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What Wonderful Things Will Mars and Uranus Bring Today
Mercury Trine Uranus on September 23, 2011 On September 23rd, just as the Sun enters the zodiac sign of Libra, there is a very pleasant alignment between Mars and Uranus in the sky. Mars in Leo will trine Uranus in Aries bringing with it a new enthusiasm, creativity, and optimism that most people will feel in the air.

Around this time, we will probably hear about some kind of amazing innovation that saves mankind a great deal of trouble and solves a big problem. This influence benefits all computer technology, medicine, science, and also mechanical things. Unusual entertainment, tricks, gimmicks, and gadgets will be the star of the show. 

Flight and fire are also ruled by this positive influence so a rocket or a similar invention is likely to come into being. On a personal level, flight and fire mean “romantic fireworks as well.” 

If you are a fire sign, such as Leo, Sagittarius or Aries, you may find yourself falling swiftly in love. Sex, passion, drama - love is in the air for these signs. Air signs such as Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius may also benefit from the sweet and sexy vibes that Mars Trine Uranus can bring.

Fire and air signs may find themselves blessed with limitless amounts of energy on the 23rd and for a few days afterwards. It is a wonderful time for creative fire and air signs to get a project done quickly or to promote themselves.

Anything online will also likely thrive during this beautiful trine between Mars and Uranus. This is a great day to launch a website.

The danger of this configuration is that it can make some people very impulsive. There will be a temptation to leave one’s entire life behind and take off with a new love overnight. Some people may not think the consequences of their actions carefully through.

Yet another challenge that comes with Mars trine Uranus is “accidental infidelity.” Once again, the fire and air signs are more inclined to betray others because they will be more impulsive and compulsive than usual.

If you are planning to throw a party, then September 23rd is an excellent time to do it. It is also a wonderful night to have a first date.

Here is a look at how each sign might experience this especially benevolent influence:

If you are an Aries, you can expect to fall wildly, passionately, and madly in love with someone who is likely to be a little younger than you. If the person is not younger, then he or she will be quite progressive in his or her thinking and for that reason quite fascinating to you.

If you are a Gemini, then you will be able to look forward to widening popularity, a gift of needed technology into your life, and also more travel in general. The sign of the Twins can also expect to get good news about money or artist royalties. 

If you are a Taurus, life might seem a bit hectic but all of your hard work will be generously rewarded in the next few months. The people you are supporting right now are your biggest fans and will repay your generosity once Jupiter goes forward in your sign. This happens in the weeks after Christmas in 2011.

If you are a Cancer, you might find the 23rd of September to be a bit trying just because others will seem to take off to pursue their own exciting interests while you are left holding the ball at work. Still, your hard work is going to pay off in a promotion or gift of technology in a couple of weeks.

If you are a Leo, you can expect to fall madly in love with someone new, attractive, and who may even seem like a bit of a teacher to you. If you are already attached, treat this person as a serious threat to your existing relationship; romances starting on September 23rd are likely to last a very long time.

If you are a Virgo, you are in luck because this trine is likely to bring you a form of technology that makes your life that much more easily to organize. You may feel a bit wistful that so many of your friends seem to be falling in love or have perfect lives while you work hard but your discipline and cool head is going to work to your advantage when it comes to getting the very best that life has to offer.

If you are a Libra, you are doubly blessed on this special day that is going to bring you a wonderful opportunity to advance yourself both financially and career-wise. Many of you will feel reborn as the trine also brings a special new person into your life who also acts as a mentor and source of inspiration.

If you are a Scorpio, you may feel a bit left out of things and even jealous of the air and fire signs that are having so much fun. However, this influence makes this a great time to promote yourself or to pitch new ideas to higher ups.

If you are Sagittarius, you are likely to be absolutely fascinated by someone that you meet at a hip party and it is likely this person could be a romance – or at the very least – a very close friend. Yet another wonderful bonus for your sign may be news that you will be travelling by air more often in the New Year.

If you are a Capricorn, your creativity and intelligence is bound to be noticed by your coworkers and bosses. This is likely to bring you a raise in the near future. You may also be shopping for a new smart appliance around this time such as a washer or dryer.

If you are an Aquarius, you are likely to have a wildly exciting and romantic time with a new companion. If you are attached, watch out for a compulsive urge to cheat; any relationship started on this day is not likely to be a light affair that will just go away.

If you are a Pisces, this is a day in which you will be very pleased with new technology or even just news about something that has been invented that can make your life a lot easier. Life will be happy, yet quite stressful. Take care of yourself because even “good stress” can take a toll on the health of a very busy person.

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