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Get answers to your most pressing questions Now! Restore your sense of peace and balance with guided...
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Not all of us have luck, yet we all do have the love and light of a creator. We each have a guiding...
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Need a little color in your life concerning love, career, friends, family, travel. Let a top adviso...
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For 26 years, I have imparted my wisdom through the power of the cards. I can answer any questions t...
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I've used angel cards and chakra cards with my "clair-gifts" to gain a deeper understanding of the e...
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20 year TAROT MASTER reveals the HIDDEN SECRETS of your relationship & guides you to your TRUE DESTI...
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I am an intuitive tarot reader and life coach with over twenty years teaching experience. I have a L...
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Divine blessings to you! I am an Intuitive Psychic Tarot & Oracle Card Reader that can help you conn...
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My name's Piscean Intuition and I'm an intuitive tarot reader. I've been reading for 5 years and lo...
Horoscopes Articles
Top Ten Astrology Events for The Fall |
This Fall season proves to be eventful when it comes to astrological events. Here are the top ten astrological to watch for that can shape your destiny in September, October, and November.
September 6 – Mercury Goes Retrograde in Libra and Virgo
Communication planet Mercury starts going backwards in the sky and continues to do so until Mercury 29th causing misunderstandings, delays, and problems with technology until September 29th. The retrograde takes place in the signs of Virgo and Libra, which means that you will be asked to take inventory of the past and be accountable for their actions.
September 15 – Venus and Uranus Clash With Neptune Uranus and Chiron
The skies are a celestial mess around September 15th when Saturn opposes Venus and Venus opposes Neptune and Chrion. This means addictive behavior and unfair or abusive behavior will be exposed and dealt with an authority somehow. On a personal level, many people will be reaching crisis points with toxic relationships.
September 22 - The Fall Equinox
The Sun enters the people friendly sign of Libra. Everyone will feel a sense of well being and harmony. The focus will be on success, social climbing, and the appreciation and arts and culture not only on this day, but until the Winter Solstice in December.
October 12 – Jupiter Goes Direct
After being retrograde since June 15th, Jupiter the planet of wealth finally moves forward and resolves a lot of negative financial dilemmas. It will be easier to get a job or save money. Everyone will be felling a little more prosperous. This influence is especially beneficial for air signs, as this fortunate planetary omen takes place in the sign of Aquarius.
October 30 – Chiron Goes Direct
Chiron finally starts progressing forward in the sky after being retrograde since May 30th. This means many rifts will be healed. Some people may burn a bridge for good on this day, choosing to leave a broke relationship behind rather than try and fix it. This influence will be especially healing for air signs and especially for those born under the sign of Aquarius.
November 3 - Juno Goes Direct
The asteroid Juno that symbolizes mature female power finally tarts moving direct in the sky after being retrograde from August 10. Many will find their domestic situation greatly improves. New furniture, cooking, and gardening matters will especially be emphasized. This influence is especially lucky for those born under the sign of Pisces and it will also bring harmony to the homes of those born under the sign of Pisces.
November 4 - Neptune Goes Direct
Neptune, which has been retrograde since May 28th finally, goes direct in the sign of Aquarius. Everything in your life will flow more easily. Cash will be more readily available and all signs will be a little more relaxed. It will also be easier to express your feelings to a special someone.
November 15th - Saturn Square Pluto
Saturn in Libra squares Pluto in Capricorn causing all sorts of tension. Public fears of terrorism, shortages of resources, and national emergencies are likely to be in the news. On a personal level, people may be paranoid, secretive, and harder to deal with. Misunderstandings are likely!
November 21st – Sun Enters Sagittarius
When the Sun enters the cheery sign of the Archer, life just seems to get lighter. Your opportunities to make money, social climb, and travel will increase as will people’s good will in general towards each other.
December 1st - Uranus Goes Direct
After being retrograde since July 1, 2009, the planet Uranus goes direct. Many of us will find objects that we thought were lost. Some of us will finally be able to afford a new piece of technology that we have always wanted. Be prepared to hear about glorious new inventions around the New Year as well.
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