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What Does the New Moon in Taurus Hold For You?
New Moon in Taurus This is going to be a very interesting moon cycle for many people, especially earth signs, because it starts with a new moon in Taurus and ends with a full moon in Taurus fourteen days later.

Taurus is a “can do” sign, so it means that anything started around this time should easily come to fruition in two weeks. If you have a long term goal, start it, work diligently, and keep quiet about it and it should manifest positively into an achievement faster than most projects. Be persistent, dogged, and show staying power and you can get your way.

This means that this new moon is excellent for starting a new business, embarking on a new career, and changing your residence. The day before this new moon, the good vibrations are enhanced by Neptune going forward in the sky after being retrograde since May 31st in the flaky sign of Aquarius. If you have been confused emotionally, this means that you will be clearer about who or what you want in the near future.

However, as this happens, the communication planet Mercury squares Uranus in Neptune and Mercury in Scorpio causing some conflict emotionally. Many individuals, especially earth signs and air signs may be making changes in their relationships.

Here is how the New Moon in Taurus on November 6th might best benefit or affect your sign.


For you, this new moon is about revamping or revising a business plan or relationship, so that it is more intuitive and sensitive in nature. In fact, you will be awed by the amount of success that you will garner if you attempt to be less corporate and formal in nature and more people friendly in your actions.


If you want to make a big change and achieve permanent and lasting happiness, then the two weeks after this new moon is the best time to do it. However, you need to watch out for stubbornness and possibly costing yourself something dear because you have decided to be spiteful.


The fourteen days from November 6 onwards is your chance to make a big dream happen. The key is to work quietly and diligently behind the scenes and not be distracted by any personal dramas. This week, a relationship that you value substantially improves.


Neptune, your ruling planet, is causing some emotional havoc on this new moon but some clearing of the air and getting things off of your chest might be necessary for your overall success in the near future. This is also a time when you might find just the right person to build a future with.


This new moon pick a fitness goal, break it down into phases and two weeks from now you will be much healthier. Whether you are trying to lose weight or simply get through a series of doctor’s or dentist’s appointments you have been putting off, things will go well.  This is also a good time to start a renovation project at home.


If you have been planning a vacation, this is the ideal two weeks to put together your travel itinerary and figure out how you can get away from your work obligations. An important relationship may involve an individual who is wearing out his or her welcome. If you would like to send this person packing, this is the time to accomplish this goal.


If you have been planning to spend more time with family, friends, or pets or if you have a project, whether it be creative or business in nature, that must be accomplished by you and a loved one, then now is the time to plan it out and get it done. Refuse to be drawn into a relationship drama that has nothing to do with you in the days ahead.


The two weeks beginning with this new moon are best spent alone working on a professional project that will get you ahead at work. If you keep your nose to the grindstone, you are likely to receive a big cash windfall, a promotion, or good news about a property by the twentieth.


If travel is on your agenda, then the next two weeks are excellent for planning out exactly what you will do and who you will see. You should also use this time to “secure the fort” whether this means ensuring stability at work or at home. This way, you will enjoy yourself more during the upcoming holidays.


If you work hard from this new moon onwards, you will not recognize yourself in two weeks. It is quite easy from you to go from being the position of follower to leader without as much effort as usual. If you believe you can do it, you can but first you must leave all the doubt, envy and confusion that you have been wallowing in for the past six months behind.


Great career success lies ahead of you as long as you can keep focused on one goal and “keep your eye on the ball.” This might be harder than you think because someone in your personal life may be trying to cause a dramatic scene. If you need to, it might be time to abandon this relationship so that you can move forward in life. One way to stop the “acting out” might be to make it clear that your ambition is more important than this relationship right now.


Socially, you will be very much in demand this next two weeks. If there is an important clique or social circle that you have always wanted to be a part of, then the planets definitely favor you making initial introductions. This is also a wonderful time for you to pitch new ideas, look for a new job, or have the boss over to dinner to impress him or her. A cash windfall is also in your near future as your ruling planet Neptune goes direct.

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