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What Does The Mars Retrograde Hold for Your Sign?
Mars Retrograde - How Will It Affect You? Mars, the warrior planet, goes retrograde form December 20th to March 10th. This is big news because this planet has a lot to do with motivation, the creation of energy, and the will to fight with what is right. You will find over the next few months that everyone has less energy, is more prone to depression, and is also more prone to illness. It might also bode that the arrival of the flu pandemic in full force, as Mars retrograde does symbolize diminished health in general.

Mars does not turn retrograde that often. It only happens every two years and two months, but when it does happen, it has quite a significant impact. The 2009/2010 retrograde takes place in the fiery sign of Leo, which is a fixed sign. This means that it will also hit other fixed signs besides Leo quite hard. These fixed signs are Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius. These four signs may suddenly feel like they are conquered by life or drained of their will to go on. However, all the signs may find it hard to get ahead either because of a loss of morale and enthusiasm, illness, or a lack of supportive alliances?  People with sun or the moon in Leo or Leo rising may simply feel more introspective.

The Mars retrograde can also mean a loss of interest in sex, but it can also indicate misplaced feelings and emotions. It can mean accidents, injuries, and fits of anger, rage, warfare, or other forms of violence depending on where it is in your chart. Another thing that Mars retrograde can bring to light is sex scandals. Death by hanging, fever, fire, and natural catastrophes are also indicated by this equation.

Mars in Leo also reveals any secrets that have been hidden. If someone is going to betray you, it is likely to happen when this planet is retrograde because it describes situations that are not honest. If you are in politics or a position of wealth or power, you need to watch your backs at this time.

Here is a look at how Mars retrograde may affect your sign for the next couple of months.


When Mars goes retrograde in your fellow sign of Leo, you may feel a little bit drained emotionally and physically. Unfortunately, the influence of Mars treading backwards is going to also be felt for the first few months of 2010. Financially, you might feel like you have to desperate battle just to receive what you are justly owed.  Another effect of Mars going backwards in your Leo might be a bit of a drop in your libido. You simply might simply lose interest in sex. Fortunately, this will give you the opportunity to focus on your career and family.


Mars is a powerful warrior planet that is related to your sign. You may feel more like a new born gerbil than a Bull. Throughout this entire holiday, you may not feel like doing much more than watching television and taking it easy. You will want to relax with a special someone who makes you feel secure and loved. You are also more vulnerable to illness and accidents during the first four months of 2010. You should be especially aware of fire and take all safety precautions before you travel.


When Mars goes backwards in the sky, your roads open for you, as it causes those who would normally fight against you to run out of energy. Old enemies that may have been blocking your path professionally or romantically will simply disappear. From your point of view, it will almost seem like “evil has finally destroyed itself.” Your love life will improve as well as rivals will not have the motivation to get in your way. However, you may have to watch out for an aggressive lover who may be jealous of your personal power.


On December 20th, Mars goes retrograde in the fire sign of Leo, bringing you lot of energy and many social invitations. Many Crabs will see the fall of a long-time enemy or see karma in action in their lives. You are warned not too be cynical or sarcastic in any way, as Mars going backwards makes people very sensitive, but also very vengeful. You should also watch out for jealousy from over possessive partners.


Mars in your sign is going to have a great impact on your health. You may feel a little bit drained. Furthermore, you may not feel like things are going your way.  You could see the disappearance of a necessary ally or business partner.  You are also going to feel this influence throughout the winter. You might feel like life is a bit more of a struggle, as if you really do have to battle to just to receive what you fairly have coming to you. Escaping from the world by playing favorite video games or indulging in hobbies might help you get through this slightly depressing time.


On December 20th, Mars goes retrograde in Leo. Be sure to keep to a fitness plan and take your vitamins.  All of this stress could have a toll on your health. You should also “play it straight” in all that you do because if you have any secrets at this time, they are bound to be exposed. No matter how justified you are in your behavior, you could cause violence and aggression if people are under the impression that you have been sneaky. Another effect of Mars could be additional responsibility at work that you might have to fight to get credit for doing in the end.  Be sure to stand up for yourself or ask for a raise if needed!


When Mars goes retrograde it is hard for you not to feel pushed around. As you are the diplomat of the Zodiac you may find yourself indignant and outraged about what others are allowed to get away with in the near future. Even more frustrating is the fact that you seem to have lost the advantage of being able to “stand up for the underdog” due to new hierarchies of power established in important relationship. Your best tact is to lie low and do nothing until you are in a position to make a move that makes a real difference or impact.


When Mars starts going backwards in Leo, there might be a bit of a drop in your libido. You simply might not be as interested in sex as usual. Fortunately, this will give you the opportunity to focus on your career and cultivating innocence and playful times in your relationships. Get out and take walks and be sure to socialize to keep your spirits up. You might feel drained emotionally or physically. However, if you are artistic, you may find that this configuration gives you the chance to show off your talents. You may even find your name in the news or in the limelight somehow during the next four months.


When Mars goes backwards in the sky, old enemies may appear and try to ruin your success and happiness. Do not listen to gossip. It is designed to throw you for a loop, so that you lose your confidence. You might also find that cash is a little tighter during the first couple of months of 2010. You will find too that there is less confidence and faith in your ideas from higher ups. It is very important that you do not engage in fights on the road, as you are very prone to accidents right now. Be sure to take all kinds of precautions before operating heavy equipment, travelling or dealing with fire or electricity.


The backwards moving planet of war is going to cause challenged make you feel a bit tired and fed up with life, but you are likely to find solace in the arms of a special someone who makes you feel pampered and special. It is crucial that you do not lose your temper for the next while because others are feeling very sensitive and they are ready to fight you in a battle. Keep in mind as well that there may be a general lack of enthusiasm or support for your ideas during the first few months of 2010.


When Mars goes backwards, your health could be a little less robust than usual. Be sure to get plenty of exercise and take your vitamins. Unfortunately, the influence of Mars being retrograde is going to also be felt for the first few months of 2010. You might feel like life is a bit more of a battle than usual. You might also be handed extra responsibilities at work. This is definitely going to cut into your social life. When Mars goes backwards, problems with impotence, fertility, and weight gain are also likely. Be sure to keep you spirits up as depression is all more likely at this time.


Mars in Leo is going to clear your path for success. The only problem is that you may feel a little more tired than usual or being nursing a health problem. However, in general, the first four months of the year will be clear of obstacles as many of your usual rivals will be focused on fighting amongst them. Yet another effect of Mars in Leo is jealousy so be careful not to provoke vengeful feelings in individuals who may covet the people or things in your life. This is not the time to boast about your achievements in life.

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By dana, Wednesday, December 16, 2009 08:20:09 AM
What will be for us for the next month,with the new moon on 16 december????
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