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What Lucky Break Is In Store For You When Jupiter Goes Direct?
Jupiter Goes Direct Jupiter has been in retrograde since June 15, 2009 and every single sign is going to benefit when this planet of wealth finally starts moving forward again on October 12th.

Jupiter is the planet of wealth. It symbolizes everything in our lives that has to do with expansion and profit and that includes money. This means that when it does move forward, all of the lack that we have been feeling the past five months is going to remedy itself.

When this planet originally went backwards in Aquarius, it also gave us the message that there was little hope for a turnaround economically. Most of us had to really tighten our belt. As the planet goes forward, we will definitely being feeling like the worst is over. We will be hearing about new opportunities, more employment, and financial recoveries. We will also be hearing better news about interest rates, foreclosures, and insurance rates.

As this benevolent planet of generosity moves forward, we will also be likely to hear more stories about good Samaritans and miracles.

When Jupiter started moving backwards, many of us felt it in relationships, particularly in long term relationships or engagements. The money shortage stressed many relationships. Some marriages may also renew themselves under this influence as well.

When Jupiter is backwards, we also tend to have less faith in our leaders and politicians. However, as it moves forward, we will feel more secure about those who we have chosen to lead us through these dark times.

Yet another effect of the retrograde reversing may not be as positive physically. Some people find it easier to lose weight when Jupiter moves backwards. However, as it is the planet of expansion, it also can have the rather surprising effect of expanding our waistlines.

However, all in all, Jupiter finally going forwards in the sky is going to bring a great relief to most people. Many relationship matters will finally be resolved and money matters will also experience a great deal of improvement.


You probably felt the impact of this retrograde in the realm of your career. Things will go more smoothly now. It will be easier to get paid for freelance work and a pet project of yours may finally get the green light. You will feel less burnt out and taken advantage of in general. On the downside you may find yourself having less time to spend with your family. Weight gain is also a possibility for your sign so eat sensibly!


You love the fine things in life and you will finally be able to afford them again. Over the next few months you will be able to buy those gadgets and status symbols that your sign is so fond of collecting. You have learned valuable lessons about saving money the past few months and it is a good idea not to be careless with it even if your cash flow does improve.


Jupiter moving forward is going to restore things to rights on all fronts. Relationships will improve and many of you may find yourself on the other end of a marriage proposal. You will also find yourself presented with opportunities that are more in line with your talents.  Your cash flow will also substantially improve and you will be very lucky in the coming months so be sure to play the lottery!


If you had to weather any financial losses this summer you will soon find yourself well on the way to recovery. Jupiter retrograde is going to lighten your work load and your cash flow is going to improve substantially. Your creditors will also be more inclined to make a better deal with you or show you some mercy. Relationship troubles will also subside and you will find yourself feeling more at peace with the world.


You probably felt a shortage of work and cash during the past few months but now that Jupiter is moving forward you will be presented with opportunities galore. Life will seem exciting again.  You may also finally gain the approval from a male authority figure who has been giving you a very hard time these past few months. The only downside is that you will have less time to spend with family and you could gain weight.


When Jupiter moves forward a difficult relationship that may be affecting your money or property is finally resolved. You will find it easier to take time off to travel and seeing relatives you have not seen in a while will not only be very healing but also help you gather strength and perspective. Once you eliminate the old for the new you will also find your cash flow is better and that you may even attract a new love into your life as well! Finally a big albatross will be lifted and you will be able to live your life as a more financially and emotionally independent person.


Like most of the signs you have been struggling with cash flow issues but you are about to do a lot better in the money and career departments than you have in months. Emotionally you will feel better too.  Jupiter is a generous planet and there are many lucky breaks in store for you both romantically and socially during the next few months. You will also feel your work load lessening and some of you may even be offered a raise or a bonus.


You may have faced some financial losses while Jupiter was going backwards in the sky but any legal problems or paperwork to do with all that is finally resolved. You may feel a great sense of relief or freedom, especially if you had to declare bankruptcy or get a divorce because of the recession. The only downside to this is that you may gain weight or be more prone to indulging in more of your vices or addictions than usual.


While Jupiter was backwards in the sky many Archers were denied their usual opportunities to travel. This was partly because cash was a little scarcer and also partly because their workloads were heavier. You will have more time off in the near future to allow you to travel for both business and pleasure. Your cash flow will improve and you could even get a raise or a bonus! You can also expect your social life to become livelier and more exciting over the next few months.


If you are unemployed or underemployed relief is definitely in sight. Many of you are also looking at a promotion or rise after a long, tough and lonely climb to the top. You might also find yourself sighing relief now that an important legal matter is about to be resolved. If you have felt bitter or envious these feelings are about to be replaced with a new positive attitude and a generosity of spirit you have not felt in months.


Jupiter was in your sign when it started moving backwards so you were very hard hit by the negative economic impact of this retrograde planet. Many Aquarians have been feeling lost lately but you will soon regain a sense of place as well as an improved sense of self-esteem. Over the next few months financial and emotional changes will take place in your life that will renew your confidence and also give you a brand new start in life!


When Jupiter goes forward, you will finally experience a turn for the better in your finances. A loan that you thought would not be repaid might start to be paid off. You may also benefit from the generosity of a relative. You will be very lucky in the near future so be sure to play the lottery. If you are single, you might be proposed to in the next few months by an extremely ardent suitor.

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