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The Meaning of the Full Moon In Pisces
Full Moon in Pisces On August 24th, a Full Moon in Pisces occurs at 1:07pm ET. Intuition, coincidences, and imaginative journeys are ruled by this moon. The Pisces Full Moon is always a positive one that makes you feel that anything is possible.

The power of this Full Moon is augmented by the fact that Uranus also entered the sensitive and psychic sign of Pisces. This is an unsettling influence that can bring dark omens or cause a feeling of disquiet. Some signs will see miracles and others will feel as if they have been given a wakeup call. 

With such a heavy influence in Pisces, prophetic dreams are possible. However, some people experience such an increase in their sensitivity that they feel overwhelmed and sadness, as if the entire world is in their hearts.

A great influence offered by this moon is sudden and miraculous healings. If you have burned a bridge and want to repair it, this is a good moon beneath which to do it.

There is a conjunction between this moon and Uranus that opposes the task-master planet Saturn and the Sun in the fussy sign of Virgo. This might have some signs taking the opportunity to get things off their chest. You may get the feeling that things have to get worse before they get better. This will help you get over personal tragedies, get in shape, and kick obsessions and addictions.

This moon also squares Pluto in Capricorn, which can cause some introspection and investigation into our emotional realities. We may be questioning our judgment and whether or not we have made the right decisions in the past.

Here is a look at how this full moon in Pisces in late August might affect your sign.


You may feel irritable during this Full Moon. It is best to isolate, meditate, and let your imagination roam. If there is a problem in your personal life, answers as to how to heal it might come to you easier than usual on the afternoon of August 24th. Ignore a gossip who is trying to distress you on purpose.


You may feel criticized and pushed around during this moon phase. An older woman could be out of control and you may have to tell her to back off. It may become clear to you that how you are viewing reality may be actually shaping events. This is the time to start putting a long term plan in action.


This Full Moon arouses your interest in the occult and metaphysical matters. Consider getting a psychic reading. This is a great evening to connect with someone who deeply matters to you and take your sex or romantic life to the next level. This is also a good night for you to gamble as you are a little luckier than usual.


Great leaps of perception and belief are possible during this Full Moon. A whole new sense of reality is emerging for you that will help shape a more positive future. Stay away from negative people who might be trying to rain on your parade with prophecies of gloom and doom. You have what it takes to accomplish your goals so ignore the naysayers.


This moon will give you an opportunity to think more about the whole picture and the way your behavior might be adding to the pain or the betterment of those around you. You will have a heightened sense of intuition and compassion at this time. Your dreams hold an important message for you on this evening.


The pressure is on for you to find solutions to your life that really work, not just the band-aid solutions that have been barely holding your life together in the last two years. Use the power of this moon energy to brainstorm long term solutions to your problems.


This Full Moon in Pisces gives you a clarity of vision and the feeling that you know exactly what to do next in life. Many of the situations in your life that were problematic are now starting to straighten themselves out. Beware of a controlling person who may try to push your buttons tonight.


What you create tonight in a relationship has the potential to be solid, enduring, and rewarding. Be sure to focus on the positive by making a proactive plan to make healthy changes in your life. This is a great day to start a fitness plan. Gamblers may be extra lucky on this day as well.


This Full Moon can help you to receive guidance about your unique role as a creative person in life. You might also be encouraged to take the time to heal some old emotional wounds. If you have been feeling dehumanized by a corporation or business system of some kind, you will experience a relief in terms of an emotional breakthrough.

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Pay attention to the divine ideas and inspirations that come to you during this Full Moon. They are very healing in nature and some of these flashes of brilliance could also help make you money. Plan on doing what you love so the money will come!


Stay flexible and open to the higher wisdom in your soul. Do not let yourself be daunted by the amount of work you have to do to ensure that your life runs more smoothly. This is a good time to be responsible for yourself and figure out how you are going to put your house in order. Take positive steps for establishing harmony and prosperity in your life.


The moon in your sign is really going to reflect on how there is nothing really worth getting upset about in life. You are the treasure that you have always been seeking. If you are missing an ex or old lover, try using the energy of this moon to reconnect with him or her on a casual respectful level. This Full Moon makes forgiveness a little closer than usual.

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