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Thanksgiving Rituals for Each Zodiac Sign
Thanksgiving Rituals for Each Zodiac Sign Thanksgiving is a time of year for both grand and small gestures to show that you are grateful for the good fortune that has come your way and that you expect only good things to come for you and your loved ones in the future.

Here are some simple little rituals that each Zodiac sign can do that can help mark the holiday.


Gift a friend who has been overworked this year with a trip to a spa or a movie he or she has always wanted to see. Be sure too to create a special wreath commemorating Thanksgiving 2010 and put it on your front door. Making this wreath out of local gourds and plants is a wonderful way to welcome Thanksgiving guests. It is also nice to buy a new tablecloth.


You have been doing well financially lately, so make a gift of cash to a friend in need and do it anonymously with a note to him or her to pay it forward. This is also the ideal time of year for you to show off your cooking skills. Make sure to cook at least one traditional dish that honors your family, such as a sweet potato pie or special kind of stuffing. You can also use your special skills as a craftsperson to do some classic needlepoint and gift it to a friend.


Taking a walk in the woods with a special someone is good for you and therapeutic for your soul. Show you are grateful for all that comes to you by writing a special prayer or a song and performing it at the table. Get some exercise by cleaning up your yard and take the time to make some traditional Thanksgiving pies.


Your sign is artistic, spiritual, and representative of the compassionate optimist. This Thanksgiving, consider filling your house with candles to show how much your soul is alight with gratitude for all that you have. It is also a nice idea to give candles, as gifts to those in the neighborhood.  If you are good in the kitchen, make your own jams and jellies, otherwise frequent a local market to sample the fares.


To show how grateful you are for everything and also to help abate any tensions in your family, take everyone out to your local soup kitchen and have them cook or serve food to the poor for a day. At your own home, take your kids and pets out for some exercise; playing football or baseball is a great way to get exercise. On Thanksgiving evening, go outside and wish upon one of the many stars for your dreams to come true, however at first be sure to tell the cosmos how wonderful you find life to be in the first place.


This is a time of gratitude, but also a time to show how much you feel for those less fortunate in your community. Get out your checkbook and donate a sum to your favorite charity. It is also a nice idea to take spend extra time with children or pets by taking them for a walk in a park. String some lights on your home to make it look more festive and welcome good fortune into your life.


You have a lot to be grateful for this Thanksgiving, so make sure to make little gifts for everyone you know in the neighborhood or everyone who has helped you this year. This can be as simple as a small bouquet or a bowl of jam or jelly. Be sure to sweep your walk thoroughly of fallen leaves or snow to show the universe that you are welcome to good fortune walking through your door.


This Thanksgiving show how grateful you are by reaching out to that one individual that you have been feuding with and try to rebuild the friendship. This one humble gesture should go a long way to bringing you prosperity and good fortune this year. Take yourself to the nearest body of large water this holiday and skip a few rocks, all the time making a wish for what you would like to happen in the future.


This is a good time for you to clean your closets and give all of the clothing that you do not use or wear to charity. A very kind and appreciative thing for you to do would be to spend time with the elderly or even visit an old age home. Donating DVDs, music, and games to an old age home would be an ideal gratitude ritual for you. Buy yourself a new scarf to welcome the coming winter weather.


Goats are domestic signs that love cooking and decorating. A nice ritual for this sign would be to create a table centerpiece that is the traditional cornucopia filled with fruit and vegetables. Collecting children’s toys and donating them to the less fortunate will also make you feel doubly blessed on this Thanksgiving. Buying yourself and your children warm new mitts for the winter is also a nice gesture.


Make sure that you collect all of the canned goods that you can and take them to a shelter where there are people less fortunate. Even better spend some time in a soup kitchen serving up meals to the homeless. At home be sure to clean your place of clutter and make it look as comfortable and cozy as possible. The planets say you are going to have a lot of guests for Christmas.


Thanksgiving is an ideal time for water babies like Pisces natives to get a makeover and a new outfit. Buy yourself a new winter coat if you live in a cold area of the country. A set of new pots or dishes always makes a fish feel a little luckier. Leave a donation of food or cash on the doorstep of someone you know really needs the help. This creates fantastic karma for you in the near future. 

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