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Your Back to School Forecast for 2011
Back to School 2011 Most students return to school this week. How will the planets impact your child’s return to the classroom?

The biggest news for the 2011 Back to School forecast is that all of autumn is going to be ruled by Jupiter retrograde in Taurus. This sign cares a great deal about wealth and fertility and when it is afflicted by the wealth planet going backwards, those who are showy or too snobby will have a harder time getting ahead in life. In fact, those who care a lot about wealth may be seen as phony and not caring about the environment.

Jupiter in Taurus retrograde also favors older people going back to school and getting further education, or completing your high school degree if you do not have it. If you need to finish school, then this fall is ideal, especially if you are over 40 and a few courses short of a degree.

The Sun is in Virgo as the school year returns and this is fortunate and fitting as Virgo is the most studious of all of the sign. It is also the sign that pays the most attention to detail.  School actually begins while the moon is growing in the second quarter in the sign of Sagittarius. This means that there may be more sports events and pageantry accompanying this school year – more than usual.  The full moon in Pisces on September 12th may bring sad news, however. This is to be expected as many schools will be focused on the anniversary of September 11th. There will be most likely a few days of mourning and memorials that will be probably mainly handled by the water signs.

Things simmer down by September 23rd when the Sun enters the social sign of Libra. Things at that point will be a lot friendlier and calmer.


You have great potential to impress others with your intellectual and athletic prowess, especially during the first week of school. You might also have the opportunity to take part in some specialized courses or training in technology that is rarely offered.


It is best not to be showy or flashy if you happen to be a rich kid right now. Others will like you better if you dress less expensively and behave in a smart and friendly way. You are likely to excel in any subject to do with the domestic arts or biology.


As an air sign, you are destined to excel at drama, theater, and anything to do with English or the human sciences this fall. Your back to school budget may be trimmer than usual, but you will be able to impress others with your charm and the way you put together vintage wardrobe finds to create an amazing outfit.


Be sure to take your vitamins as you do have indicators in your chart that you might get sick around September 8th. Mercury opposes your sign around then, which is also not the best day for you to try and excel at a test.


When Jupiter is retrograde, you may find that it is more difficult for you to keep your papers in order. There may also be a lot more red-tape for you to wade through to register for school.  On the upside, this type of planetary configuration can help you lose weight.


The Sun is in your sign, which means that you can do no wrong. You are destined to be the teacher’s pet this fall and you are also likely to get good grades. Consider running for head girl or boy or leading a chess or science team of some kind.


You may be feeling overwhelmed with paperwork or the like. It is taking all of your strength and stamina just to get through today. This feeling of weariness might last until about the 23rd when the Sun enters your sign and restores your sense of sport and play.


It may feel like a lot is weighing you down personally as you try to get through school this fall. Perhaps the best thing for you today is just forget your social and love life for a while and focus on school. Next semester tends to be more romantic than this one.


Expect to be in the spotlight or in charge of team spirit somehow. The moon in your sign as the school year begins bodes big things, especially when it comes to parades, pageantry, or excelling at sports. You are destined to win a few awards this year.


It is not a good idea to be too much of a show-off when it comes to looking perfect or displaying wealth this fall. You will be much more in line with the times if you plan to recycle school outfits, binders, and pencil-cases from last year. Participate in more charities if you want to be popular!


The planets bode that you will do very well in school this year and perhaps are at the top of your class. Artistic pursuits such as music, painting, and acting are also favored for Aquarians.  Although money will be tight, you will always seem to be in the right place at the right time.


This school gets off to a quiet start and you may feel quite introverted. However, you may find yourself in the spotlight when the full moon shines in your sign on September 12th. Be prepared to participate in many of the memorial activities that may be planned for 9/11; it is like you will be asked to organize this or be a spiritual director of some kind.

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