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Royal Wedding Astrology – Price William and Kate Middleton Horoscopes
Prince William and Kate Middleton The Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton will begin at 11:00am British Summer Time in London on April 29, 2011. This is the equivalent of 5:00am Eastern time and 2:00am Pacific time. The actual time of the wedding is said to be at the time when the couple arrives at Westminster Abbey for the ceremony.

First off, just looking at the event horoscope as to what is happening in the sky at that hour, it seems that they have chosen a planetary alignment in the sign of Aries under in which to get hitched. There is “a crown” of planets crowded in Aries, including Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Uranus and on that day – the Moon.

So what does this mean?  Aries is a very contemporary, “can-do” active sign in which things move quickly. With all of that energy in Aries, this will be a King and Queen who will be focused on getting things done. However, they could develop a reputation of being a little reckless and maybe even thoughtless.

Aries is also the first Zodiac sign in a horoscope chart, which means that there are going to be a lot of firsts in this wedding. There may be a great display of wealth or an unusual involvement with parents or grandparents, as is signified by Jupiter in Aries. Mars in Aries may show us a great deal of security and Aries in Mercury is going to give the world a grand display of the latest technology. Venus may give us unusual vows or the kind of intimacy never shown before in a Royal couple, as Venus in Aries is passionate and not formal at all. Uranus in Aries can bring an element of chaos or danger. There might be some kind of caffufle in the crowd.

It also seems that these two will be married while Mars, the planet of the husband, is in a masculine sign. This means that William will be the one who is absolutely in control of this relationship. The Sun, which is the planet that symbolizes a King, is in Taurus the Bull, which means he should be an extraordinary leader with discipline, order, and stubbornness in his character.

Many astrologers think this day and time was chosen on purpose because Jupiter, which is a planet of wealth and leadership, is in the tenth house, which is the King’s house in the Zodiac. Jupiter is also a masculine planet that bodes fertility. The astrologer who helped them choose this date may have chosen it because it bodes the birth of a male son. However, Mars is also in the sixth house, which can mean fevers, illness, and mental challenges for the children that could be born for this couple. The moon is also conjunct Uranus, which can mean difficulties in carrying a child to term or having a child that has problems.

The Sun is positioned in the first house which rules the husband. William will rule well both in the relationship and in terms of politics. However, the Sun is conjunct a malefic star known as Hamal which brings danger, violence, and head energies.

The wife in this royal marriage is symbolized by the seventh house, which is the House of the Spouse in a wedding horoscope. Venus is the ruler of her love for him and how love will be handled in the marriage. It is in the tenth house of fame, so it is likely that this girl will never have one single minute to herself. The event horoscope also predicts that she may suffer a hellish time equivalent to Diana, as the planet Saturn is in the fourth house of endings. It seems that Kate may have to deal with some tragedy, as the fourth house is not one of good luck.

A not so great astrological configuration at that time is that the Moon is void in the ninth house. This is a house of deep spirituality. When the moon strays, it can mean that plans go astray or that things go off course.  The moon is also in a waning phase, which means it is getting smaller in size, rather than growing toward a full moon. Both the waning moon and the void of course state symbolize a marriage that might not have a direction, end early, or force one or the other partner into isolation.

Venus and Pluto are aligned that day in a way that does bode obsession, craziness, and chaos at times. Security needs to be quite watchful of anyone that day that seems to be too focused on the couple.

The bottom line is that all of these planets in Aries will make these two “fighters.” Hopefully, they will be fighting for the rights of others, the underdog, and charities. In some ways, this alignment also predicts that the Prince may have to lead the United Kingdom through a war as the energies are so aggressive. It is also to be hoped that the Aries energy does not let this beautiful smart young couple into a relationship where they are always bickering with each other.

One energy that does smooth a lot of the frantic Aries out is the very fact that the Sun is in Taurus. This is a very loving, capable and family oriented influence that bodes prosperity and peace for all concerned. In this case, “all concerned” is not just a husband and wife and some family but an entire country; it looks like England will be ruled with a firm hand and by a couple who are destined to be quite beloved.

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