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What Will Neptune's Retrograde Bring Your Sign?
Neptune Retrograde - May 31, 2010 On May 31st, the planet Neptune is moving backwards in Aquarius until November 7, 2010. This is a planet that rules our sensitivity and emotions. When it moves backwards in the sky, it can mean denial because the information that we are being asked to process in our lives is somehow too much for us.

The Neptune Retrograde should be seen as an opportunity to work on emotional problems. The theory is that if they are not worked on, our problems will just get worse once the planet goes direct.

Other psychological problems that are associated with Neptune going direct are addiction, disillusionment, and depression. It is important that you stay away chemicals and stimulants, as drug or alcohol abuse can make things worse.

Our gut instincts can be off during this time as well. It is important that we “sleep on it” before we make big decisions. Our “inner voice” may be off.

You should also refrain from associating with addictive personalities, people who drain your energy and the occult at this time.

Here is how the Neptune Retrograde will affect your zodiac sign.


Your judgment may be way off on June 3 and 4 and October 24 and 25. Don’t make any big decisions on that day, especially if they are of an emotional nature. If you burn bridges on these days, the damage will be pertinent. Other people are very sensitive at this time so stay away from sarcasm or criticism.


If you have an addiction or obsession, it must be dealt with during this retrograde (that lasts until early November) or there will be very dire consequences to your health or finances. It also may be time to relieve an individual that you have been leaning on of being responsible for you.


You need to be careful of what you say on June 3 and June 4 and July 25 and 26, as there is a greater likelihood that you will be misunderstood. Be very careful to stick by personal boundaries you established in May or respect may be lost for you. Your money picture is good as long as you stay away from people who drain your energy or attack your self-esteem.


Your ruling planet is Neptune and when it moves backwards, you can become very confused emotionally. It can also be quite difficult for you to avoid feelings like jealousy or possessiveness. It is best not to gossip or reveal any secrets as anything that you say can be quickly and cruelly distorted by others this time and cause real grief.


You may become very impatient with a loved that seems very clingy and possessive. Deal with this person’s insecurity immediately or risk a loss of respect in the relationship. Establish firm boundaries with this person or you might find he or she is controlling all of your time. Try to stick to your schedule no matter how much you are tempted to goof off.


When Neptune goes backward, you become quite obsessive. This is not the time in your life to expect other people to be perfect. You should also avoid being jealous, secretive, or possessive. Socializing is the best medicine if you feel isolated or bitter. This is also a time when you may be asked to fix several lagging financial obligations and if you start now, most of your problems will be solved by November.


Neptune moving backward in Aquarius makes you feel like you are immortal. As much as you want to shirk all of your responsibilities and just have fun, it is not the best move you could make in life at the moment. If you loan money in the next few months, you may not see it returned. Watch your tone with others, as they are especially sensitive to criticism.


Neptune moving backwards creates disillusionment and depression. Try to not to isolate and have faith in human beings. If a special person lets you down, it is because you put them on too high of a pedestal in the first place. Rather than be so dissatisfied, it is recommended that you make a list in your head of what you are grateful for in your life.


The Neptune Retrograde may make you irritable or depressed. You may also feel like person in your life is getting on your nerves to the extent that you may want to walk away for good. This is a good time to start a journal and start assessing what matters to you in life. This summer and fall are not great for meeting new people or travel, but instead working to repair your existing relationships.


When Neptune goes backwards, you may be more ruled by your heart than your head. It is important to try and not make hasty decisions. It is also possible that others may lie to you in order to exploit you. Be wary of people who are too charming. If something is too good to be true than it probably is.


You may feel it is better to lie to someone to spare their feelings, but eventually you are going to ruin their lives if you put off telling the truth. You are also especially vulnerable to blowing too much money on temptations so avoid being a shopaholic, alcoholic, or splurging too much on food. It will be difficult to maintain but moderation in all things is your key to success in the near future.


When Neptune, your ruling planet goes backwards in the sky you tend to be a bit disappointed in people. You could also be under the delusion that someone else is responsible for your bad moods or financial problems. The key to your happiness and success over the next few months is to realize that you are solely responsible for your reactions to someone who might even be a little bit crazy. Don’t give him or her all of your power.


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