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The Safest Times To Risk Money During 2009
Safest Times To Risk Money in 2009 Jupiter, the planet of wealth, is retrograde until October so for all signs investing or risking money is not really recommended until after October 30th, 2009. However, some signs might be a bit more fortunate than others when it comes to taking risks on certain days of the year.


The Aries native is luckiest investing when the sun is in his or her sign from the 22nd of March to the 22nd of April.  Another good day for investing or gambling is also February 2nd when Venus enters the sign of Aries. Good financial luck also blesses the Ram on March 25th when Mercury, the planet of communication enters Aries. You are also lucky on March 26th when a New Moon brings opportunities for personal growth.


The Sun trines Saturn on May 5th in your sign. This is a good day to gamble or risk money.  It is also a good day to buy a big object like a house or car. There are also beneficial energies on May 31 when Mars enters Taurus and favors the acquisition of property or renovations.  When Venus and Mars trine Saturn on June 22 it is a good day to do taxes and have the best possible outcome. You are also very lucky on April 24th when a new moon in your sign offers you the chance to start over financially.


On April 30th Mercury enters Gemini and offers opportunities for investing in a business or the opportunity to upgrade any freelance business you may run. When Venus enters Gemini on July 5th you will also be luckier than usual. Venus can bring a gambling win so be sure to play the lottery that day. You are also fortunate on May 24 when the New Moon brings lucrative new opportunities.


Venus enters your sign on July 31st which is a better than average day for risk taking, speculating and gambling for you. It is also a good day to buy clothes or get a makeover.  A good day to go to an auction or pitch an idea is August 25th when warrior planet Mars brings your sign luck. Another lucky period is June 22 when the New Moon in your sign brings new opportunities.


When Mercury enters Leo on July 17th you can expect to run across a bargain worth buying.  A good day to invest in a big item, like a car or computer, is on July 22 when the sun enters Leona good day for you to buy, sell or make bids on an auction i9s October 16th when Mars enters your sign and infuses it with good luck. Another lucrative day is August 20 when a new moon in your sign brings you the opportunity to start again financially with a clean slate.


When Mercury enters Virgo on August 2nd you will have a lucky day. Pitch ideas, go for a new job or play the lottery on that day. Another lucky day for playing the lottery or investing in big ticket items like a car or a stove is when the sun enters your sign right on August 22nd.  You are doubly lucky on the 22nd when both Venus and the Sun are in your sign making you one of the luckiest people on the planet in every way.


A lucky day for you is on August 3rd when the asteroid Ceres enters Libra. You may inherit money or property from your mother’s side of the family or find wealth through an introduction to a rich partner. You are also very fortunate when Mercury enters your sign on October 9th and increases your odds of winning the lottery. This luck doubles once again on October 14th.


Your luckiest day is when the sun enters your sign on October 22nd. Be sure to play the lottery. When Mercury joins the sun in your sign on October 28th you may find yourself in an ideal position to bid on some property. Venus, the planet of blessings, brings you a happy financial bonus or windfall of some kind on November 7th. On November 16th, your luck is doubled when the new moon also enters your sign. Be sure to play the lottery!


Your luckiest period is when Venus enters your sign on November 7th. Your luck further improves when Mercury joins it in your sign on November 15.  During these weeks you will find that you are a little luckier when it comes to gambling. It is also a good time to invest in a new car or computer. The New Moon on November 16th is one of the luckiest days for you and if you need to start again with fresh credit or apply for credit this is a good day to ask for these things.


You are especially lucky on July 21st when Venus blows a cosmic kiss to Jupiter and brings you something you have always wanted.  Fortunate cosmic vibrations also rule July 26 when the North Node of the sky enters your sign and brings you luck when it comes to investments and renovating property.


You are very naturally lucky, especially when it comes to raises, bonuses and royalties from January 1st through to January 11th. You are also extra fortunate on July21st when Venus, the planet of blessings, lines up with wealth planet Jupiter and conspires to bring you a happy financial surprise. Even though Jupiter is retrograde it remains all year in your sign bringing you smaller financial windfalls that you will be grateful for in these tougher economic times.


Your most fortunate period in general is going to be from February 18 to March 19th when the Sun is in Pisces. Things will just seem to go your way and it will be easier to acquire things like loans. Your luck is fantastic on July 21st when Venus, the planet of gifts, conspires to bring you something that you have always wanted out of life.

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By beatrice, Thursday, January 22, 2009 10:27:08 PM
I have tried for 40 minutes to get to the web cast and now it's too late. I do not recall seeing an email about logging into the web cast. Will it b shown again, I am so upset I missed it.
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