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The Astrology of Heath Ledger
Astrology of Heath Ledger's death Was Heath Ledger really a genius that deserves to earn a posthumous Oscar for his performance in the last Batman film? Or was he just another celebrity burnout who was unable to make it past the 30-year-old return of Saturn to his chart.

There is a lot of buzz around Heath Ledger at the moment thanks to his spectacular exit from the earthly plane and his appearance in a blockbuster movie that appears to be earning more money than even the first Star Wars film.

He has been called the new James Dean. One of Ledger's challenges was probably the fact that he does have so many planets in water signs when he was a fiery Aries. This could mean that his emotions could be blocked up, James Dean style and not easily expressed.

Of course, he also won an Oscar nomination for his performance as a homosexual cowboy in Brokeback Mountain.

He dated Naomi Watts for two years before apparently settling down with Michelle Williams, who also played his girlfriend in Brokeback Mountain. Their baby was born in 2005. They ended their relationship in 2007 and were often photographed by paparazzi  having horrendous fights in public.

Ledger was born April 4th, 1974 and the exact time of his birth is unknown. When this happens most astrologers simply configure the time of birth as known and that is what these conclusions form looking at his chart reflects.

Ledger was born a fiery Aries Sun, but his emotionally quirky Cancer moon would constantly put a damper on his ambitious urges. He may have been a moody person who had to agonize over every single decision he made. His Mars was in the water sign of Pisces, which creates a very sensitive and also empathic person. This is possibly why he was such a good actor. He could easily identify with the pain of others.

At the time of his death, Pluto, the planet of death, was transiting the twelfth house in his chart. Pluto rules the underworld and thoughts that are toxic or problematic. Pluto was in a harsh aspect to Mars, which also traditionally means addiction and madness. Mars was in the eighth house of his chart at the time of his death which rules relationships and death. It was no secret that Ledger was constantly agonizing over his relationship with Michelle Williams, which ended badly.

Ledger also had Venus in Pisces. When the love planet is in this sentimental sign the person is always looking for his or her twin. They need to believe in a soul mate that will take care of him ore emotionally. It is easy to let a person like this down.

Furthermore, Ledger would also be vulnerable to low self-esteem because he has so many planets in Cancer and Pisces. At the time of his death, Venus was opposite Saturn, which means that he might have felt that someone in his life was very cold and critical. He may have felt like he wasn't living up to his own standards or somebody else's and that he may never be good enough. The fact that Saturn was retrograde during his overdose also means that his relationships may have become very parental or childish. People may have been talking to him like he was a child.

Adding to his confusion, rage and depression may have been the fact that he experiencing a Saturn Return.  Everyone experiences this return between the ages of twenty-eight and thirty years ago.  In essence, the Saturn return is called so because it returns to the same degree that it was in our birth chart.

Saturn in his chart was retrograde which intensifies the effect even more and suggests that he was most critical of himself. It is difficult for someone with a fiery Aries Sun to have so many planets in water signs in the birth chart since that fire is not able to be easily expressed. This sometimes leads to depression and an inner rage. Ledger was in the middle of his Saturn Return at the time of his death. This is an event that happens to all of us when we're about 28-30, and Saturn in the sky returns to the same degree as Saturn in our birth chart. This is a time of either great stress or great achievements, and sometimes both.

Events, situations and people can be very hard on you during your Saturn return, crises after crisis may occur to inspire to get your "act together."  The disciplinary planet returns to whip us into shape to help us get rid of that which is no longer serving us. 

These two years are best spent working hard to achieve and in fact many people achieve their greatest success. Ledger's success in Batman may be evidence of that. However, others struggle against the Saturn's pressure to grow up and face the next stage in their life. Sometimes, this stage can mean leaving a toxic partner or bad habits behind. 

The public difficulties that Ledger was having with both addiction and relationships are evident of a Saturn return that led to failure. However, the Oscar buzz around Ledger is also evident of a Saturn return as it can be a time to achieve against overwhelming odds. The problem in this case is that the success was achieved after death.

The exact planetary configuration that likely caused his death was when transiting Mars made a square to Mars in Pisces in his chart creating the ultimate feeling of exasperation and like one cannot tog on. The Mars energy is aggressive and impatient and it is likely the decision to do too many drugs was quite impulsive.

Jupiter made a transit to the North Node in Heath Ledger's chat the week of the release of the new Batman movie, which is the reward; he should have received if alive for working hard at his acting craft. Unfortunately, he did not live to see it.

Donna West is a professional writer and researcher on psychics and astrology.

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By Tiffany, Thursday, October 02, 2008 02:48:08 AM
While my sun sign is an earth sign, I do have a fire sign for my Ascendent, Leo and my moon is in Pisces and I have a few signs in Scorpio. I have gone through depression so I know what it's like to want to give up. I still consider myself lucky to made it through my childhood and pre-teen years. Thanks for this insight it was pretty informative.
By rachel, Monday, September 15, 2008 06:46:29 AM
I can relate to Heath Ledgers birthchart and the difficulties it caused. I too have the sun in a fire sign (Leo) but the rest of my planets are mainly in water signs (Cancer). This causes a constant battle between my fiery suppressed outgoing side and my shy retiring lacking in confidence side-which is stronger due to the amount of planets I have in Cancer. Rachel UK
By Joyce, Wednesday, August 13, 2008 12:35:46 PM
He must have been a good person and had an enllightened spirit..otherwise God would not have called him home. but I too am a fire sign and now understand a little more about myself and the way I act on occasion..thanks for the insight.
By Cheryl Lynn, Wednesday, August 13, 2008 10:00:23 AM
The astrology chart on Keith was very very well put. I am glad that your on Spirit Now. You by far pass the other astrologers out there. I am glad to see this as Sylvia Browne is the best and I would not like to see someone around her that wasen't up to par. Thanks Donna for your insight into the astrology world.
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