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Your Mother’s Day Horoscope for May 8th
Mother's Day Horoscope - Mother's Day Astrology As usual, this Mother’s Day will fall on a date when the Sun is in the sign of Taurus. This always bodes well, as even though it is a masculine sign, it is one that is protective and loving of mothers, wives, and all of the domestic arts.

Things are likely to be a little more emotional than usual, either for better or worse, as on the 8th the moon is growing larger in the sign of Cancer. This is a very intuitive influence, but it is can be a very moody one, especially for water signs. Chances are that it will be very difficult to hide any secrets from your mom on this day.

Mars is conjunct Jupiter on that day which is very good news. Both planets are in the cheery and competent sign of Aries. This is a harmonious aspect that indicates enthusiasm, liveliness, and optimism. Many moms, especially if they are fire signs, will be having a bit of an adventurous Mother’s Day outing that including competitive sports, a hike outside, or taking a boat trip. Most mothers will also be in good health and be in the mood to be nurturing and inspiring to both spouses and children.

Here is a look at how your Mom’s sign is likely to be affected this Mother’s Day, which takes place on May 8, 2011.


This should be one of the happiest and most memorable of Mother’s Day celebrations for you; communication will be easy and whether you are in person or just communicating by phone call, there is bound to be a lot of love and support expressed on all sides. Taking your mother out on the town for a shopping trip and then treating her to dinner is a good way to celebrate.


There is going to be a great deal of focus on your Mother’s relationship with your father on this day. This could leave some kids out of the loop of the celebrations. Even if the father has passed away, the paternal influence will be felt somehow in remembrances of the past. Take her out on a shopping spree or teach her to drive!


If you are a Gemini mom, expect to be lavished with gifts. This is going to be one of those days filled with real good will. Harmony among family members will reign.  There is likely to be a trip out to a nice restaurant or a shopping spree on the agenda rather than a home-cooked meal.  The Gemini mom also appreciates a work of art or hand-written poem.


The Cancer mom could be a little bit overly emotional today, but this is more due to sentimentality rather than any real problem or conflict. Do not get the idea that Cancer natives will be relaxing today; whether you are the child or the mother your schedule is going to be full of fun things to do.


The planets are forecasting a great time at home with your mother; she would mostly appreciate a home-cooked meal. Gifts that are hand-crafted and more personal will have more of an impact than ones that cost a lot of money. The Lion mom would also prefer gifts for kitchen, home, or garden this year.


Many Virgo natives could be working on this day, but this is not going to put a damper on your creativity when it comes to showing your mom a good time. Your sign has been experiencing difficulties all year with family, thanks to Pluto in Capricorn, but today the vibes will seem just a little bit easier. To make this the greatest day possible, avoid being too competitive of a spouse or a sibling.


Lovely light vibes to this day make it ideal for a walk, a barbecue, or picnic. The Libra mom will appreciate an artistic and sentimental gift over an expensive one. It does not have to cost a lot. The planets indicated that your sign may be working on this day, but it will not prevent you from celebrating this holiday with your mother.


You are likely to celebrate a couple of Mother’s Day. It may be that you and a spouse or lover will be dealing with two or even three sets of mothers. Children play heavily into this Mother’s Day scenario. Expect them to need pampering or entertaining. The Scorpio mom would appreciate a day off without the kids; in fact, if her spouse is alive, then buying them both a romantic dinner or getaway would be a great gift.


Today, your mom might want to visit and art gallery or a museum. She will be in the mood to explore or investigate new terrain. Driving her out to an antique market might be a good idea. If you are a Sagittarius mom, you may feel like you are in the mood for an ethnic meal or like you want to enjoy a restaurant experience that you have never had before.


It is important that you do not let old grudges interfere with the celebration of Mother’s Day.  Your best approach is not to be too competitive with a sibling or spouse. If your mother is emotional, it is also a good idea to hear her out about her problems. Children, grand children, and pets bring you the most happiness today.


You might have to work today or your mother might be occupied. Do not be surprised if your celebration is post-paned a day or two, as Aquarians might be a bit too busy for this type of holiday. Travel is on the agenda for both Aquarian moms and children’s on this day; it may be a case of combining business with pleasure.


Plan a big party with several mothers together. The Pisces mom is going to be in the mood to socialize and a backyard picnic complete with extended family and charmed visitors is a good idea. If this is not on the agenda, then take her out to a big restaurant and show her off. Maternal Pisces types are going to be a bit emotional today; do not be alarmed as any tears are likely those of happiness.

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By theresa, Monday, May 09, 2011 07:21:33 PM
that wasn't all true i am a gemini didn't go shopping or anything I got all the gifts from my guy and youngest daughter my oldest however tried to destroy a nice resting day at home she started fighting with me and my guys mom .my oldest daughter is a taurus and she stinks majorly at relationships as a friend and even worse as an older daughter to me she just destroys all holidays its always gotta be about her and she was trying to fight with two gemini moms which was even worse cause she couldn't win for over two hrs of arguing with us both cause my guys mom is june 15th and mine is 4 days afterwards so yeah a taurus is more bullheaded then bieng nice when it only comes to them
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