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What Does The Lunar Eclipse Hold For You?
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn On July 7th, 2009, there is a full moon lunar eclipse in the sign of Capricorn. It is a penumbral eclipse, which means it will be passing through the moon’s shadow. This omen of deep transformation has effects that often impact our lives for the next six to twelve months.

Since this eclipse is in the sign of Capricorn, it means it will raise issues having to do with banking, financial security, insurance, property ownership, family inheritances, buying and selling homes, home improvement and everything domestic. The sign of Capricorn is about respect, achievement, and social climbing.
Eclipses have often been portents of evil because the moon symbolizes the darkness, the subconscious, and influences in our lives that are unseen. Often during an eclipse, something is removed from our lives. This could be a relationship, an attitude, a psychological state, a job or something we own. As this eclipse is in Capricorn, this lunar eclipse is probably going to affect marriages, joint ventures, property, and investments.

Here is a rundown of how this full moon lunar eclipse on July 7th affects your sign:


This eclipse is in synchronicity with a difficult planetary influence from Venus and Pluto, which is bound to cause arguments with a loved one, sibling, or parent about money or property. It is possible that it may finally be apparent that a piece of property can no longer be afforded or that a big loan must be taken out to make ends meet. It is also possible that some Rams may be forced into paying a higher mortgage or into bankruptcy at this time. The upside of all of this is that you will be offered some kind of fresh start financially. The thing to remember about eclipses is that they always come with the blessing of removing a situation that would eventually become too hard to handle over the long term.


It is likely that this eclipse is going to cut back your hours at work, while at the same time raising premiums on things like insurance, parking, and other things that are necessary for to feel secure in life. Like all of the signs, you may need to cut back and scale down in order to make ends meet over the next year. The good news is that Mars is in your sign and it is going to give you the energy and inspiration to find innovative solutions to any type of money or employment problems that will crop up during the summer. You could also take this eclipse as an opportunity to assess your finances and make long term plans for saving money in the future. If you are a victim of cutbacks at work, you can look at this positively and think of it as a chance to spend more time with a special someone.


This eclipse is likely going to force you to focus on the big picture in life. Many Gemini’s are freelancers and you might have found a groove that was very comfortable for you to work in. However, influences beyond your control may be making the independent route for you less lucrative. The effect of this eclipse will have a profound impact on how you view money. You will be forced to spend less carelessly and develop some kind of strategy for saving money over the long term, despite the fact that most people in the world are at the mercy of a recession. The good news is that many planets favoring your sign have given you the chance to develop very strong and loving bonds with other people, so you will feel very supported and cheered even during your darkest financial moments.


There are a lot of planets in your sign supporting you, which mitigates some of the effects of this eclipse, but chances are, like other signs, that you will suffer from a thinning of your resources. Your cash flow may be weaker and some Crabs could find themselves receiving news that they are laid off or that there will be a cut back in hours at work. Yet other issues may be your mortgage or an unpaid loan or the sudden need to take out a loan, even though you swore when the recession first began that you would never borrow more money than necessary. The truth is that you will be forced to do things financially that you normally never would just to get through the next year. For many Crabs, that may also mean leaving a lower paying job with social status for a more labor oriented one that pays less.


This lunar eclipse is going to affect your dealings with creditors and the banks. If you have not kept up with payments on a loan or if you have not paid your taxes, you are going to be in some trouble. During this eclipse, you could also discover that you have been the victim of some kind of deception when it comes to money and you should pursue this matter vigorously so that you can claim the money that is rightfully yours. Many Lions that are not in happy relationships could also decide to get a divorce around this time. This is a time of deprivation and financial frustration for many signs and it is well worth your while to focus on improving your relationships rather than being ambitious with your career over the next several months.


If you have been clinging onto a relationship that is no longer working, it is likely that this eclipse is going to get rid of it for you. You may have been friendly with someone because they owe you money or you are hoping to get money from them, but this plan is likely to backfire around the time of this eclipse. Your relationships with women might also be very competitive and difficult during the next year. There has also likely been a disquieting event in your recent past that has you feeling depressed. The upside of this eclipse is that you may be feeling less attached to this relationship and better able to let it go. This day might also mark the beginning or finalization of divorce papers for some Virgos, who are splitting from a partner.


This lunar eclipse is probably going to affect your domestic abode in some way. It could be that you are forced to move through no fault of your own or that you are no longer able to afford the rent or mortgage. It could also be that this eclipse brings you the opportunity to borrow money so you can buy a home or stay in a present living situation. This may be your only answer, especially if you are one of the many Librans who has lost their job during the past few months. Yet another possibility is that the eclipse reveals a flaw in your present living situation that needs to somehow be addressed.  The good news is that if you do have to move, it will be into a much better situation as the clouds that come with an eclipse are almost always accompanied by a silver lining.


This lunar eclipse in Capricorn will affect attached Scorpions hard. If you have been unfaithful during the past little while, you are likely to be discovered. Most eclipses of the moon have a way of exposing the darkest sides of ourselves and, if you have been up to something, you may have no other recourse but to confess your sins and hope you will be forgiven. Relationships that involve shared business profits or shared property will be the ones most profoundly affected by this eclipse. If you are single, you could find yourself relieved of a long-term erotic obsession or codependent relationship that in reality was never that healthy for you in the first place. Although this detachment may feel like an emotional disaster, it is probably the best thing that could happen to free you and the other person of misery, jealousy, and regret.


This eclipse is a powerful one and it is going to hit your sign in the area of property ownership and marriage. You may find that it is becoming very expensive to maintain a property and, if you own more than one property, you may make the decision that it has to go. The tone of the next twelve months for you will be all about pulling back and scaling back when it comes to spending money. Some Archers may be tied a little closer to home than they ever would want to be over the next year, but a shortage of available cash and enthusiasm from loved ones may make it difficult for them to travel too far from home.


This eclipse is in your sign and likely to hit you quite hard financially. You may be dealing with added expenses. Some may be of a medical nature, but it is also very likely you will be paying more for your mortgage, insurance, and parking. This eclipse could also herald the beginning of a discussion with the tax department. Like all of the signs, you may need to cut back and scale down in order to make ends meet over the next year. You could also take this eclipse as an opportunity to assess your finances and make long term plans for saving money in the future. If you are one of the goats that is going to have problems finding work or who is laid back, you need to be positive and think of your free time as a chance to strengthen your bonds with loved ones.


This lunar eclipse is probably going to affect where you live in some way. It could be that you are forced to move or that you are no longer able to afford the rent or mortgage. As your sign is going through big changes thanks to several other planets constantly clashing in your sign, many of you could be losing property due to a separation or a divorce. It could also be that this eclipse brings you the opportunity to borrow money so you can keep a home or keep a flailing business afloat. The good news is that if you do have to move or leave a job, it will be into a much better situation as the changes that come with an eclipse are almost always blessings in the guise of disasters.


Like the rest of the signs, you are going to mainly feel the pain of this eclipse financially, but you will not be as badly off as some of the other signs thanks to planets favoring you in your fellow water sign of Cancer. You could receive news that you are laid off or have trouble finding employment. You may also find yourself facing an emergency that requires extra cash around this time. You may have to borrow money even if you made a promise to yourself that you absolutely wouldn’t no matter how bad the recession got. Some Fishes may find it necessary to take on a second job to make ends meet, but the good news is that you will have the energy, good health, and sense of humor to get through long hours working and tough times.

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By romie, Tuesday, July 07, 2009 08:30:12 AM
Personally...very much true, already in action. Ill wait for the good to come.
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