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What Does the Super Moon in Cancer Hold For You?
Super Moon in Cancer On December 30th, we are going to see the second of the two “Super Moons” that occurred in the sign of Cancer. The first one occurred on July 22nd and was a total eclipse. This one is also very close to the earth and is estimated to be about thirty percent brighter than the usual Full Moon simply because it is so close to the Earth.

The traditional meaning of the full moon in Cancer is birth and pregnancy, which is why it is quite apt that it is taking place just before the birth of a new year! It is a moon that astrologers tell us is ideal for the manifestation of dreams and wishes. The fact that this Cancer moon is closer to the earth than ever tells us that our dreams and wishes might be closer to reality if we can manage to focus on them intently and also work hard. 2010 does not promise to be an easy year in any way and most of us will need to pursue our dreams practically as well as with the ardor that can be provided by constantly thinking positive thoughts.

The Super Moon in Cancer also allows us to create beauty with very little resources. It is a time of plenty and optimism.

Here is a look at how this magical Super Moon in Cancer will affect your sign on the day just before New Year’s.


The Super Moon in Cancer will feel mystical and magical to you, but you might also feel overwhelmed and even vampirized by the enormity of its watery energy. This is a day of rest and reflection for you that allows you to meditate on your goals for the future. This is a good day to lounge by a pool or big body of water and just relax as much as you can.


The Super Moon in Cancer could have you feeling quite moody and reflective. This is a good day to spend by yourself or readying yourself for New Year’s celebrations. A Cancer moon is very narcissistic and it is a great day to pamper you at a spa. Beautifying your surroundings and cooking a romantic dinner for a special someone is also recommended.


The Cancer moon is intuitive and empathic and you may find yourself desiring to connect with a special someone on a deeper level. Couples may be making a deeper commitment on this special date. This is also a good time to adopt a new pet. A trip to a spa or a beauty parlor on this date will produce spectacular results.


The Super Moon in your sign expands your horizons. A loved one may make a special promise or commitment to you. Some of you may be offered a great job opportunity. This is an excellent day for single Crabs to meet someone new and a fabulous wedding or party date for any of the water signs. Be careful not to drink too much, as this influence tempts us to be self-indulgent.


You may find the watery power of this Super Moon in Cancer to be a bit overwhelming. It may have the effect of making you feel very emotional about the past. Escaping into drinks or vices might be part of a plan to escape reality. Many of you may be attempted to phone an ex lover on this day as well. Keep in mind that a lot of the emotional connections you feel could be illusionary.


This Super Moon in Cancer may have you feeling overly sentimental and a bit irrational. You may feel frustrated that you can’t control everyone or that they won’t recognize that you know what is best for them. This is not a good day for you to assume a leadership role, as people will be too distracted to listen to you.


You will find the Super Moon in Cancer to be very romantic. This is a perfect evening to ask someone out on a first date. It is also the perfect evening to plan an emotional or kinky seduction scene in your home. One danger of this moon is going too far with someone. You are also at greater risk of addiction or drunk driving during this moon which encourages excesses.


The moon in Cancer makes you feel emotional and sentimental. You may feel the urge to commit to or get a commitment out of someone special. You also may feel quite lonely if you are unattached. This moon also favors adopting a new pet if you feel like acquiring the company of a creature who can give you that unconditional love you have been craving all year.


If you are trying to have a child, then the Super Moon in Cancer can definitely accentuate matters to do with fertility. This is a wonderful night for seduction, especially if you can do it in an exotic place near a lake, sea, or big pool of water. If possible, try to spend this day with a special someone as the watery emotional energies offered by this full moon will grant you the opportunity to get closer to him or her than ever.


The Super Moon favors the acquisition of jeweler and clothing for you. It is also a fantastic day for you to get a haircut or a makeover. This moon could also make you feel quite emotional. Your emotions may be closer to the surface and your judgment may be a bit off. It might be a good idea for you to think carefully before you act today as not everything is as it seems.


Every single thought that you have today is likely to be colored by emotion. This is due to the effect of the Cancer Super Moon, which can make you more sensitive and sensitive than usual. This day is best spent alone with your memories and making a scrap book or looking at old photos. It is also a good day to be a visionary and dream about what is possible in your future and how you are going to develop a plan of action to make those dreams happen.


The giant moon in your fellow water sign of Cancer might throw your judgment off today. You will be feeling more emotional than usual, which a good thing is if you are in love, but a very unpleasant thing if you are suffering from resentment or regrets. You may actually have to find some activities today that distract you from having obsessive thoughts about the past. Doing simple things like going o the movies or watching television is a good idea as your nerves are easily taxed by the energies from this intense moon.

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