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Your Halloween 2011 Horoscope
2011 Halloween Horoscope

This Halloween promises to be a wild and crazy time. The moon is going to be in Gemini, which is one of the most social and dramatic signs in the Zodiac. The costumes promise to be witty and creative; the streets and bars will be packed with happy, laughing people.

Gemini is not just a clever sign; it is also a sign that is known for its good will and humor. Expect to see a lot of street performers strutting their stuff for the holiday. The partying will also go very last and the good mood promises to last until Friday, November 2nd when the Gemini moon goes astray and more people are focused on catching up at work.

Technology may play a great role in costumes and also in the way stores and houses are decorated this Halloween as Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Both the planet and the God Mercury rule electronic forms of communication. Do not be surprised if a major band does not release a monster hit song on that evening that crawls the charts the first week of November.

As good as Halloween night looks, there could be quite a bit of conflict and confusion reigning from the evening of the 29th until mid afternoon on the 31st. That is because at this time, the moon is void of course in Gemini. This causes all kinds of disagreements, especially between child and parent or two spouses. Headstrong and temperamental behavior can be expected. It is also a bad idea to leave shopping for costumes until the last minute.

A couple of days before Halloween, on the 28th, Jupiter in Taurus makes a lovely alignment with Pluto in Capricorn. This could mean the resolution of a long standing fight or feud. The vibe around town will be much friendlier in general. Furthermore, this planetary alignment means the money picture for most people will get much better.

However, the vibes are not completely harmonious for everyone. Leos have a bit of a hard time because Mercury in Scorpio squares Mars in Leo during Halloween. This can mean real problems because it is the communication planet clashing with the war planet.

Furthermore, Venus in Scorpio squares Neptune in Aries on Halloween too. This is an influence that is quite harsh for all fire signs including Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo. It can indicate a romantic disappointment or a squabble over next to nothing.

Here is a look at how the planets on Halloween will affect your sign:


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On Halloween, the planet Neptune makes its home in your sign. This planet of extreme emotion has a way of making people overreact to the smallest of problems. It may be a real challenge for you not to feel irritable or snappy because this influence may have you feeling too fatigued to go on. This influence is temporary, but it is best to avoid people that trouble you on this holiday night.


You are in a much better mood by the time Halloween rolls around. After a month of focusing on money problems and a long time feud, you are now in the mood to party. Jupiter in your sign helps you feel a little more philosophical and gentle in your approach to life. You could receive a cash bonus or a surprise lottery winning just in time for Halloween.


The moon in your sign is going to make you the sexiest witch or warlock on the block. Your presence will be in demand at many different parties and a loved one will be especially attentive. You can also expect to hear good news about your career. There is also a possibility you will receive a cash windfall.


This promises to be a fun and sexy night for you, but be careful not to provoke jealousy in someone else. Your ruling planet Neptune is creating a few touchy situations in your life. A sensitive person who is a bit easily offended may try to control your agenda this evening – don’t let them! Let them know you find their envy unattractive.


Your Halloween promises to be a sexy and exciting night. However, there are planets in Scorpio opposing your Mars in Leo. This means that even if you are very well intentioned you might be misunderstood. It seems that some squabbling with a loved one is very likely. You should also watch out for irrational and aggressive strangers who simply want to cause trouble for the heck of it.


Your Halloween gives you the chance to show off your decorating and hostess skills. However, you might feel quite irritated with people who don’t seem to be able to follow the plan to have fun. Be prepared to be stood up or disappointed as a good friend becomes too lost in a fight with a lover or spouse to give you the attention you deserve.


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This promises to be a very sexy and fun Halloween for you. However your ruling planet Venus is in a nasty conflict with a few other planets in the sky. Expect your plans to change at the last minute when someone stands you up. You also might be at the mercy of an indecisive type who cannot make up their mind where he or she wants to go or who cannot decide what costume to wear.


You have many planets encouraging you to have a good time on Halloween, but a clash between Venus in your sign and the sometime irrational planet of Neptune might have you dealing too many irrational, angry people. However, the moon in Gemini helps you distract yourself from feeling down for too long. Be prepared to meet some very wild and eccentric people!


Beware of locking horns with a loved one today. The simplest of disagreements could turn into World War III. A young child could be especially difficult. Mars in Leo is making you feel a bit irritable, but do try to reign your famous talent for sarcasm in for now.  Do not let a hectic day interfere with plans for romance later on in the evening; your sex life promises to get quite steamy later.


This Halloween you will want to stay at home and show off your wonderful Halloween decorations. Expect to pets and children to be a little crankier than usual in the afternoon, but once the evening begins you will have a fabulous time. You could win first prize for a well-done costume. There is still one person in your life whose passive-aggressive ways is irritating you, but the trick is to put your focus on the event at hand. This is one night when it would be inappropriate to share your misery about others.


Halloween promises to be a fun and sexy night for you. The afternoon of the 31st could be a bit trying and you could face some frustrating delays or upsetting information but by the time the evening rolls around all of your problems will be straightened out. The planets really do favor a wild night on the town and flirtatious fun. However, if you are not single beware of being so beguiling that you make a current partner jealous. There is also a streak of jealousy and vindictiveness in the air.


Pisces tend to really have great time when the moon is in the social sign of Gemini. Have a Halloween party of your own and invite your favorite wits. There is an influence from your ruling Neptune that might make you a bit irritable, but it also makes you a bit psychic. Use that extra sensitivity to connect with your intuition rather than find reasons to pick on a partner or find fault with others. A late evening promises an amorous time.


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