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What Do Venus and Mars Have In Store for You Mid-October?
Venus and Mars for Your Zodiac Sign Between October 13th and October 18th, both Venus and Mars will be acting up in the heavens, causing all kinds of drama when it comes to love. This is because the planet Venus symbolizes the female romantic principle and Mars symbolizes the male romantic principle. These important relationship planets will be clashing with each other and other planets in the sky all through this week.

The first significant event happens on October 13th when Venus and Saturn in Virgo textiles Mars in Cancer. This sign is a great placement for Saturn, which is a disciplinarian influence, but a bit of a dour place for Venus. It could mean that older women have more of an influence or that mothers will be running the show. These planets are also sextile Mars in Cancer. Mars is not well aspected in Cancer, as Mars is a very fiery aggressive planet and Cancer is a water sign.

Under this influence, you may find that romance goes out of your relationships and they tend to become very routine. The focus will be less on sex and more about enjoying each other’s company on a day to day basis. This may alarm you if you are in a romance because it can mean that it could suddenly become a lot more platonic then you ever thought it could be.

Then on October 15th, Venus enters the sign of Libra, which is a much more romantic sign. It is possible that many people will fall in love that day or at least make a wonderful new friend. It is also the kind of influence that could bring you a long term relationship that starts off as an affair first.

The sexual potential of this week does not really make itself known until the 16th of October when Mars enters the fiery sign of Leo. Suddenly, relationships that seemed quite boring have quite a bit of erotic potential.

However, on the 18th, of October this same Mars in Leo conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn.  This means that many long term relationships could break up. This is because Pluto in Capricorn symbolizes the status quo and stifling jealousy and control. Mars in Leo is a celestial combination that encourages liberation and sexual exploration. This makes the middle of October a very interesting romantic time for most signs.

So what do Venus and Mars have in store for your sign this Mid-October?


Starting around the 13th, you could find yourself tangling with an older woman who seems jealous of you or who is spreading gossip. By the 15th, you could find yourself entranced with a much younger individual who also seems quite interested in you. However, be careful by the 18th, when this person shows their true colors and does not turn out to be as beautiful inside as out.


Around the 13th, you could really be feeling restricted by an older female in your life. Divorce or separation is likely discussed particularly if you are both earth signs. You may feel weary and disgusted with life for a few days after that, but by the 13th your lust for life returns when someone you love invites you out on an interesting outing. You need to try and decide by the 18th whether or not you are going to trade in your old outworn existence with a partner who bores your for someone newer and exciting.


Around the 13th you could catch some grief from a romantic rival. This is especially true if you are female. Be sure to let this person know that you intend to achieve your romantic goals no matter what anyone else thinks. By the 15th, you are walking on a cloud as a special someone is sure to pay you lots of attention romantically. However, be wary of sarcasm and being overcritical on the 18th, when that same partner’s feelings could be easily hurt.


Around the 13th, you are going to be very strong and sexy. This is going to make you very magnetic to both current and potential lovers. Mars in your sign gives you the confidence you need to ask a special someone to do your erotic bidding. If you are a male, it will be very easy for you to pick up a woman strictly for sexual purposes on the 15th. You are to watch out for upsetting a lover on the 18th by projecting your own issues on them.


Get ready for your love life to start sizzling around the 15th. As Mars is in your sign, you and a certain someone will not be able to get enough of each other. Your high confidence level is likely to bring you good news about money or you could receive a promotion at work. By the 18th, however, the bloom might be a bit off the rose as it becomes clear that some practical obstacles have been interfering with your relationship and that it will take quite a bit of hard work to make it work.


Around the 12th, you may be more insistent about taking the reigns in a relationship that seems to have gotten too casual for your liking. With self-serious Saturn and Venus in your sign, you may want more of a commitment from a lover or partner. However, Mars in Cancer means that the person you are focused on may be emotionally confused or just too lazy romantically to fulfill any promises to you. In fact, you are to watch out for premature promises that could be made to you from the 13th to the 19th and see this person in a realistic light.


Around the 12th you may feel a bit restricted by circumstances that are beyond your control.  A loved one could seem distant emotionally or actually be distant in the sense that they are miles away from you. However when Venus, the love planet enters your sign on the 15th you will be completely assured that you and this person will be building a secure, loving future together.


You are super sexy and charismatic around the 13th. Current and potential love prospects are not going to be able to resist you. Mars in Cancer could make you sentimental for an ex partner. Don’t be surprised if this person shows up in your life around the 15th.  However be very careful of making premature promises to someone who is very smitten with you on the 18th. Also be careful not to be caught in a lie on that date as the planets indicate that a secret of yours could be exposed.


Your love life is really going to heat up on the 15th or so when Mars in your fellow sign of Leo intensifies a current relationship. If you are single, you could meet the love of your life that day. You will also have the opportunity to mix business with pleasure, but be careful of becoming to close emotionally to a coworker. There could be jealousy or harassment from a spouse or ex around the 18th if you have not been faithful.


Around the 12th, you may get a wakeup call with regards to a relationship that is not going as you expected. With serious Saturn and Venus in straight- laced Virgo, you may want more attention from a lover or partner. However, Mars in Cancer means that the person you are focused on is not in the mood to commit to anybody. In fact, you are to watch out for false promises that could be made to you from the 13th to the 19th as this person may be just saying anything to get you off of his or her back.


Around the 13th, you could be feeling paranoid or suspicious of a flirtatious lover or spouse. This is especially true if you are female. Be sure to let this person know that you will not tolerate infidelity. By the 15th, you are walking on a cloud when you are blessed with a great deal of loving attention from a loved one. However, be wary of the 18th when that same partner becomes combative or resistant. Your best bet is to not come off as too controlling.


You are the sexiest man or woman on the planet around the 13th. If you are single, your love life could really heat up and you could even get proposed to this week. On the 15th, you can expect erotic thrills. Attached Fishes will enjoy a week of passion. However, be careful of being overly possessive of your lover or spouse on the 18th. Even though it may appear that he or she may be trying to make you jealous, it may not be necessarily so.

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By Rick, Saturday, October 10, 2009 11:08:58 PM
It's amazing how these match up to the events going on in my life right NOW! It allows a lot of things to make perfect sense!
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