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Your Destiny Through Astrology
Your Destiny Through Astrology The relationship between astrology and destiny has been made for thousands of years. The astrological chart names what those issues are and brings us full circle to ask questions about our fate. We also learn from using our astrology charts in an attempt to lessen fate's cruel blows. If there is any valuable in destiny reports, it is that they can help your manifest destiny go a little smoother whether that manifest destiny is a global destiny as determined by slow moving planets (such as Pluto or Uranus) or a personal one as determined by the faster moving planets (such as Mercury or Venus) around the sun.

In astrology, it is believed that destiny stems from the strong feelings of our past, thus bringing us full circle back to the question of our fate. Destiny is our final calling to resolve old issues and to complete cycles started long ago. Charts can also wake us up when it comes to fulfilling destiny and awaken us to potential we may not have seen before.

Our destiny is generally limited to the undeniable and factual circumstances surrounding your birth, such as what sign the sun was in, what sign it was rising into (the ascendant), the exact position of the planets, and other factors. Astrology also reveals some of the more solid, but still mutable elements of your being, such as religion, class and drive. Once these factors are set, it is quite difficult for anything to be done to change them. Everything you do stem from these influences.

Destiny is also about those elements of yourself that are predetermined, but that you want to change about yourself. However, change of destiny is not normally possible and everything that happens to you are fixed according to traditional theories of astrology and destiny. 

The differences between your fate and your destiny can only be determined by you. It's up to the individual to decide what their fate, freewill, or destiny and to act accordingly after seeing what their destiny astrology chart has to advise in them. For the most part, the individual has some say in manifest destiny, but your destiny is all the things about you that are predetermined. 

Some say to believe in destiny is to be naive, as it is a belief that you can have a change of destiny overnight. A chart can only tell you what your tendencies are if you want to believe that astrology and destiny actually offers you a choice. For the most part, it doesn't.

There is an old saying about astrology and destiny and that is that if you live by the belief in destiny, then you will also die by it. Destiny astrology can be an eye opener and help you triumph over adversities in life. You can even have charts done nowadays that give a global destiny and tell you what this epoch of mankind is in for in the next few decades, according to the wheeling of the constellations and their influence on our lives.

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By Kellee, Thursday, May 12, 2011 06:34:06 PM
Take a look at They have tons of info that can be of great help.
By dana, Thursday, May 12, 2011 03:23:16 PM
Its not always what you read, its how you interpret it,Wichita might take a few times to really get it! Dana from Ohio.
By Kelly, Thursday, March 05, 2009 04:10:36 PM
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By Nancy, Monday, February 09, 2009 09:57:55 AM
Check out This site has many known astrologers and free online material available. Nancy
By aidie, Sunday, February 08, 2009 02:02:00 PM
It would be nice to have some place where you can get it done, without taking a risk of it not being a rip off. Recommendations are always a good thing.
By Eliana, Sunday, February 08, 2009 06:55:45 AM
How much a reading will it cost? and how long does take. Eliana
By Karen, Sunday, August 31, 2008 12:12:06 PM
How can I get reaging of my astrology done andd how much will it cost. Karen
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