Barbara, Wednesday, July 08, 2009 03:52:02 PM
Michael fullfilled a pretty incredible chart, according to his gifts and talents, I love his music and he had a pheneomenal career. He had problems in his personal life, just like everyone else. He had to live in the shadows of his father and in essence he couldn't be who he wanted. I believe his music allowed him to be who he wanted, however, once the curtains are down and the show is over, we are always faced with ourself. He lived under alot of pressure and did the best he could under those conditions with his family life. Maybe, Michael had a chemical inbalancement and it wasn't detected. It's not for us to judge. I wish the best for his children and that they can live somewhat of a normal life under such publicity. I believe Michael is at peace home on the other side.

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