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What Does the End of the Jupiter and Venus Retrogrades Mean For You?
Jupiter and Venus Retrograde End On November 18th, two important celestial events are going to take place. Jupiter, which has been in retrograde since July 23, moves forward in the sign of Pisces and Venus, which has been retrograde since October 8, 2010, moves forward in the sign of Libra.

Of the two influences, Jupiter will have the most pronounced impact because it is such a large slow moving planet. It is the planet of wealth and prosperity, so the good news is that things will get better for everyone for a while. It is also nice that this money-bringing planet is in a water sign because that means that money will flow freely and with a sense of generosity and compassion. If you feel you have been denied what is owed to you or that you have been underpaid or not receiving credit for what you are doing, this is not an influence that will last much longer.

To add to this good news, Venus turns direct in the friendly and diplomatic sign of Libra. Many relationships that were difficult or hostile might be transformed over night because of this gentle influence. Lovers who may have felt distant or less romantic for the past month may suddenly be more ardently in the mood. If there is a time to rebuild a bridge that has been burned, then this is it. Your chances of getting your friend back or making peace with someone you have fought with are quite great.

These two positive planetary influences are nicely framed by a third celestial event that takes place a few days before from November 14th to 15th. Mars in Sagittarius is sextile to Saturn in Libra, which means that these two normally aggressive planets are also working together to create harmony in our worlds. Governments and authoritative types will seem less forbidding or inhumane and it will be a lot easier for us to negotiate with the police or courts or be forgiven for some big offense. These planetary configurations can also mean good news for universities and hospitals that may have been in need of funding.

Here is a look at how Jupiter and Venus moving forward might affect your sign on November 18th.


Jupiter moving forward will benefit you in all areas of your life, but you will be especially pleased to see your parents or a child be blessed with some kind of pension or scholarship that makes life a lot easier for him or her. Venus in your eighth house may bring a chance for promotion.


Jupiter’s influence in your third house is likely to bring you good news about your performance at work. A promotion may be in your future. Venus in your ninth house may bring you closer to a soul mate; your intuition is dead on about a relationship that is troublesome or may nearly be over.


Jupiter’s influence in your fourth house brings you the money you need to beautify your surroundings and augment a savings plan for retirement. Your debts may be squared for a while. Venus in your tenth house brings news of a career opportunity that you should immediately act on.


Jupiter in your fifth house brings you a cash windfall, plus the chance to have some fun. Pets and children will bring you a lot of delight in the next few weeks. Venus in your eleventh house gives you more credibility than usual so it is a good time to improve your credit rating or ask your boss for a raise.


Jupiter in your sixth house could quickly finance the buying of property or bring some kind of good news about a bonus or an inheritance. Venus in your twelfth house gives you uncanny intuition. It is possible you meet a helpful type who will be a guardian angel in your life.


Jupiter in your seventh house brings you many invitations to social climb in unusual environments such as museums, art openings, and cultural fairs. Your business may be more involved with arts than usual. Venus in your first house encourages buying new clothes and makeovers.


Jupiter in your eighth house brings you a substantial cash windfall or you could inherit property. Venus moving forward in your second house gives you the opportunity to connect with someone so special that he or she could eventually become your husband or wife.  Anyone you meet at this time is likely to be very helpful to you in the future.


Jupiter in your ninth house brings you acclaim for a savvy professional move. Artistic types will be recognized for their talents. Venus in the third house brings good times with old friends and family. Expect to reconnect with someone that you may not have seen in some years.


Jupiter in your tenth house bodes very well for your career. You could land a big job or get a big promotion. However, watch out for weight gain while under this influence. Venus in your fourth house favors buying new furniture and also attempting to have a baby.


Jupiter in your 11th house is going to make you extra popular socially, so be sure to look your best. Make sure that you adopt a fitness plan, as Jupiter moving in this way could also cause you to gain weight. Venus in your fifth house favors having fun, spending money without care, and pampering oneself however you want to. It will be okay to splurge as the planets favor your inclination to do so.


Jupiter in your 12th house brings news of a birth or death in your family. Some goats may receive property or an inheritance at this time. Venus in your sixth house encourages getting a new pet and spending more time with children. You might also benefit from taking classes in cooking or one of the other domestic arts, especially if you want to make more money.


Jupiter in your first house brings you a cash windfall and impatience for a new start. Many will be in awe of your brilliance and charm at this time, especially if you are in the arts. As lucky as you feel, do not be so generous that you give away all of your money. Venus in your seventh house blesses you with genius. An idea you have could prove to be a real money maker and right now is the time for you to find the ideal investor or partner.

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