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What Does Winter’s Mercury Retrograde Mean For You?
Mercury Retrogade Affects Your Zodiac Sign Mercury is scheduled to be retrograde from December 26, 2010 straight through to January 15, 2010.

These retrogrades, which cause the planet of communication to move backwards through the sky, last three to four weeks and occur three to four times a year. This bodes a time when everything seems to be a case of “too little, too late” or “too much, too soon.” Delays, computer problems, broken promises, and relationship problems are also typical of Mercury retrograde periods. Problems with transportation and missing crucial bits of information that prevent you from achieving an understanding or “moving forward” are also typical during a Mercury retrograde period.

A planet can be described as retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards through the zodiac. Of course, this is an illusion, actually the earth is rotating causing the planets to seem to be moving backwards in the sky. Planets are never actually retrograde or stationary, they just seem that way, due to this optical illusion.

This particular retrograde takes place in the sign of Capricorn and joins Pluto there for half of January so relationship struggles are very likely as well as the usual problems with mechanics and technology.


This Mercury retrograde is likely to affect your phone services or technology in some way. Be sure to back up your computer files. Major appliances and vehicles are also more inclined to break down at this time. However, wait until after January 15th before you invest in any kind of big purchase. No matter how compelled you may feel to discuss issues in a relationship, this is not the time. There is too big of a chance of being badly misunderstood.


This retrograde will probably hit the Bull the hardest financially. It may be crucial to keep communication between yourself and a partner to avoid confusion about jointly owned assets. You may also be hit with surprise fees and extra expenses on a credit card. Beware of someone who might be pretending to be your friend. Listen to your real friends who might have good advice to give you about a confusing love triangle.


You are ruled by the planet Mercury and you need to avoid acting without thinking during this retrograde. You have to also avoid making others jealous by not communicating your intentions clearly. Repeat instructions to people you work with or instruct a couple of times, as misunderstandings of all kinds are likely. Take any gossip that you hear with a grain of salt, as it is likely to be far from the truth.


Expect some stormy times in your relationships when phones and computers break down and cause misunderstandings. You may also feel a little less like cozying up to a partner than usual. There is also likely to be issues to do with things like plumbing and electricity breaking down in your residence. This is also not a good time to confront anyone about a relationship or make any big decisions regarding romance.


This Mercury retrograde may have you feeling so misunderstood that you do not even feel like socializing. It is fine to retreat for a while, as communication with others will be difficult at this time. This is especially not a good time to purchase anything big like a house or a car. If you need to apply for a loan or credit, it is best to do this after the fifteenth when you are more likely to get a yes.


You can expect to suffer a great deal of confusion with a partner and jointly owned property during this retrograde. Planets moving backwards in Capricorn create an atmosphere of greed. You may find yourself coping alone thanks to the absence of a necessary partner or assistant. This is not the time to make big demands on the people you love, as you may be met with resistance and resentment. Wait until after the fifteenth before asking for a favor or a loan.


Mercury retrogrades make it more difficult for you to find the approval of others that you so badly need to feel supported in life. This period of emotional insecurity is temporary, but it may serve you well to get a bit of therapy at this time to cope with feelings of abandonment or loneliness. This is also not a good time to try and meet someone new, as the relationship is not likely to last. Plans made for celebrations or parties also often need to be changed if made during a retrograde.


This retrograde may find you fighting over money or desperately waiting for funding for a project that should have had the green light a long while ago. You will also more than likely experience problems with electricity or technology. Be sure to back up all of your computer files, as computer crashes are common during a Mercury retrograde. As communication problems are likely, this is not a good time to have a big relationship talk or start a new relationship.


Expect more than a few issues to crop up around your residence while Mercury retrograde. Problems with plumbing or power blackouts could be a problem. The Mercury retrograde is also famous for computer problems, so back up your files. Yet another challenge this backwards moving planet can cause your sign is delays when it comes to travel. This is simply not a good time to schedule a vacation. This is also not a good time to buy something big or start a new relationship.


As this retrograde is in your sign, you are likely to feel the impact of it quite acutely. It is quite likely that a relationship could end or that an ideal situation is no longer possible due to the confusion caused by the planet of communication moving backwards. So much may be lost that the Capricorn native may have a bit of an identity crisis. The good news is that this is all temporary and will pass by mid-January.  Make sure that you read the fine print on a contract as its contents are deliberately misleading.


This Mercury retrograde is likely to cause delays in travel. This is a lousy time for you to book a vacation. Wait until after the January 15th before you book a time to get away. You might have a bit of a crisis of faith because it will seem that a loved one is constantly blowing you off or standing you up but the truth is that he or she is suffering from the chaotic effects of this backwards moving planet. It is best not to expect too much from people during this type of planetary influence.


The Mercury retrograde has the effect of making you feel quite lonely in the universe either due to broken technology, such as phones or computers, or actual abandonment by necessary partners. You need to be very clear in your instructions or while making plans as backwards moving Mercury can cause unnecessary commotions and confusing behavior. You may also find yourself dealing with double standards or hypocrisies that frustrate and anger you. Calm yourself by reminding yourself that “this too shall pass.”

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