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Will Venus in Gemini Bring Romance to You on June 9th?
Venus Entering Gemini - June 9, 2011 Normally, when love planet Venus enters the flirtatious sign of Gemini, a wonderful  interplay between lovers begins to happen. Whether you are straight, bisexual, or homosexual, you might find yourself falling in love that day.

Venus enters Gemini on June 9th, bringing a lovely energy with it, especially for the air signs of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. Some signs might also benefit financially on this day as well as Jupiter sextiles Neptune the day before making life a little more materially comfortable for both Taurus and Pisces natives. In fact, the signs of Pisces, Aries, Taurus, and Gemini could be due for a financial windfall or good news about a raise or promotion.

Although this promises some delightful amorous interludes for many of the earth and air signs for the next couple of weeks, it might also bring distress for fire and water signs because both Neptune and Chiron are retrograde. These planets cause a bit of extra emotional turmoil for all the signs because bring drama and irrationality to situations that should be treated with a bit of logic and respect.

Here is a look at how Venus in Gemini might affect your sign over the next few weeks.


Expect to be invited out to lots of parties around June 9th. You are a popular dinner guest and if you are single, your chances of meeting someone new this weekend are excellent. If you have to do a presentation or some public speaking, the 9th of June is one of your best days to do it.


Keeping a relationship alive may seem like a matter of life or death to you. You will find yourself doing things you never imagined to try and keep the one you love in your life. Be clever, witty and not too obsessive and the prize that you desire will finally be all yours.  Jupiter in your sign brings you wonderful news about money; some of you may pop the big question.


Be prepared to be wooed, courted and seduced and maybe by more than one lover. The sun is shining in your sign along with Venus bringing you popularity and opportunity and Jupiter in Taurus is promising to solve a long term financial problem once and for all. An amorous person may suggest marriage.


Around the 9th, you can expect to be served with a Godsend of some kind. Most likely this blessing will be of a financial nature. You may feel charmed by a potential lover, but realize that part of the reason this person is attractive to you is because he or she is unavailable.


Watch out for fickleness in both yourself and others. You may feel the temptation to fool around if you are married, but this is not recommended as other planets, such as Chiron, seem to suggest that it would not take long for your secret to be discovered. Single Lions stand a strong chance of falling in love.


Many of you have been thinking of moving or selling a home for a very long time and in the near future the perfect opportunity for you to do so is going to come up. This opportunity to break completely from your past and start again is the big blessing that Venus has to offer you on this day.


The evening of the 8th is one of your luckiest this year for love. Just try not to become too attached to someone who is attached. There is a real tendency for you to overdo it lately. Do your best not to overindulge on this evening where Venus brings you all kinds of adventures and temptations, especially sexually and romantically.


The vibes that you feel on the 8th might be a little too intense for you to handle. Although you like a bit of drama in your life, you might feel that someone is being too emotional, intense, or clingy. You also might be in for a bit of trouble if you have been keeping secrets; they are likely to be exposed and not everyone will be pleased about what you have chosen to keep quiet about.


You may be asked to do some public speaking or perform on the eighth. If you need to get a message across to anyone, you will be heard loud and clear. This is the ideal day for you to pitch a creative project to a higher up or launch a great idea.  Activities like film and writing blogs are greatly favored.


You may find yourself interested in a courtship with a very wealthy person. However, the planets indicate that the fascination will be short-lived. If you are attached, you may have to watch out for someone very tricky and charming who may be in pursuit of your partner.


It may be hard to reign in your jealousy while the flirtatious Gemini vibes rule the evening. You may have to deal with a flirt honing on your romantic territory. Rather than display jealousy, you are best off to control your emotions and save your sexual energy for impressing your partner in bed later.


If you are single, this day is best for pampering yourself at a spa. If you are attached, avoid petty spats with your partner. There is a likelihood that there may be someone in your midst who is trying to meddle in your relationship or make one of you jealous. Try not to take any gossip too seriously. It is likely false.

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