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Use The Stars To Get What You Want
Using Astrology for Love, Money, And More Do you need more money? Are you looking for true love? Here is how to use the stars and astrology to get what you want.

The first thing you need to do is get an ephemeris or look one up online. These are basically just tables or charts that tell you what the positions of the planets are, but are very important in astrology. This is crucial because using the stars to get what you want is based very much on timing and the position of the planets as well.

Mostly, this is about learning when to act and when to not act. The first thing you need to be aware of is the position of the moon. When the moon is going from new to full is the best 14 day period during which to pursue anything that you possibly need to. When it's going from full to new, it is known as a dark moon. This is not the best time to manifest results, especially if you are trying to do it metaphysically.

The next astrology planet you want to watch is Mercury. When Mercury is retrograde for twenty or so days, as it regularly is three or four times a year, then this is not the time to act. During these periods, it is best for you to settle down and work on things in the background. It is not the time to pitch projects or go after a romance, as it is less likely to work out. Romances, job hunting, and apartment hunting tend to go much better when Mercury goes forwards.

The best time of year of you to manifest anything and accomplish what you need to do from an astrology standpoint is when the Sun is actually in your sign. This is the first thirty days after your birthday. This is the time to act, make proposals, and pitch things as the Sun is in your first house and you will be the focus of positive attention.

The worst time of year for you to manifest anything is in the thirty days before your birthday. Many people find themselves besought by setbacks and they feel less lucky and more tired. This is because the Sun is in your twelfth house of endings and trials.

Using astrology, the best time to try and get more love into your life is when Venus is in your sign. Focus on another aspect of your life if you see that Venus is retrograde. These retrograde periods occur about every one and a half years and are not conducive to relationships.

The best time to manifest money is when Jupiter or Mercury are in your sign. Mars is another planet that can help with finances. If you see these planets are in your sign, then that is the period of time in which you should look for a job, make pitches, or try to better your career.

Donna West is a professional writer and researcher on psychics and astrology.

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By Larry, Tuesday, April 06, 2010 01:15:53 PM
If you are new to this, I would recomend starting a journal so you can see over the course of a week or two what you main focus has been on and see what the universe has been trying to tell you. Learn what each house means, what general influence each sign has, what general influence each planet has then you will start to see a pattern. Mind you that you might not be able to manifest exactly what you want when you want because the universe wants you to focus on something else first. Good Luck! Larry
By Larry, Tuesday, April 06, 2010 01:12:46 PM
If you are new to this, I would recomend starting a journal so you can see over the course of a week or two what you main focus has been on and see what the universe has been trying to tell you. Learn what each house means, what general influence each sign has, what general influence each planet has then you will start to see a pattern. Mind you that you might not be able to manifest exactly what you want when you want because the universe wants you to focus on something else first. Good Luck! Larry
By theresa, Tuesday, April 06, 2010 06:53:12 AM
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By Diane, Monday, April 05, 2010 09:21:10 AM
I would like to know if there will be a major victory with regards to legal battles. I was vicitm of crime and also employer owes me a great deal of money. free lawyers did the legal defintion and civil law suits are what is needed. I need a lawyer in candad that does pr bono or contingency a real erin brockavich I am an American working here. when its all done want to come home what is the answer to this
By romie, Monday, August 17, 2009 06:37:15 PM
google search this and get your chart...ephemeris ....i did. Who can tell us how to read it though?
By Audrey, Monday, August 17, 2009 09:05:52 AM
I would also like to get a chart to tell me when things financially will get better, where do we go to get this chart and how do we get it. Articles are fine but when we can't access it, what good does it do?
By Darlene, Saturday, August 15, 2009 11:49:41 PM
These articles do us no good when they don't give us the information we need. i.e: What planets are currently in retrograde? And when will they be out? I think we're in the 'dark moon' phase right now, but I'm not positive. And where EXACTLY can we get the ephemeris referred to?
By Jan, Friday, August 14, 2009 01:31:47 PM
we never get answers why why they have this if we dont get answers jang
By cindy, Monday, March 09, 2009 11:20:05 PM
When is the best time to end an addiction to something? Is it during a new moon?
By gabriele, Monday, February 09, 2009 06:52:38 AM
the natal chart on is really good for birth charts. you need your birth time to get exact accuracy:)

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