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Spring 2010 Forecast for Your Zodiac Sign
Spring 2010 Forecast On March 20th 2010, the Sun enters the sign of Aries marking the beginning of the Spring Equinox. This marks the period known as Spring until the Summer Solstice when the Sun enters Cancer on June 21st.

There are several important celestial influences that are going to take place during this period that are likely to affect all of the signs.

One of the biggest influences is going to be Pluto retrograde on April 6th in the sign of Leo. This lasts until September 14, 2010. This is likely to put a damper on the spirits of all of the Fire Signs, who may be finding themselves dealing with fall out from a difficult relationship or family matter.

However, on the same day Vesta, a hearth goddess Asteroid, goes forward bringing a sense of wonder and awe to even every day events again. Even during the worst of times, many of us will feel less pessimistic.

On April 13th, there is a very rare day in which NO new planetary aspects are made on that day, not with the sun, moon, or any of the planets. This is a good day for meditation for all signs as the “void” and emptiness of this day is ideal for creating a manifestation of what you want.

All signs will also be affected by Mercury Retrograde in Taurus form April 17th to May 11th, 2010. Expect frustrations and delays to do with traffic, technology, and communication.  As this one is in the sign of Taurus, there could be problems with appliances, mechanical things, and also delays in being able to plant flowers or crops on time.

Venus enters Gemini on April 24th bringing a sense of glee, giddiness, and flirtation into the air just in time for human mating season. All signs will enjoy a boost in mood and feel more enthusiastic in general all that week.

On April 28th, the asteroid Ceres goes retrograde in the domestic and agricultural sign of Capricorn causing chaos when it comes to the weather. This influence is also not great for gardening, cooking, or renovating projects.

Another major influence is Neptune going retrograde on May 31st in the quirky sign of Aquarius. Overall, this increases the risk of disease and toxicity in the environment and problems in relationships that may be fraught with addiction.

Here is how these influences may affect your sign.


The Sun in your sign invigorates you physically and financial throughout  March and April, but on April 6th you may find yourself dealing with a disturbing emotional problem that may take a bit of the heat out of your case of Spring fever. You may have no choice but to wait and ride this problem out.


When Vesta goes direct on April 6th, you will feel a little more light-hearted. This spring you will feel more like cooking, gardening, and entertaining a special someone with your charms. Life may feel like it is full of obstacles from April 17 to May 11, 2010, as Mercury retrograde in your sign makes gives life a slow, plodding, and frustrating feel.


Your health improves thanks to the Sun in Aries and by the time May rolls around you find yourself on more solid ground in terms of health and finances.  A relationship improves thanks to the forward motion of the asteroid Vesta which gives life a lighter, happier air to life. Venus enters your sign on April 24th bringing you a potential marriage proposal.


The Sun in Aries makes life very hectic and busy for you in March and April, and you may feel like you can’t catch your breath. Do a good job and you will be rewarded. Venus in Gemini on April 24th is an important influence for your sign, as it could bring you a shiny new relationship. Whoever you meet around this date is likely to make your heart sing for joy.


The maternal asteroid Vesta goes direct in your sign on April 6th bringing you an interesting new female associate or mentor. Many Lions will see their relationships improve with their mothers this Spring. The Mercury Retrograde, which lasts from April 17th to May 11th, will also be quite frustrating as it is likely to cause some setbacks to do with your career. However, take heart as these setbacks are temporary.


An exciting flirtation comes your way on April 24th as Venus in Gemini favors love at first sight for your sign. When Pluto goes retrograde on April 6th, you could find yourself wrangling over property due to a divorce or separation. It is also quite likely that this matter may not resolve itself until after mid-September so you need to be patient.


Venus in Gemini on April 24th brings you a few new wonderful romantic distractions that are so interesting it might be hard to stay focused on work. You will feel frustrated when Ceres goes retrograde in Capricorn on April 28th, as it could cause a shortage of cash for most of the Spring and Summer. However, this influence is temporary so you need to tell yourself “and this too shall pass.”


An important influence for you is going to be Venus in Gemini on April 24th as this playful energy could bring you a wonderful new sex partner. When Neptune goes backwards in the sky on May 31st, you experience some real challenges to do with a loved one that may have an addiction problem. All of the month of June is also a good time for you to seek help with any codependency issues that you may have.


Love planet Venus enters Gemini on April 24th and gives your love life a nice lift. This is also a good time for you to be social climbing or mix business with pleasure. However, there is going to be challenges after May 31st when the watery planet Neptune brings emotional issues with a loved one to the forefront of your concerns. It is likely that you or a loved one may also need therapy at this time.


Your biggest issue this spring is likely to be a family problem that resurfaces to plague you. This is likely to be of a chronic nature as the issue or argument seems to date back to childhood. You may have to play the waiting game until this fall before this problem works itself out. Venus in Gemini on the 24th of April could bring a new pet into your life.


Venus in Gemini brings a very special new friend into your life around the 24th of April. You might feel very frustrated when Ceres goes retrograde in Capricorn on April 28th as it may cause a necessity for home repairs. It may also be more difficult for you to launch new projects this Spring and Summer as it lasts until August 11th.


You feel much lighter and happier on your feet as the asteroid Vesta goes forward on April 6th and takes that pessimistic feel that winter and a lot of backwards planets have caused lately. This influence favors gardening, renovating, and just showing off your entertaining skills in general. It is time for your sign to relax and have fun.

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By Marie, Saturday, March 20, 2010 02:21:53 PM
Hi, I enjoy the horoscopes exept when there are obvious mistakes. Gail already noted that Pluto is in Capricorn. Are these forecasts on a computer with the errors programmed in? An ephemeris can be used to double check placements. Or I'll be glad to proofread articles, no charge. Pluto in Capricorn can mean a reinvention of themselves for those of that sign, and the same need for the rest of us depending on where it falls in our charts and the contacts it makes.
By Gail, Thursday, March 18, 2010 02:41:21 PM
There is an error you will want to correct. You said, "One of the biggest influences is going to be Pluto retrograde on April 6th in the sign of Leo." Pluto is NOT transiting the sign of Leo, it's transiting the sign of Capricorn. Maybe you meant to say Pluto in Capricorn is going to influence Leo's . . . .
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