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Your Holiday Romance Zodiac Predictions
Holiday Romance Zodiac Predictions Christmas and New Year’s Eve are ideal times for romance. It is the time of year that most people take to look their best and be at their most charming. It is simply easier to meet people because there are more parties. However, sometimes stress, travel disruptions, and money problems make it more difficult to love the one we are with and even more difficult to meet someone new.

So how does romance look for your sign this holiday season? Here is a look at what each zodiac sign can expect.


The lunar eclipse in Gemini on December 21st makes it physically harder for you to socialize and you also may find it harder to connect to people over the holidays. You will be better at entertaining a group than entertaining one on one. Just before New Year’s romance is more likely; singles are advised to get out there and party because you could meet someone.


The lunar eclipse on the 21st makes you less concerned with sex and romance and mainly concerned with survival or money issues. It is possible you may be separated from the one you want to be with on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Things get easier just past Boxing Day. You may want to just snuggle up with your one and only on New Year’s Eve and forgo the big parties.


The lunar eclipse in your sign has you focused on self-development and healing issues. You may not feel much like socializing. Planets in Capricorn make sure that a trip home for Christmas goes well, even if there are travel delays. The Mercury retrograde ends on the 21st and even though you may have lots of party invitations you may be inclined to stay home and have an erotic time with a special someone.


The lunar eclipse on the 21st could cause an argument that passes. You and a mate will likely enjoy a great Christmas together with family or you could reunite with an ex from your home town on the 25th or 26th. Mercury moves forward on the 29th and frees you up to do the town in style on New Year’s Eve. You and a lover might make plans to live together or get closer.


The lunar eclipse on the 21st and backwards moving Mercury can make communication with a loved one nearly impossible on the days leading up to Christmas. Watch out for misunderstandings and communication difficulties. Things relax after the 26th and by the 29th, you will be feeling calm and control again. Spend quality time with your loved ones. Singles could find a kindred spirit if they decide to party.


Thanks to the eclipse and retrograde, Mercury you might be dealing with a very grouchy and incommunicative partner right up to and through Capricorn. In fact, the planets do not indicate that you will spend Christmas with a lover even though spending it with family is indicated. From the 26th on, things improve but you may find yourself dealing with jealousy or a similar bad attitude again.


Mercury retrograde can cause arguments and delays and by Christmas Day, you may be too stressed out for romance. Between the 26th and the 30th, you may find yourself taking a small fun trip somewhere – probably with a lover if you are attached. Romance is not in the air for you on New Year’s Eve even though the vibe is quite positive. You may have to work!


From the 21st, right up until Christmas Eve, the planet Mercury may make life a little too hectic for Your Christmas Day promises to be fulfilling; you will likely spend it with a special someone. As the days lead up to New Year’s Eve, you will feel more like being alone. It is also possible that many Scorpios will have to work that evening and not have time for romance.


The days leading up to Christmas are going to be chaotic and crazy. You might feel a little too irritable to be in the mood for sex and in the days leading up to the New Year’s, you might be more concerned with shopping or work matters. You are likely to spend New Year’s Eve out of town or in another country. It is more likely that you will spend it with good friends rather than a lover.


Retrograde planets make you quite touchy and irritable. You may find it hard to get along with somebody who is close to you right up until Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve could be a romantic evening because the sun and the moon are in your sign. However, insecurity and fear could rule once again on the days leading up to New Year’s. You are best to spend New Year’s alone with a few good friends rather than plan a big celebration.


The lunar eclipse in Gemini on the 21st may have you feeling overwhelmed in the relationship. In fact, during the days leading up to Christmas, you may be escaping a loved one who has been too demanding.  Christmas does seem to be a little more cheery but not that romantic. This New Year’s, you will not be that interested in sex. You will instead be interested in broadening your social circle and meeting new friends. Singles will be quite satisfied to pursue their own interests.


The lunar eclipse in Gemini on the 21st may make it seem like you and a loved one are from different planets. Expect squabbling and strange behavior all the way up until Christmas Eve. The moon in Capricorn on that night and Christmas Day creates a loving, but not necessarily romantic vibe. Jealousy and provocations could rule the week after the 26th, however it is likely the two of you will make up just in time to throw or attend a big party on New Year’s Eve. If you are single, New Year’s Eve is your best day to get out there and try to meet someone new.

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